
Desires of a Lead

When Nadia is handed a new novel in a series to edit, she isn't exactly thrilled. What Nadia doesn't know is that the story she'd been handed is about to come off the pages. One character in particular is not happy with the way the story is going. He's a side character name Xyle. Xyle is angry that he has been treated so poorly in the series he was written. He has a few things to say and mistakes Nadia for the author at first. Nadia has no idea what to do with this inhuman warrior that has stepped off the pages of the novel she is editing. What's worse, he starts to come after her in a far different way. When Xyle realizes that if you want to stay alive you need to find a way to be a lead in this world. To him it seems obvious that Nadia is a female lead. A female lead that does not appear to have a male lead in her life. How is that not a perfect opportunity to escape his fate and get what his original author denied him? A life, a mate and even simple joys. Xyle realizes pretty quick that Nadia is going to make this hard. To bad he's already used to a hard life, and being denied. He's going to win this time, even if he has to write their fates himself into the pages of this story.

Lee_C_Conrad · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Computer Witch

Nadia went forward and walked to the back area. She didn't see anyone at first and came up to the desk there. A bit of noise came from the back room and the open door. A second later a short petite woman came out. She was wearing a black tech shirt and her hair was a spiked black and purple mess. She looked at Nadia with a smile and then her gaze went past her and it fell right before it lit up like a kid at Christmas.

"No freaking way! It actually worked!" Jena nearly bounced around the counter. Nadia frowned setting the computer on the counter. Jena went around her and was looking at the three. Nadia wasn't exactly surprised by her comment. Clearly people came out of a computer, someone was responsible for it. At this point it was starting to grow hard to shock her anymore.

"Xyle, Zyer, and Lillian! How fucking cool! I didn't think that was going to work at all! I was just trying to tweak a few things. Holy shit." She reached and kind of touched Xyle who was closest to her. Her fingertips pressed his stomach and he looked down really confused.

"What?" Xyle asked looking down again. Why'd she touch him? He didn' trust it, his look said so too.

"You're real. Like solid, that's unexpected." She said, and looked speechless. Xyle looked at her like she was short a few. Zyer had a raised eyebrow at the eccentric woman. Xyle looked at Nadia for direction and Nadia just lifted her shoulders not sure. Xyle took a slight step when Jena touched him again as he was looking at Nadia. Her one hand patted his stomach and she had half pinched his chest. She gave a whistle.

"Did you just fucking feel me up?" Xyle touched himself just checking she hadn't like, put something on him. She had a slight scent of witch, he didn't trust that. Witches where he came from were not trusted at all. Why did she think she could touch him?

"Jesus, you're as ripped as it said. This is so freaking awesome." Xyle gave her a dark look. What the serious hell? Jena looked at Zyer who was watching her. He had a serious look about him. Nadia raised an eyebrow, dear lord was this woman like… fan girling? Her face was flush and she looked like a kid at christmas. Laurel hadn't lied, the woman was excited. She recognized them before even asking a name. They must really look like their descriptions.

"No seriously, this is so cool. I have read your stories so many times, and meeting you is super awesome. This is like meeting a movie star you know. Can I like, get an autograph? You're real too right?" Jena reached and Zyer's eyes nearly went black. However Nadia was a bit shocked at how quick Lillian was just right there. She got a firm but gentle hold on Jena's wrist.

"Don't touch him." There was a warning in Lillian's tone. Nadia wasn't sure if it was jealousy that led Lillian to do that, or honestly stopping Jena from making a really bad choice. Nadia thought that Zyer looked like he might throw a punch if she tried to touch him. Nadia thought that a strange reaction.

"Oh, yeah sorry. Sorry, just got kind of excited you know? Don't worry I meant nothing by it." Xyle glanced at Zyer. He wasn't sure what to make of this woman. She didn't smell like deceit but she was a witch. Zyer had worse run-ins with witches. Adrellie had tried to use a few witches to catch Zyer, hence his reaction. He didn't trust them as far as they could throw them.

"You're the lucky bitch huh? I thought Laural would at least try the program and meet her characters. Who are you exactly? You kind of lied, I was expecting Laural." Nadia pursed her lips as Jena clasped her hands looking at the three that were staring at her with an untrusting gaze. Before Nadia could speak Jena did again.

"You're way prettier than Laural made you sound by the way Lillian. You have a really good strong air about you. I like it." Lillian looked annoyed. Jena turned to face Nadia as she spoke.

"Lucky isn't the word I would pick. Look Jena, can you help us here? Whatever you did, you caused a lot more than some visit from a character. They are real and so are their enemies. Kane and Adrellie came out. We need to put them back in. Your program is running amok." Nadia said seriously, even though she had yet to see the vampires. Quite frankly she didn't want to.

"No flipping way!" Jena said. "Holy hell, Nanna was right about that summoning spell." Jena's face fell a bit as something seemed to come to her. "I suppose there are characters that should stay in huh?"

"Summoning spell?" Xyle asked. He narrowed his gaze. "You put a summoning spell on that? What if demons came out?" There was a growl to his voice and Jena's face flushed.

"I was careful alright. I'm really good with coding and I made sure to program that in there. I just did a simple one, I needed to test it out. Plus I thought it would be so awesome to talk with characters from another world. In case you didn't notice, being special is very rare here."

"What exactly were you testing?" Zyer asked darkly as Jena pulled the computer toward her on the counter.

"I was testing to see if maybe using the digital world you could reach other ones. Some of us don't belong in places they end up. I for one think it would be great to go somewhere else. I hate it here." Jena stated. "Though I thought this would just be like a phantom projection. Not so real."

"Be careful what you wish for Jena." Lillian warned, and Jena shrugged.

"So you don't like it here? Taking a break from your world isn't nice?" Jena asked looking at the three. Her one hand was making odd little motions in the air as she typed with the other on the keyboard. Jena figured she'd need to read where the program and spell had pulled out the purebloods.

"Didn't say that, but two purebloods are now running around because the computer pulled them out." Zyer said with a slight growl. Jena bit her lip looking at the computer. The screen went black and then code started to appear up the screen. She stopped what she was doing and just waited for it to load so she could look it over.

"Well I'll make sure to undo the summoning spell. That way it won't pull anyone else out. See if I can't send them back." Jena's tone didn't seem like she was understanding the gravity of the situation.

"It said the interview pool was full." Nadia commented and Jenna shrugged.

"Yeah, but magic is magic. So let's make sure." Jena stood with a hand on her hip. Nadia was looking at the computer. The lines just kept going, and she had no idea what any of that jargon meant. Nadia frowned at the computer, all this was just some simple magic to this woman? Nadia wasn't sure she liked that, it just messed up her life. Jena needed to realize what she'd done.

"So uh," Jena started looking Xyle over. He slightly narrowed his gaze at her. What was she looking at now? She kind of eyed him with this almost lustful gaze. He just stared at her not returning it. It was really creepy to him how she kept looking at him or Zyer. Like someone looked at their crush. It was weird to him.

"Can I like, go on a date with you?" Xyle couldn't look any more shocked unless she slapped him. A date? Was she serious, what kind of bizarre request was that? He was damn sure he was not putting off any kind of vibe or allure. Second could she stop looking so excited? What a strange woman.

Nadia glanced up at Jena. A really ugly feeling hit her stomach but she squished it. No, hell no she was not letting that feeling up. Xyle would not let her live it down if Nadia showed any jealousy. She blamed the mate thing, Jena was looking at him with that girlish excitement again. A smile on her face. Nadia however really hoped he didn't start flirting with her or something. She's definitely call him out for being a hypocrite.

"No." Xyle with an incredulous tone. Number one, he'd never dated anyone in his life. He went out and found someone to kill the loneliness then left. Number two, Nadia was the only one that had any interest for him. She was the one he wanted, everyone else could fuck off in his opinion.

"Oh, come on. It'll be fun. I'd ask him but you know… Lillian." Jena gestured to Zyer who raised an eyebrow and Lillian had a very slight pink tint to her cheeks.

"She's not playing with a full deck of cards is she?" Zyer said. Lillian gave a slight smile looking up at him for a moment. Jena rolled her eyes.

"It's a fair question! Not like you have a girlfriend, not asking for commitment. I know you're hexed and all. I'd say I could fix it, but yeah not how it works and we aren't in your world. Do you know how many that read the Hex Series would kill for a date with you? There's even a little fan page Laural has set up on her social account." Jena said. "Literally a dream come true, besides Zyer of course. He's got his own, Lillian even has a following. Fan boys." Jena wiggled her eyebrows. Zyer crossed his arms not happy with that last statement at all. Lillian clearly felt uncomfortable but had a bit of humor. Xyle did not look amused Nadia's eyes widened. Wow Jena just said what came to mind didn't she?

"Why would Laural do that? God I want to stab her." Xyle felt really disturbed. There were people that did that? Why? Prior to a few days ago he was technically a fictional character here. Second, she built up his character in other ways and was still going to kill him? What the fuck kind of mess up shit was that?

"Well yeah, you're a popular character." Jena said with a little laugh. "So how about it? You know before the interview ends and you go back." The three immediately looked at her. There was dead silence for a moment. Jena seemed to realize she said something she probably shouldn't have.

"Whoa, wait what? Are you going to end the interview?" Xyle stepped forward and his eyes went black. Jena looked taken back by the change in demeanor and dark eyes. He wasn't the only one either.

"Well, no. I was just going to stop more from coming. It's taking longer to load than I thought. I mean, the interview will end, it's how it's designed. Then it would give your input and help write out more of the next story. Depending, I mean I really am trying to work on a serious program for doing that. Do you know how much writers would pay for a program that helped them write? This was different, a test for other things too. You know projection and stuff." Jena said and Nadia was aware that Vincent probably was one of other things. That wasn't first on the list to ask though. However Nadia filed it away to ask later.

"How long did you program this to go for Jena? What if they don't want to go back?" Nadia asked her and Jena frowned.

"I mean, technically you are beings from a different dimension if you will. One that is of Laural's mind so how could you possibly be here forever? I was shocked I could touch you to be honest. That's not what I thought I programed." Jena said with a laugh. Though none of them did.

"Jena I think you really have no idea what you did. What if that is not some interview? They're flesh and blood, not some magic construct. Trust me I know." Nadia told her a bit more fiercely and was pointing down on the counter with her finger. Nearly like she was scolding a child.

"He used that to change his fate. Laural already has the next story done, there was nothing to write. Xyle dies in it. So this is pretty damn serious. Not to mention what happens to them." Nadia gestured to Zyer and Lillian. Jena looked shocked. Xyle clenched his jaw and then spoke.

"I'm not going back there to die. So if you messing with that code change, then I won't let you." Jena looked like a fish out of water for a moment.

"But… I don't have control of that. This isn't your life, the magic will wane…" Xyle made a darker sound and Nadia looked at him. She felt this tingle, and just knew that he was seconds away from doing something. Her awareness of him was on a different level suddenly and she watched him.

"It is our life now, she is my mate. Magic or not that does mean something no? Your computer did it." Xyle reached up and put a hand on the top of the screen. His nails more like claws. He would not let her fuck up his fate. Not when he was so close to being out of that goddamn story. He was not going back for some money hungry sociopathic bitch to kill him and torment his brother and sister kin.

"I'm not going back there to be tortured again, to die. To let them be subjected to Luaral and her cruelty. You know nothing witch. I deserve to have a life, a mate. Not a toy for entertainment." The bite to his words was fierce and honestly his features were starting to look less human. Nadia saw Zyer move realizing that Xyle was close to an edge. He did not like what Jena just said. They were very aware of how much a witch could fuck with their lives.

"Xyle." Naida said quickly and reached out putting a hand on his arm. The one that was gripping the computer. His skin looked darker, and she was concerned he was about to shift into some mythical creature. She actually wasn't scared of that, she was more concerned if he let that anger he kept bottled up out, he'd kill someone. He turned his head and met Nadia's grey gaze. She did not look away, she held his gaze. Letting him know she understood, but he needed to back down.

"Don't. It's not going to stop." Nadia knew it with every fiber of her being. What had been done was a lot more than what Jena intended. She had a feeling that Jena was just another conduit for what was truly at play. They stared at each other for a moment, Jena looking between them. Jena moved to say something, but another voice spoke.

"Story in progress, unable to pause story." Both Jena and Xyle quickly moved their hands away from the computer. It gave them both a slight shock that made their muscles cramp in their arms. Jena and Nadia could see the computer rush through the code and then the screen went black. A second later it came back up with the white screen that was typing invisible words.

"What the…" Jena said her light brown eyes growing a bit brighter as she moved her fingers in the air. They could feel her using some magic. There was this sudden static discharge and Jena yelped her hand cramping and feeling like she was just burned.

"Story in progress, unable to pause story." This time that automated voice nearly sounded flat rather than cheery. Then it spoke again with the normal tone.

"Character recognition, Jena, Nadia, Xyle, Lillian and Zyer." Jena looked up at them. Her look said she had no idea what just happened. Xyle was still in a half mind to reach over that counter and take the computer back. He'd rather chance having to fight the purebloods here than screw up and have to be back in a place that would take his life. Now he regretting coming here to this witch.