
Descendants: Daughter of Mal

After a drunk encounter with Harry Hook, Mal's pregnant with a baby that he refuses to claim. Respecting the wish, Mal keeps her baby a secret from almost everyone. One day, she and her three friends are invited to Auradon, where she misses her baby more with each passing day. Eventually, a king finds out and wants to claim her as his own, with permission from her grateful mother.

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Chapter 11

"Good news," Ben announced to his best friend while closing their bedroom door behind him.

"You finally broke up with Audrey?" Aziz guessed hopefully as he looked up from doing his homework on his bed.

Of course, the future king rolled his eyes at the response, having heard so many times in the past few days. "Like I told you before, I'm not breaking up with her until the 'mystery girl' comes to Auradon."

"One day you're going to say 'good news' and it will be you two having broken up," Aziz insisted hotly. "Especially because that bitch is cheating on you! Remember? I got hold of dumbass's phone and it showed them texting one another about where they should meet up next to 'hang out' behind your back."

Ben clenched his jaw in aggravation, but not at his friend's words. "How could I forget? You and Chad got into another fight that resulted in me getting punched in the face when I tried breaking it up. I plan on playing the 'clueless' card until my Mal shows up. And at least attempt to keep your vulgar language under control. Fairy Godmother warned that she would suspend you if she hears you talking like that again."

Aziz perked up at a particular phrase. "'Mal'?" he repeated calmly, despite having a temper fit moments ago. "That's her name?"

"That's part of the good news," Ben agreed as he strolled over to his friend, sitting at the foot of his bed.

Opening a folder that he conveniently had in his hand, Ben rummaged through the papers to find a certain one. "I sent a letter to Professor Yen Sid asking for his recommendation on four transfer students," he explained before handing over a paper to Aziz with a small smile. "Here's your Isle thief."

Cautiously, Aziz took the file before finding him staring transfixed on the picture. The guy had tan skin with a muscular built, long brown hair like Aziz wanted, chocolate-colored eyes, and a smile that could make anyone fall for him. "'Jay'?" Aziz repeated curiously, not taking his eyes on the picture. "And you believe he's gay?"

"According to the professor, there was an incident where he announced that he was gay." Ben raised a cautious eyebrow at his friend. "He's the son of Jafar."

"I can live with that," Aziz insisted, forcing himself to advert his gaze to the prince. "And the other three?"

"First, here's Evie." Ben handed over information about the second transfer student. "She's the daughter of the Evil Queen, which makes her a princess. Unlike my mystery girl's natural hair color, she dyes her hair blue because her mother believes blue is a 'beautiful' color as opposed to her natural black hair."

"Audrey's not going to like another princess being at Auradon Prep," Aziz warned as he read the princess's information. "Mainly because she is the only princess at Auradon Prep."

"She'll have to get over it," Ben stubbornly insisted. "Evie has been castle-schooled most of her life, so the only friends she has are the ones she made a couple weeks ago at a party, which are Jay, Mal, and Carlos. Speaking of Carlos . . ."

The prince trailed off to pass off another paper. "He is the son of Cruella," he informed. "He is a very smart yet nervous kid. Yen Sid believes he doesn't belong on the island because of how frightened he is, which was created by his mother at a young age. He is scared of everything and anything and always does as he is told because he fears the repercussions. We need to do something to help him when he gets here."

"How about letting him care for Dude?" Aziz suggested helpfully. "Dude can help Carlos with his fear of dogs and his anxiety, or whatever his condition is called. We'll tell Carlos that Dude is the campus mutt instead of the campus therapy dog and tell everyone to keep quiet about that detail, so Carlos doesn't think we're pitying him."

After he finished reading the rest of the villain kid's background, Aziz set the paper carefully with the others before gazing at his friend expectantly. "Alright. Where is hers? Where is 'your Mal'?"

Trying his best not to smile, Ben held up the 'mystery' girl's information, not giving it to his friend this time. "She is the daughter of Maleficent," he revealed slowly. "She just turned sixteen about a month ago—"

"And looks exactly as you described her," Aziz claimed, as he knew his friend was beating around the bush. "You ask the professor about her having a kid? Or if her father is indeed Hades like you believe?"

"For the first question, the professor avoided it altogether," Ben summarized. "He must have thought that by not answering I would forget about it. As for Mal's father being Hades, Yen Sid claimed that he had no knowledge if that was true or not and that he didn't want to get into her personal life."

Aziz raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "Yet he told you about Jay announcing he was gay to a group of villains, Carlos's anxiety issues because of his mother, and Evie dying her hair an unnatural color to please her mother."

"I was thinking the same thing, but I didn't want to push the professor too far." Ben shrugged nonchalantly. "It doesn't really matter. I'll try to figure out those questions when they arrive next week."

" 'Next week'?" Aziz repeated before a scheming smile appeared on his lips. "Need someone to help give tours? I wouldn't mind giving Jay a private one."

"Of course, you wouldn't." Ben rolled his eyes teasingly. "But I think it's best that he and Mal tour together, considering . . . you know."

Aziz nodded in understanding. "Tread lightly," he advised. "If what happened in your dream truly happened to Mal, then she may not be open to any kind of relationship or physical contact with anyone that is not her closest friend. I know I wouldn't if I was raped."