
Depraved Evil Sovereign

Unrestrainable lust that can the burn the body !!! boundless hatred that can incinerate the heart !!! Ling Tian, one of the most peerless geniuses of the younger generation accused of screwing the beloved daughter of the Dragon sovereign and punished with SEALED LUST IMMORTAL CURSE, which made him a lustful demon. His body craved for pleasure, yet he couldn't touch a woman. He wanted to relieve the vicious torment, yet he couldn't. Lin Tian roamed around countless realms for 10,000 years to solve his curse. He was mocked, disdained, bullied by all the jealous males yet he still preserved. But watching his beloved going to marry someone else, he couldn't preserve anymore. Consumed by boundless hatred and despair, he burned his soul and viciously made a oath ''As long as I, Ling Tian can exist again, I will show you what is meant by true terror''... .....

Naughty_Monk · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Grand mother Song Jiaoying R 18

At the moment, Ling Tian's otherworldly has an evil smile as he melted in his beloved grandmother's embrace.

"My little darling. Where in the world have you gone, leaving your poor old grandma all alone in this cold mansion." Song Jiaoying hugged him tightly and spoke in a tender, loving tone.

She is the matriarch of Ling Clan and beloved wife of Ling Wencheng. She doted on Ling Tian and spoiled him since he was born.

Though she is old and had 4 children and many grand children, no traces of wrinkles could seen on her beautiful face. With a hint of tranquility coupled with her mature busty figure, she looked more ravishing than most of the young married women.

Ling Tian didn't reply. Delving his face deep into her breasts, he hugged her for a long while not letting her go. As her orchid fragrance entered his nostril, his Heavenly rod abruptly awakened.

At first, Song Jiaoying didn't find anything amiss. She too allowed her beloved grandson to hug her as he wished, thinking he might have deeply missed her for the last few days.

But as time time trickled by, her body started heating up. Even though she is old and fed up with body pleasure, Ling Tian's innate depravity reignited the fire in her body.

When she finally felt the hotness of his awakened rod, she knew she should push him away or it might be too late.

Trying to hide the blush that creeping across her cheeks, she feigned calmness and lightly chuckled "Tian'er, let's go and visit your grandfather. Hahha, that old man flipped the whole city up and down because of you. He will be happy to see his grandson safe and sound".

Ignoring her words, he raised his otherworldly face and peered straight into her beautiful emerald eyes with his abysmal pitch black charming eyes.

As her eyes met his, Song Jiaoying fell into a trance. Charmed by the enchanting pair of eyes, her peaceful heart skipped a beat.

A seductive smile appeared on Ling Tian's face. Placed his lecherous her large buttocks, he pressed his rod against her crotch. Though many layers of fabric resisted the invasion of his rod, her cunt still became wet with juices.

Startled by her grand son's sudden actions, Song Jiaoying awoke from her daze. Without thinking about anything, she slapped him. A deep red hand print spread across the jade like skin on his right cheek.

Moving his body away from her embrace, Ling Tian looked at Song Jiaoying's face with a sad expression, "sorry grandmother. I loved and missed you for the past 7 days, that's why I was unable to control myself. I won't do that again" leaving the heart broken words behind, he turned around.

Touching the place where he was slapped, a demonic smile appeared on him. He inwardly thought *aah, my beautiful grandmother! That old bastard husband of yours waiting outside. He dared to ruin our beautiful time, how presumptuous. I was thinking of making him a lord right under my command for my future conquest, but now I changed my mind. Vice lord will be enough for him*. He slowly walked out of the room.

Reading his thoughts, Little snow rolled her eyes, "What lords, what vice lords. They will be nothing but poor servants to the one who cuckolded them. So bad, master is so evil."

Oblivious to Ling Tian's future plans, Song Jiaoying just realised what had she done. When she remembered the red print on Ling Tian's face and his heart broken words, her heart pained.

As he walked out of the room without turning back, her heart became tranquil, a kind of tranquility because of emptiness that she didn't want.

She hated herself for pushing her lovable grandson away. Her thoughts became chaotic *Jiaoying, oh Jiaoying. Why did hurt your precious Tian'er like that. Even though you are so old, he still loved you. My precious little darling, come back. I will allow you to do as please. Please forgive grandmother.*

Without realising that her thoughts became perverted, she hastily walked out of her room trying to stop her cute grandson.

As soon as she walked out her mansion, she was stunned by the sudden appearance of her husband and her youngest son along with some of Ling clan's elders. She could clearly see the relief and love in their eyes when they talked to Ling Tian.

A guilty expression appeared on her face. But remembering her grandson's heart broken words, it slowly faded away.

While her cunt is still wet from earlier experience, she elegantly walked towards them without any unnaturalness.

Under the astonished gazes, she domineering took Ling Tian's hand and once again entered her mansion leaving cool words behind "I am taking my precious grandson away, You can talk to him after I'm done with him. Don't even think about disturbing us".

Surprised by her actions, Ling Tian didn't know whether to cry or laugh. He though he might have to play some hard to get with her, but he still underestimated his charms.

Turning his face towards his father and grandfather, he smiled "Grand father. After coaxing grand mother, I will come and tell you everything " saying that, he entered into the mansion along with his beautiful grandmother.

Bitter smiles appeared on Ling Wencheng's, Ling Shen's and the elders faces.

Ling Shen shook his head and chuckled "Mother is still as domineering as ever. As always she took him away".

An elder forced a smile "madam never gives any face to anyone except for young master".

Another elder nodded his head "she always loved him ever since he was young".

Amidst of their discussions, Ling Wencheng suddenly spoke with perplexed tone "how strange, who did I felt today Tian'er is different form past".

Hearing his father words, Ling shen fell into deep thoughts. Suddenly his eyes brightened up "father, did you notice his cultivation, he just broke through body strengthening realm 6th stage a ago. Now he has aura of body strengthening realm stage 7. He must have encountered a rare chance. That's why he might looked a bit different from usual".

As his words echoed, the elders expressions turned ecstatic. Only one a ten thousand can encounter rare chances like inheritances, etc.. Hearing that one from their own clan might have gotten lucky chance, they are indeed happy.

Ling Wencheng too pleased but didn't on his face. With an indifferent tone "whatever the case, don't mention it anymore. We should go back and prepare the Myriad Spirit sect selection test" saying that, he moved towards martial grounds, followed by the his son and the elders.

Poor Ling Wensheng didn't know that while he is thinking about his grandson future performance, he was being cuckolded by the same precious grandson...


My tastes are heavy. It should expected in the future.

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