
Descent Of The Condemned

Hi everyone. If you are bored, I invite you to the amazing adventure of a young man Ramiel, who was betrayed by his comrades (I know very original.) At first, it may seem boring and full of well-known patterns, but trust me I have many cool ideas for the future. On a lighter note, it is worth mentioning that this is an R-18 novel with a lot of this kind of stuff. Cultural people will certainly understand. The real story begins after the first few chapters and will consist of the management and development of the dungeon. You won't find a system here that will hand everything on a golden platter to the main character. If you think that women will be useless here, you are sorely mistaken. Each of them will be a huge help to the main character, and not just an unnecessary addition. I forgot to add, that this is my first novel. I explained more things in the first chapter. ~~~~~~ New chapters from Monday to Thursday, Friday depends on the amount of free time. ~~~~~~ 20 power stones = one extra chapter I publish additional chapters at the end of the week on Sundays. By Sunday, I mean, Sunday in my time zone, (seven hours difference, from the time of resetting the stones on the site).

AraVus274 · Fantasy
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223 Chs


Ramiel tore his gaze from the starry sky and analyzed Asme's words. It gave him much to think about. The new world, full of unknown dangers and mysteries, filled him with optimism, and this was only the beginning. The new continents brought with them a mass of species he had never encountered before.

Ramiel carried great hopes with them. His enthusiasm was mainly directed toward new knowledge and mana manipulation techniques. It is impossible for everyone to have the same approach. Even humans differed in that respect. The problem might be to reach them and convince them. But Ramiel shouldn't have much trouble with that. He is a good actor, he may have fallen out of practice lately, but he is still good.

All in all, Ramiel felt the excitement of exploring territory that was new to him. Temporarily, he completely ignored the dangers involved, losing himself in his dreams.

Her lover's strange condition caught Asme's attention. The horned beauty was perceptive and nothing related to Ramiel could escape her.

" Someone seems to have a good mood ~ " Asme's fingers sank into Ramiel's black and white hair, and her hot breath caressed the neck covered with numerous bites. Some of them were left by Avi, but most were evidence of the many shared and sleepless nights.

" Mhm... " - Ramiel murmured quietly. " Only a fool wouldn't. I got out of the cursed dungeon in the company of two beautiful and seductive women. What more could I want? "

Asme laughed charmingly at Ramiel's remark. Even Caera's ears, absorbed in her world, twitched at the man's words. Ramiel appreciated their small interactions. He became attached to both women.

Asme yawned and rested her head on her lover's shoulder. Her horns involuntarily rubbed against her bare skin, forcing her to let out a stifled moan. 

The horned beauty was tired from today. She had fought in the forest of the Night Rippers from early morning until late at night. Unfortunately, Ramiel didn't give them time to rest, starting the evolution of the dungeon directly. The spectacle was spectacular and unique, but tiring at the same time.

And now? Asme spent hours in the company of Ramiel and Caera. It was normal for her to get exhausted after such an intense day. All she dreamed of was a hot bath and a hard skin, which was also an imitation of a bed.

" Ram ~ " The tip of the horned beauty's tail teased Ramiel's exposed earlobe, drawing his attention to Asme. " The sky isn't going anywhere... tomorrow night will come too. Can we go to sleep now? You know it's not the same without you. The nights are cold then... "

" She is right. " - The elven woman nodded involuntarily, making a mess in the sea of blue hair.

Ramiel had other plans this evening. He had to check the changes in the dungeon and talk to Avi. But he couldn't resist the puppy eyes of Asme and Caera. His iron will be softened in the face of the vicious women. Avi was 100% right - Ramiel was thinking with his dick instead of his brain.

" It won't hurt to put it off until tomorrow... The world shouldn't collapse if I check it later. " - Ramiel had already made a decision in his mind. A little rest hasn't hurt anyone yet. Especially since he had given 120% of himself for the past six months.

Just as he was about to get up, a sudden hunger for knowledge awoke in his mind. Ramiel had to dispel his doubts, or he wouldn't sleep tonight.

" Asme? "

The horned beauty simply pinched an exposed part of Ramiel's torso, letting him know to keep talking. The hunter didn't mind; he had long since grown accustomed to their small caresses and interactions.

" You were talking about animal people, what are they like? " - Ramiel couldn't hide the interest in his voice. Some unexplored and mysterious area of his soul demanded information on the subject. The desire was so intense that it made him uneasy.

Asme had a bad feeling about it. Her feminine intuition screamed of impending chaos, but she still gave a comprehensive answer.

" Animal people, it is closer to humans than to animals. Imagine a human, only with fluffy ears and tails. "

Ramiel passionately stroked Caera's hair, occasionally wrapping the blue strands, enjoying himself. The elfess made it easy for him by firmly diving on his belly.

Ramiel could feel Caera's dreamy smile on his skin. Her soft and sensual lips, intuitively clung to his compacted mìmuscles, leaving a few wet marks in their wake. The elven woman placed a few innocent kisses, then returned to savoring her lover's caresses.

Caera refrained from further conquests. She was content with small steps for now. She was sleepy and tired, her eyes sticky by themselves, today's day had given her enough. But if Ramiel was going to reward her for her hard work like this, she might think about working even harder in the coming weeks. A little effort would be worth it.

Asme tried to ignore the blatant favoritism, but Caera's broad smile effectively made that difficult.

" She will make up for it later... ". - Asme noted Ramiel's sin in her mind, then focused on the rest of the explanation. Poor boy, he didn't realize the grave he had dug.

" For the most part, they have retained a human appearance. It varies depending on the species. For example, Lamas will be covered with slippery scales, and a mix of fox and human will give you a fluffy tail and downy ears. The vastness of possibilities and combinations is endless. Even if you were to devote your whole life, you still wouldn't explore them all. "

Asme sighed, taking a short breath in the process.

" In addition to appearance, there is another feature that significantly distinguishes the two species. Animals attach great importance to nature. They try to live in harmony and harmony with her at all costs. "

Asme thought, carefully analyzing the two species. She wanted to avoid giving false or incomplete information. Especially since Ramiel had asked for it.

" In this respect, they are closer to elves than to humans..." - Asme lost herself in detailed explanations, but Ramiel didn't listen to her anymore.

His attention stopped at the part about fluffy ears and tails. Ramiel drifted off, fantasizing about a new and intriguing species. An image of dozens of zoos came to mind, tempting him with fluffy tails. Ramiel didn't think twice before disappearing into the land of pleasure.

The corners of his mouth lifted slightly, forming a cocky smile.

Asme fumed, her blood-red eyes watching her lover's face in disbelief. The goofy grin adorning Ramiel's face seemed strangely familiar to her. Minutes passed before the horned beauty remembered its meaning. It only intensified her anger.

" Don't even think about it! " - Asme's sudden shout snapped the confused Ramiel out of dreamland and brought Caere down to earth. The elven woman reluctantly pulled away from the man's hot body. She wanted to criticize Asme for disturbing the night, but one look at Ramiel was enough to support her stance.

In a second, the gentle elf turned into a cold and merciless killer.

Ramiel felt the sudden change in atmosphere that made her hair stand on end. All the while, he watched his surroundings with the help of his mana and found nothing dangerous. The only reason for the sudden change could only be the women next to him. Confused, he cast a questioning glance in Asme's direction.

" I'm not supposed to think about what? " - Ramiel was beaten off his feet. He didn't know why he deserved such harsh criticism. A moment ago, everything was still fine. They were spending a pleasant time together, having fun. And now? He found himself on the edge of a knife.

" Let me be clear. You and your little friend first and foremost belong to us. Otherwise, you can say goodbye to him forever. "

Asme's threat sounded serious and had a solid basis. The horned beauty remembered exactly Ramiel's smile from the early stages of their relationship. The one that appeared on his dreamy face looked identical. Needless to say, a woman's intuition foreshadowed the calm before the storm. In these matters, women are rarely wrong.

Ramiel turned to Caera in search of rescue, but the sight of the serious elf killed any remaining hope. She merely exchanged a communicative glance with Asme, then produced two menacing-looking daggers.

" Khm. " Asme coughed, drawing attention to herself. " Binding to you, Caera and I knew that we might not be the only ones. After all, you are a magnet for women, and dungeon masters are famous for their low restraint. "

" And handsome. " - The elf added shyly.

Ramiel's right eyebrow went up, expressing surprise. Asme's words seemed absurd to him. He wanted to contradict them, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Caera interrupted him by placing the blade of a dagger black as night. The elven woman didn't seem to be joking, so Ramiel decided to politely listen to the lecture until the end.

Of course, he could have easily escaped and overpowered the two women, but that would have missed the point. Besides, teasing an angry Asme and Caera wasn't one of the smartest things he could have done. Even he isn't stupid enough.

" You promised us that you wouldn't leave us for the first better woman who would turn your head... ". - Asme's attitude changed. The aggressive tone shifted to a barely audible and painful whisper.

The blood-red eyes of the succubus trembled during the intense exchange of glances. Ramiel saw the fear of abandonment in them. It was much the same when he looked into Caera's golden eyes.

Suddenly, everything became clear to him. The women had feared from the beginning that Ramiel might replace them. Now that he was devoting less time to them and gaining access to the outside world, their fears intensified. His promises could turn out to be nothing more than empty words thrown around on a whim.

Ramiel felt like bursting out laughing when he realized the absurdity of the current situation. He failed to suppress the reflex, resulting in a quiet giggle fully. His reaction caused the tension to rise. But the next move saved the situation and his sleeping friend.

" What's so funny about it... ". - Asme didn't have a chance to finish.

Ramiel showed the experience he had accumulated over the years by making two quick and dynamic moves. The women found themselves in a tender and tight embrace before they noticed any movement on the man's part.

Caera, like Asme, felt her lover's hot body and lost sight of her goal for a moment. Her mind focused on the pleasure before she came back on track.

Ramiel decided to explain everything right away. At first, he wanted to tease them a little, but he found it foolish and unfair to women. At times they were serious.

" Sigh... I lack the words to describe the absurdity of the current situation. " - Ramiel took a short pause. " Do you really value me so low Asme? " Well-hidden anger could be found in his voice.

" You are a man ... and you think with the lower part of your body, don't even try to deny it. " - Asme stubbornly stood by her position.

Ramiel felt like banging his head against the wall.

Asme could efficiently command legions in the world's greatest battles. Caera too, not to mention the fact that they are smart and intelligent... So why do they get so stupid when it comes to emotions? It's annoying... - Ramiel thought briefly about the logic of women, but gave up. Understanding them is beyond his strength.

" Asme, think a little. " - Ramiel felt it was wrong to criticize only Asme. He quickly corrected his mistake. " Caera, this applies to you too. I don't understand how you can smile stupidly. "

His words were followed by an awkward silence. However, the women didn't give Ramiel an inch.

" That's not why I sacrifice my free time for you, worrying about you and trying to keep you safe, only to throw you in the trash later like worn-out gloves. Besides, if I didn't care about you, I might as well have left you at the mercy of the Night Lich. "Ramiel didn't think about the words, he said what his heart told him. "For the second time, think before you question my feelings. It's not nice or pleasant." - He said.

Caera and Asme felt foolish. Ramiel was one hundred percent right, which only his harsh words made them realize.

Ramiel partly guessed where the two women's concerns came from, so he kept some of the harsher words to himself. Caera and Asme were young and inexperienced. But above all, behind them stood a past rich in suffering.

Although they didn't show it, both struggled with low self-esteem. Just add confidence issues, and out comes a recipe for an explosive mix. The women took a risk and fully trusted Ramiel, and problems stemming from traumas led them to question his intentions.

When feelings are involved people lose their common sense. Ramiel found this out for himself through the example of Samantha. It was better now, he was able to control himself to some extent. But he had baggage of experience behind him that Asme and Caera didn't have the opportunity to gain. Given their past, it would be strange if they had.

" Sigh... Listen. We've had this conversation before. I'm not a man who jumps into bed with the first better woman, just because she spreads her legs in front of me. " - Ramiel chose his words carefully, looking at Caere and Asme in between.

" You are important to me, damn important. After certain events in the past, I didn't think I would still open up to someone. Thanks to you, I haven't completely turned into a heartless and ruthless monster. "

Ramiel's frank confession caused the abashed women's faces to blush. Caera shyly embraced him in the torso, and Asme soon followed suit.

" You know very well how I am. I think we have managed to get to know each other well over the year. " - Asme involuntarily tensed up. The less pleasant part was coming, and the horned beauty was well aware of it. She had already had the same conversation once.

" I have no intention of looking for anyone by force, but love is a strange and unpredictable feeling. One day you are wallowing in happiness and the next you are drowning in despair. "

Ramiel's hands found their way to the backs of the two stressed beauties, tenderly studying them.

" I would never say that two women would steal my heart at the same time. Therefore, I can only hope that you will accept this when someone in the future achieves what you have. "

Ramiel sighed heavily.

" Above all, what matters to me is your welfare, and I have no intention of giving up on you. One thing I can promise you. I will never put any woman above you. I would rather die than do that. "

(A/N It came out longer than I thought it would. I hope the ending doesn't look wooden.)

Regarding yesterday's news. I didn’t go to work today. I caught an intestinal tract, so you got a chapter...

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