

The survival story of a former human—now monster in a world that defies all understanding—a realm where magic and monsters rule. In this harsh and unforgiving land, the danger is ever-present. Reynold faces relentless threats from fearsome creatures and treacherous terrain, each day a battle for survival. Despite these immense challenges, he discovers that he is not just surviving but thriving. The trials that would break others became stepping stones for him, and each challenge met with an unyielding determination. 

SapphireKantCook · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Not much is known about civilization before the descent of the Great Cataclysm. What fragments we possess are shrouded in mystery, their secrets obscured by the relentless passage of time. Yet, from these obscure remnants, we gather that the Great Cataclysm was a cataclysmic event of unparalleled magnitude, plunging the world into chaos and irrevocably altering its course.

Six portals of blinding light materialized without warning, heralding the onset of this tumultuous period. These Gates, as they came to be known, were not merely ethereal anomalies but conduits to realms beyond our comprehension. From their radiant depths emerged creatures of nightmare and wonder, their presence casting a long shadow over the world.

The immediate aftermath was pandemonium. Cities vanished overnight, consumed by waves of monstrous entities that poured forth from the Gates. Societies, once bastions of stability, were plunged into desperate struggles for survival. Kingdoms crumbled, and from the ruins, new alliances were forged in the crucible of conflict.

The Great Cataclysm was a period of profound transformation, reshaping the very essence of our world. The appearance of the Gates and the subsequent advent of the system that came after disrupted ancient hierarchies, catalyzed unprecedented advancements, and set the world on a new and unpredictable path.

Excerpt from page 67 of "The descent of the Great Cataclysm and the impact that it had on the world" from the library of the Ivory Tower.

Minerva stood at the threshold of the massive gate before her, its swirling darkness beckoning ominously. The portal shimmered with an eerie blue light, casting long shadows on the ground. She could feel the weight of the eyes of those behind her, fellow mercenaries and the like, all itching to step through and conquer the unknown.

Minerva wasn't new to this. She had faced the dungeon before but was always stopped by the sheer physical demands of the first floor, unable to further advance. The creatures she encountered were powerful; their blows were like sledgehammers, and the dungeon's massive network of tunnels and caverns required not just stamina but wit to properly navigate. Each time, she had been forced to retreat, her muscles screaming in protest and her strength insufficient to overcome the relentless challenges. Today, however, she felt as though perhaps just perhaps she might make some progress and finally advance to the next floor. It might just be wishful thinking on her part, but even so, she refused to give up.

Minerva's heart pounded in her chest, a mixture of fear and anticipation coursing through her veins. She took a deep breath before tightening her grip on her short sword, getting a feel for the familiar comfort of its hilt. The leather-bound handle was worn from years of use, a testament to the countless battles she survived.

"Are you ready?" a voice called from behind. Minerva turned to see Miria, her friend and party member. She was a skilled mage; her gray robe was laced with black, and underneath she wore protective chainmail made to cover her vitals. Along with her equipment, she wielded a long wooden staff.

Minerva nodded. "I have to be. This gate won't wait for us to be ready. Plus, the association pays good money for those who slay monsters and collect their remains."

Miria sighed but nodded in agreement. While the last comment was unnecessary, it spoke volumes about Minerva's situation and why she always worked so hard. Miria placed her hand on Minerva's shoulder, a silent gesture of support. "Let's do this, okay? And don't overdo it like last time, leader."

Minerva offered a small, reassuring smile back. "I will try."

Both Minerva and Miria continued exchanging plesantries before the rest of the party showed up. Aric, Elara, and Harus arrived shortly after.

Aric, with his tousled brown hair and earthy attire, carried a staff with a tip that was adorned in metal. He gave Minerva a nod, his eyes glinting with determination. "We're all set with the preparations. Just give the word."

Elara, slender and agile in her dark green leather armor that blended seamlessly with the shadows, gave a quick, confident smile. "Ready when you are."

Harus, stout and imposing in his thick iron armor that bore the marks of countless battles, grinned broadly. "Let's crush whatever stands in our way. I've got your back, Minerva."

With her team assembled, Minerva felt a renewed sense of confidence. They had trained together, faced countless dangers side by side, and trusted each other implicitly. This time would be different; this time, they were ready.

"All right," Minerva said, her voice firm. "Let's move out."

Being one of the last of the mercenary groups to enter the gate. The group advanced forward with the ease of professionals, their expressions calm and focused. With a deep breath, Minerva stepped through, her short sword in hand. The air around the gate crackled with energy around her. She could feel the pull of the dungeon, an almost physical force tugging at her. She took one last look at the outside world; the once bright sky and green scenery disappeared as she stepped through.

The transition was instantaneous and jarring. One moment she was near the gate entrance, surrounded by mercenaries and soldiers, and the next, nothing. As if she were enveloped in darkness.

[You have entered the first floor of the Dungeon of the Depths.]

Minerva's eyes adjusted quickly to the dim blue light. The inside of the gate was a narrow, winding tunnel, and the walls were lined with veins of dim light. Some thicker, some thinner, spread out in a random pattern, lighting up the corridor. The air was damp and musty, filled with a stale scent. Minerva had heard from Miria about the veins of light in gates and how they acted as carriers to move mana from one place to the next. A strange phenomenon, she thought.

"Stay close and stay quiet," Minerva instructed as she took the lead, her eyes scanning the path ahead. The rest of the group fell into formation, their movements silent and efficient. They navigated through the initial tunnels with caution, moving from tunnel to tunnel, every sound echoing ominously. Minerva led the way, with Elara and the rest of the group behind. Her senses were on high alert, and her grip on her sword tightened with every step. Aric and Miria took up the rear, their eyes scanning for any signs of danger and utilizing the mana sense skill to detect any shift in the concentration of mana.

Suddenly, a growl echoed through the tunnel. The ground beneath their feet trembled, and from the shadows emerged a massive beast (most likely a bear type), its eyes glowing red and its teeth bared in a feral snarl. It was easily twice the size of the average mercenary, perhaps even larger. Its body was covered in thick, matted brown fur with razor-sharp claws. The strangest part about this beast was the fact that it had two heads.

With a loud, deafening roar, it charged.

The group sprang into action. Both mages took in pure mana from within themselves and converted it into earth mana before manipulating and shaping the ground below the beast, liquifying it into mud to sink the beast. Once it sank, the rest of the party attacked, releasing a flurry of spells, sword light, and even arrows that rained down toward the massive beast. The beast thrashed furiously, using its fearsome strength to forcibly escape the liquid earth that it was partially submerged in.

"Here we go," Minerva muttered, releasing her sword from its sheath.

Upon freeing itself, the beast charged forward. Harus raised his shield and began to chant. A barrier formed over his shield, creating a pseudo-defensive wall. The ground trembled with each step of the beast, its sheer power intimidating those around it. The beast swiped with a massive paw, sending Harus flying into corridor walls with bone-crushing force.

"Harus! Are you okay?" Elara asked, her voice filled with concern as she glanced back at their fallen comrade.

Harus groaned, struggling to rise. "I'll live. Just a bit shaken."

Minerva gritted her teeth, stepping forward to cover Harus as he regained his footing. Minerva, with her grip tightening on her sword, darted around the beast, her movements quick and agile. The two-headed monster roared, turning one head towards her while the other snapped at Elara. Minerva used this to her advantage, slashing at its exposed flanks with precision. The blade bit into the beast's thick hide, eliciting a roar of pain.

"Tch, it's shallow." Minerva cursed.

Elara, using this chance when the beast was in pain, nocked an arrow and aimed carefully. Her dark green armor blended seamlessly with the shadows, making her nearly invisible. "I've got your back, Minerva," she called out, releasing the arrow. It flew straight and true, embedding itself in the beast's right eye. The monster howled in agony, momentarily blinded.

"Nice shot, Elara!" Minerva shouted.

The beast, furious, retaliated. Constructing and materializing spears of stone (via mana) with one head while the other spat out flames and attacked.

Behind the front line, the mages and Harus began their incantations. Mana gathered around them, dancing around them like wisps of light, as a semi-transparent barrier formed to serve as a shield to protect the entire group. Then the attack hit, showering the area with bits of rubble, followed by a change in temperature likely due to a beast's flame attack.

Miria extended her hands, summoning multiple spears of searing flame. Beside her, Aric, an earth mage, manipulated the earth mana, causing the ground under the beast to sprout and produce two hands that held the beast down.

"Now, Miria!" Minerva shouted.

Miria hurled the fire spears with all her might. Streaking through the air like blazing shards, it exploded against the bear's flank. The beast howled in agony, its fur catching fire. Taking advantage of the distraction, Aric raised his staff, and the earth beneath the bear erupted in jagged spikes, impaling its legs and slowing its movements.

Minerva and her remaining group pressed the attack with their blades and arrows, a flurry of strikes aimed at the beast's vulnerable spots. The beast, despite its injuries, fought back with feral intensity. It snapped at the warriors with its massive paws, and with another powerful swipe, it knocked Minerva's shield aside, claws raking across her armor.

"Miria, we need more fire power!" Minerva shouted, her voice strained but unyielding.

Miria nodded, sweat pouring down her face as she summoned yet another spell. This time, she conjured spears of ice around the beast, piercing the beast from all sides. Some shards of ice shattered on impact, while the rest left wounds on its sides. The beast thrashed wildly, its roars echoing through the corridor, but the group pressed their advantage.

"Now, together! Strike it down!"

Harus charged forward, his shield raised. He bashed the beast with all his might, knocking it off balance. As it stumbled, Minerva saw her chance. With a powerful leap, she drove her sword deep into the creature's chest, aiming for the heart. The beast let out a final, deafening roar before collapsing to the ground, its massive body shaking the cavern one last time.

[You have slain a level 31 Ursi Capitis.]

[You have gained experience.]

[Your level has increased from ...]

The group stood panting, their breaths visible in the cold air. Ignoring the notifications ringing in her head, Minerva pulled her sword free, its blade slick with dark blood. She wiped it clean before sheathing it again.

"Is everyone okay?" she asked, looking around at her companions.

Harus, now back on his feet, nodded. "I'll be sore for a while, but I'll manage."

Elara laughed, her hearty voice echoing through the tunnel. "Let's hope the next monster that we encounter is weaker than what we faced. Otherwise, great job, everyone."

Minerva smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over her. "Let's take a moment to catch our breath and then move on."

Soon the adrenaline of battle began to subside, the group turned their attention to setting up camp. As they gathered themselves, Elara approached the fallen beast, her eyes scanning its massive double headed form with a practiced gaze. "We should harvest what we can from this creature. Its materials could be valuable, especially if we sell them."

Minerva agreed. "Right. Harus, can you help me with the claws and teeth?"

Harus nodded, retrieving a small toolkit from his pack. Together, they began the meticulous process of extracting the beast's razor-sharp claws and massive teeth. Despite their weariness, their movements were precise, honed by years of experience in the field. Each claw and tooth was carefully removed, cleaned, and stored in protective pouches.

Meanwhile, Miria and Aric focused on the beast's thick hide. "This fur could be sold for a lot of money," Aric remarked, using his earth magic to create a sharp blade of stone to slice through the tough pelt.

"Agreed," Miria responded, assisting him in separating the hide from the muscle. "And its meat might sustain us for a few days. We should take what we can."

Minutes turned into an hour, and soon the beast was thoroughly harvested. They had gathered claws, teeth, hides, eyes, and even a few bones that could be used for various crafting purposes. The corridor was eerily quiet now, the echoes of the earlier battle having faded into silence.

"Alright, that's everything we can carry," Minerva said, looking over their collected materials. "Let's set up camp."

Miria and Aric both touched the walls of the tunnel, creating a tunnel inside it. They further created a makeshift cavern for the group to rest in and temporarily set up camp. With practiced efficiency, they produced firewood from their supplies and lit a crackling fire in the center of their makeshift cavern.

Minerva took charge of organizing their supplies and laying out rations for everyone. Harus, though still nursing his bruises, insisted on helping, and together they distributed the provisions among the group. Elara and Aric scouted the perimeter, ensuring that no other threats lurked nearby, while Miria tended to Harus's injuries with healing spells.

As the aroma of cooking food filled the air, the mood among the group shifted from tense to relaxed. They sat around the fire, sharing stories and laughter as they enjoyed a well-deserved rest.

After their meal, the group assembled their gear, extinguishing the fire and making sure to distribute the weight of the harvested materials evenly among them. Despite the added burden, their spirits were high. The successful battle and the valuable resources they had gathered were a testament to their skills and teamwork.

With that, they set out once more, eager to face whatever challenges awaited them.