
Desires of a Lead

When Nadia is handed a new novel in a series to edit, she isn't exactly thrilled. What Nadia doesn't know is that the story she'd been handed is about to come off the pages. One character in particular is not happy with the way the story is going. He's a side character name Xyle. Xyle is angry that he has been treated so poorly in the series he was written. He has a few things to say and mistakes Nadia for the author at first. Nadia has no idea what to do with this inhuman warrior that has stepped off the pages of the novel she is editing. What's worse, he starts to come after her in a far different way. When Xyle realizes that if you want to stay alive you need to find a way to be a lead in this world. To him it seems obvious that Nadia is a female lead. A female lead that does not appear to have a male lead in her life. How is that not a perfect opportunity to escape his fate and get what his original author denied him? A life, a mate and even simple joys. Xyle realizes pretty quick that Nadia is going to make this hard. To bad he's already used to a hard life, and being denied. He's going to win this time, even if he has to write their fates himself into the pages of this story.

Lee_C_Conrad · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Eye For An Eye

"You…. You… Asshole!" Nadia exclaimed, stomping her foot with anger and clenched fists. How dare he do that! Even with this new part of her that felt this draw to him. This completion she didn't know she needed, she was livid.

"Yes well, at least I get to be a living asshole rather than a dead one." He stated and rubbed the side of his face for a second. That was quite the wicked slap she had. Did he deserve it? Yeah, but did he care? No. Besides this was thrilling to him, escape death and a mate? Finally for once he got something, it wasn't just dangled in front of him and torn away. She was real flesh and blood.

"I want you out of my house. Go find your life somewhere else." Nadia whipped around and marched toward the table where the computer was. Xyle raised an eyebrow at her.

"You are my mate, my soul mate. I'm not going anywhere. What else is there." Besides, he didn't know how this world functioned really. He had an idea of how. Like there was downloaded information in his brain. Still that wasn't how this worked. Clearly his world and her story were meshed and there was going to be a learning curve.

"You're about to be arrested, that's what." Nadia told him snatching her phone and turned around. She watched him as he casually leaned back on the counter there with his hip. He crossed his arms. Nadia definitely ignored the movement of his muscles and body that drew her eye. No absolutely not, this was not happening. He could take his rude sexy ass somewhere else. Right on the heels of that she was annoyed at the thought too for the word sexy.

"Go ahead sweetheart, call them. I'm not going anywhere. You think some puny human police are going to cart me off?" He looked annoyed with her as he raised an eyebrow.

"I'm hoping they shoot you. Don't call me sweetheart." He actually chuckled a little. The sound deep like his voice.

"No you don't. Honestly, what's the problem with what I did really? We are now meant, at least you know if we try it will work." She pointed at him.

"The only one that is going to have to try is you. I'm not the one that forced anything on anyone. I was doing my damn job, you want a mate you are going to have to work for it. This female doesn't give handouts." She told him and he shrugged again.

"I figured as much. You forget how much I have watched my brother and his mate run around each other. I figured this would be no different and I like a challenge. I'm rather good at them actually and getting what I want or need." Case in point, he just circumvented his death. He studied her for a moment from her thick fall of dark chocolate colored hair and down her toned curves. His female was a little spit fire he could see, good. A good looking little spit fire in his opinion. Xyle really liked the sound of that, his female. Finally he could say that without pain in his soul for the thought.

"Not this time." Nadia countered and looked down at her phone. She really had thought to call the cops. However that didn't seem smart. She couldn't remember all the things that he could do. He had abilities, not just the natural allure. Persuasion was one, able to suggest things to open minds. What else? Shit, she needed to remember more about his character. She shoved her phone in her pocket and moved to go into her living room to the small bookcase there. She had the four previous stories in The Hex Series there. She got them because they were her first real edits and the books did so well.

"What are you doing?" He asked her a curious note in his tone as he watched her. Xyle was puzzling out just what he was going to have to do. He was sure she meant what she said. So did he, and now he'd tied himself to her. So he needed a plan, he needed to figure out more about Nadia. He really hoped that he hadn't misjudged her story and it truly was mundane. Then again, he was part of it now. His life story was not mundane.

"Research." Nadia snipped and looked at the books. The first one he wasn't in too much she remembered that. A bit more mysterious and just mentioned. Just a few scenes, but the second one she felt Laural might have given him more credence. Told about him and his talents. She figured that he would be very similar to Zyer. Nadia reached pulling out the second book of the series. She felt the brush of his breath behind her ear and hair, this tingle of awareness shot down her spine. Nadia had never felt anything quite like the hot rush that went through her body and threatened to pool low in her stomach. She fought it hard. No, that fucking nose of his would scent desire she was sure. Why did he have to be some near immortal creature?

"If you want to know something, you just have to ask." He purred into her ear. Nadia quickly stepped forward and to the side to get out of his space. That sandalwood scent of his had almost wrapped around her and clouded her head. She was thankful that she was not like him. Not a wolf, or vampire that might just go with the flow. That had been a strong reaction to just him coming up behind her.

"Yeah right." Nadia said eyeing him. Honestly she wanted to bolt from the room. His gaze seemed more intense to her than before. At least it was no longer intense with anger. He better not think he was jumping on that mate bandwagon immediately. This was the real freaking world. She was not going to cave to her libido like a stupid teenager. Fated or not, uncontrollable desire was not real.

"Have I lied about anything yet?" He asked her, tipping his head slightly and she very much noted how his gaze slid over her. She felt a bit of anger flare.

"You keep your eyes up, top buddy. Stop looking me over like some helpless prey item." She demanded and his gaze came back up a bit more slowly. There was a darker smirk there, his light green eyes meeting hers.

"Or what? I like this change, the sensation of being able to enjoy the sight of another. I'll look my mate over if I wish." Nadia narrowed her eyes and mumbled something. He looked at the book she held and he wasn't sure what part of his life that book would be. To him it wasn't titles or chapters, it just was. With a swift move he plucked it out of her hand and took it.

"Hey! Give that back." Nadia said and he started reading the back. It talked about Lillian first and then Zyer. He clenched his jaw a bit, this one had several rather painful things happen to him. He went to open it to see which parts were shared and she took it back.

"Rude." She told him. He narrowed his eyes at her a bit.

"Rude? That's my suffering and life. I have every right to read it before you anyways." Nadia looked up at him and the anger in his voice. She actually felt kind of awkward and bad for a moment. He was kind of right. Still he did just force himself into her life with this mate thing. She needed to read this and find out a bit more.

"Yes well, I don't think you'll be honest about what you can do. I need to know what you are going to try and pull. This will tell me what I need, not a lie." Xyle stared at her and then crossed his arms. Not a very happy look on his face.

"I guess common courtesy isn't something you practice. Guess I don't deserve the respect of privacy because someone wrote my deepest moments and pain on a page. It would be a decent thing to just ask and allow me to share what I want. We are mates, you'll know it eventually." He growled a bit, especially if they bonded. Then their minds would be open to each other. Nadia had a bit of red to her face, his tone was honestly scolding. She supposed that he was kind of right. He suddenly got this thoughtful expression on his face. Then he pointed at her.

"You know what fine, read it. I bet there's something I can read about you." He turned and moved from the living room to the hallway. Nadia felt her stomach drop for some reason she couldn't name.

"What are you talking about? I don't have a book." She said moving after him. Her home was small and he sure seemed larger in stature as he moved into the hall filling it with his presence.

"I'll bet my life you have a diary. You just seem like that kind of female. If not, well, whatever. You don't give me privacy, I don't care about yours. Let's see what you have in your room."