
Depraved Evil Sovereign

Unrestrainable lust that can the burn the body !!! boundless hatred that can incinerate the heart !!! Ling Tian, one of the most peerless geniuses of the younger generation accused of screwing the beloved daughter of the Dragon sovereign and punished with SEALED LUST IMMORTAL CURSE, which made him a lustful demon. His body craved for pleasure, yet he couldn't touch a woman. He wanted to relieve the vicious torment, yet he couldn't. Lin Tian roamed around countless realms for 10,000 years to solve his curse. He was mocked, disdained, bullied by all the jealous males yet he still preserved. But watching his beloved going to marry someone else, he couldn't preserve anymore. Consumed by boundless hatred and despair, he burned his soul and viciously made a oath ''As long as I, Ling Tian can exist again, I will show you what is meant by true terror''... .....

Naughty_Monk · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Soaring Dragon city's Ling clan

Soaring Dragon city

Violent Beastly forest


As a thunderous sound reverberated, a deep crater appeared amidst of woods, at the outskirts of the Violent Beastly forest.

"pfff... wahhahahha~...master, that was so stupid. hahhahha~" as the adorable pearl laughter echoed in his mind, Ling Tian slowly climbed up from the deep crater with an indifferent expression. Though he just fell from the sky, his figure doesn't have a single trace of dust. With tranquil snow white clothes, he looked as dashing as ever.

"sigh~ what kind of stupid wings are these. I was in air for just half an hour, all of my Qi depleted. How unfortunate. I guess I can only use them in desperate situations." Ling Tian muttered. Sitting cross legged, he started circulating the spiritual energy in the surroundings.

"mmm.. I think I have seen those wings somewhere..where, where.. en, who cares..la~la~la master~...." Little snow mumbled to herself.

After recovering his Qi, Ling Tian got up, and disappeared towards the Soaring Dragon city...


Soaring Dragon city

Ling clan, Main branch

Meeting hall

"Shen, any news about Tian'er? " Ling Wencheng's deep old voice echoed in the room. He is the master of Soaring Dragon city's Ling Clan. Even with white hair and old looks, his prestige didn't diminish at all. His Core formation realm 8th stage aura suppressed all within the room. In the large Soaring Dragon city, very few can rival him.

The cultivation stages are as follows: Body strengthening realm, Qi condensation realm, core formation realm, nascent soul realm, soul severing realm, void shattering realm, cross tribulation realm, Divine realm.... Core Formation realm is indeed top of crop in Soaring Dragon City.

Amongst the thousands of Ling clan members, the ones who considered as main branch are few in number. Ling Wencheng had 3 sons: Ling Dong, Ling Beming, Ling Shen and a daughter: Ling Yanyu. All of them are top geniuses of Soaring Dragon City, especially Ling Shen, the next master of Ling clan and Ling Yanyu, an elder in Myriad Spirit sect.

"No, father. All the members of Ling Family searched the whole city for 7 days and 7 nights. We didn't find any clues." Ling Shen, A tranquil handsome man, whose features resembling a little with Ling Tian's, answered lightly. If one observed carefully, one can notice deep anxiety on his handsome face.

"sigh~ where had that child gone to. sigh~... Don't let his mother know about it. She is about to breakthrough, she need some peace for now." Ling Wencheng sighed as he spoke.

Thinking about the consequences when his his wife noticed her precious son's absence, Ling Shen's face looked more gloomy. Other might not be aware but he know his wife is not as simple as she looked.

"Father, we should stop this mindless search. We need to prepare our clan geniuses for the next Myriad Spirit sect selection test in 1 week. Though it is unfortunate, we still have my son Ling Bohai, at 6th stage body strengthening realm and Second brother's daughter Ling Biyu, at 7th stage body strengthening realm and many other branch members to replace him" Ling Ding, the eldest son of Ling Wencheng suggested as a sharp glow flickered in eyes.

"yes, yes father. We should listen to elder brother's advice" Ling Beming supported his elder brother with a cunning look in his eyes.

Many elders from branch families followed the suit.

Listening to the their hypocritic advice, while Ling shen's face darkened but he didn't say anything. Ling Wencheng stayed silent, not agreeing nor retorting their words. His expression is unreadable.


the doors of the room abruptly opened, starting all the members in the meeting hall. A young servant hurriedly entered the room with an excited expression. Before he could speak, he was pressed to ground.

"presumptuous, who let you enter the meeting hall" Ling Bimeng scolded the servant with a displeased expression, released his Qi condensation 9th stage cultivation.

While the servant trembled in fear, Ling Wencheng gestured to his second son to stop and asked "speak, whats the matter".

Wiping the sweat on his forehead, the servant respectfully bowed, and informed "patriarch, we just saw young master Ling Tian entering Ling clan's northwest gates".

The room fell into deep silence.

Before anyone could speak, Ling shen's excited voice echoed "where? Where did you see my Tian'er?". As his words escaped his mouth, his whole body trembled with panic and hope. Thinking he might heard wrongly, he listened carefully.

"master, I just saw him strolling towards old madam's mansion." the servant replied, calming Ling Shen nerves.

"that naughty brat. As soon as he returned he had gone meet his grand mother, forgetting his father and grandfather. I should spank him as a punishment." Ling Wencheng shook his head with a small chuckle. Though he seems like he is scolding his youngest grandson, one can see relief and love in his eyes.

"Lets go and ask him where had he gone to this last week." he walked out of room, followed by excited Ling Shen and some of his trusted elders leaving behind the the dumfounded brothers and the remaining elders.

"Elder brother, this, this" Ling Bimeng stuttered as spoke.

With a dark complexion, Ling Dong turned towards the terror stricken elders and coldly asked "didn't you say you thoroughly killed him?"

"Impossible. How could he survive? Being beat him to death, his cultivation was crippled, all of his profound meridians were broken. We returned after leaving his corpse deep in the Violent Beastly forest" an elder replied with disbelief all over his face.

The remaining elders nodded their heads.

A deep frown appeared on Ling Dong's face, Soon returned to normal. He indifferently spoke "forget it. Just don't mention it anymore. I will kill him sooner or later." saying that, he disappeared out of the room along with Ling Bimeng.

The remaining elders stood there in daze...


I am not a Chinese, so my naming sense might be weird. Please bear with it.

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