

Have you ever been in love with someone you've never met? Someone who may not be real? Jason Jones, a high school student here, keeps dreaming about a girl. The only thing which keeps going in his mind is that Who is she? Is she real? And why does he keep dreaming about her? He previously has always been able to find an answer to such questions, but will he be able to find one for this?

Asukai_Jin · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Amy Rose

Next day, I woke up on time. I left to school early and was walking with Jason as he met me on the way to school, but there was something off with him that day He wasn't himself that day. He was spacing out and was very quiet.

"Thinking about the girl without a face?" I asked as I knew that dream of his from the day we first met. It's always been bothering him, but what disturbs him the most is that he can't determine if that is real or not.

"Yeah, I don't know why I keep dreaming about her? Is she somehow related to me? Or else it's just that I am overthinking about it?"

"Whoa! There's too many of them to dodge!" I said sarcastically to his wan face. After a brief moment of silence, I realized he expects a sensible reply from me.

So, I said, "Well, I don't know about that, but if you want to get to the bottom of this, then maybe you should try finding that watch she gave. If you find it, then it will prove that she was true indeed and not just a dream."

He became a little joyous, and his face lit up with some hope, "Great, I'll find it at no matter what cost," he said. See, he is one those guys who just can't bear the thought of the unknown. Whatever it may, he will always seek the answer, and if he fails to do so, he will become upset, but then he wouldn't give up.

"So, if you did find the watch, will you find the girl of your dreams?" I said and addressed that he kind of likes the girl using that pun. I expected a reply, but he didn't respond and kept walking. That was when I realized that he likes the girl or wants the girl to be real. I never thought he would be severe with this thing. I mean past true love, they got separated and will find themselves again.

Come on, we all know that only happens in fictional stories.

We reached the school and were waiting for the teacher to enter. As the teacher entered the class, I saw a girl walking with her. She was the girl of my dreams. She was good looking, fair with a cute smile, blondish-brown hair with blue almond-shaped eyes. She was a transfer student. The whole class stood up straight and was watching her as she walked in.

"Good Morning, we have a transfer student, make sure you are nice to her." said our teacher.' Make sure you are nice to her,' Damn it, she will be one the most popular girl, and besides, who would be rude to a cute girl like her. I mean, I am talking from the guys' side, I don't know about the girls' corner. I felt that they looked happy and healthy


"Oh! Good, here comes another Sweet-looking-B***h. Now, all the guys will move around her." one of the girls sitting behind said to the other sitting next to her. I shouldn't hear it, but it sounded they were not happy with her. So, I guess everyone's not happy.

"So, you are into girls like her?" asked Nancy. Nancy sat beside me on the right side.

"Yep, kind of-" I replied as I was staring at the cutie in front of me. The moment I responded to Nancy, I realized I was acting like Mark, leave the pervert stare aside but other than that, I was.

"Then you like me too!" she said with a smile wide open so much that I could have peeped into her food pipe.

That was very creepy, indeed. I don't know why, but I am very particular about my choices, and I'll always be. That is one of the reasons why I never dated anyone or wasn't able to date anyone.

Every girl has something I don't like, and so does Nancy. She had braces on, and trust me; she looked super scary with those. Every time she smiled with that wide-open mouth, it felt like she would devour the person in front of her.

"Umm-I don't think I am interested in Cannibals, but thanks," I replied sarcastically with a downcast face. You people might think I am very judgmental, but this who I am. But after I said this, it was an awkward silence, and I realized I said something I shouldn't.

So I said, "That was rude, wasn't it?" I don't know what I was thinking, but I did a great job. I am asking the girl with whom I just behaved rudely; that was it rude. Now, what a great person I am, right?

She had a dead face and turned away without replying. Now, that wasn't surprising, "Yes, it was." I spoke myself as I looked forward to the teacher's desk.

"Hello, My name is Amy Rose. I have we have a good time together." said the girl in front of us. She walked down the aisle and sat in an empty chair.

The classes went on, and it was quite dull, but they finally did end. So, Jason and I were walking towards the club, and then we were joined by Mark. We entered the room and found out that Carol was missing.

"Where's our caveman?" I asked Staci, who was waiting for us. At first, she didn't understand what I meant from a caveman. I guess she's just not used to it.

So, Jason added, "He means, where's the Prez?"

"I thought you guys were together," she said.

" I don't get along with stones and caves," I said, trying to make a joke, but I think I failed. "Why?" asked Mark with curiosity in his voice.

" Because I live in a house made of glass," I replied with a faint smile on my face.

" So, you have to answer everything?" asked Jason with an annoying face. As I said, I am good at annoying people.

I didn't reply to him. Honestly, I didn't know how to react. So, I kept my mouth shut.

As we were speaking, the door behind us opened with a great force. It was Carol, and she was holding a girl in her left hand as if she was haversack. So, now we're abducting children. "Where were--who is that?" asked Staci with a concerned look.

"She's our new member," she said, putting her down. It was Amy, whom she was holding, "I saved her, she had a debt. So, I asked her to join the club."

"You saved her? From where we are watching, it looks more like you kidnapped her," said Jason as he walked towards Amy to help her stand.

"Just so you know, I am never gonna use the phrase,' Partners in Crime' when you are around," I said to Carol with a blunt face.

"Oh come on, Amy tell them what happened," she said, and as a matter of fact, we needed an explanation of what's going. At least the three of us, Mark was too excited about another cute girl in the club.

Amy stood up and said, "There were a bunch of girls trying to bully me, and she came and kicked them out."

"Oh my god! Nobody died, great achievement Carol! Keep it up!" I said sarcastically because the last time I saw her fighting, the guy almost died as she continuously kept kicking him in his crotch for about five minutes.

"You wanna die on behalf of them?" she said in a haunted face.

I was terrified by the look and decided to stay quiet.

"So, you are joining the club?" asked Mark.

"If you guys want me to, I will be happy to join," she said with a concerned face.

"Sure. We would love to have you with us," answered Staci. Anyway, she never had a choice because it was Carol who brought her here.

"Hi! I am Jason," he introduced himself.

By giving a handshake, "Hello, I am Kyle," I said

"Hello, I am Mark, and I need to tell you this, You look good today." Mark introduced himself and also flirting with her.

"Dude, stop hitting on her. She just joined." I said with a concern that she might feel uncomfortable at our very first meet.

"Okay, Human-torch! -Don't be jealous of things I am capable of," he replied with a smiley face to taunt me.

"I would love to agree with you, but if I did, then we'd both be wrong," I said with the same smiley face as he had.

As I finished my speech, Amy laughed and said, "That was a great comeback; you are funny." This was the first time someone appreciated me. I never had that feeling, and trust me; it was satisfying that at least one person wasn't annoyed by me.


(Jason's house)

"Hey, Come on--you have school tomorrow. I don't know what you're doing, but you can continue it tomorrow. It's getting late, go to bed." his mom said as she watched him searching boxes in their storeroom.

"Yeah, I'll be in my bed in ten minutes," he said, gazing through the boxes.

As he searched the boxes, something fell from the boxes above and struck him in the head.

"Huh? What was that?" he asked himself, scratching his head. He looked around and was surprised.