

Born with a silver spoon only for that to get snatched from him, Denwen is forced to face the harsh reality of life as even with a talentless body he discovers something no one could fathom allowing him rise through the ranks quicker than anyone else. Betrayal, heartbreak and other soul crushing experiences chisels Denwen into a seasoned warrior as he stands above all others

Praiz_Official · Fantasy
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61 Chs

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"Old man Kop, I would be going home to meet my teacher he should be around now" Roy said as he moved to drop his plates.

"Oh, be careful on your way, I feel something huge coming" Kop said as he read the papers

"Says the man who left a kid on his own out in the wild for two weeks now" Roy said

"Well, when you get as strong as I am you'd also be this way" Kop said with a smile

"Your carelessness would be the end of us all" Roy said as he left the door.

"I wonder why he said that" he spoke as he began to jog down the hill.

"I don't know if letting that kid go home this period is the right thing to do, I would have gone with him but I just got a huge lead to the case of the disappearing children in the town, I just hope I'm not wrong this time" Kop said as he watched the receding back of the kid down the path.


"Hey kid, long time" the restaurant owner greeted when she saw the boy walking into the place "Ma'am Rosa, long time" Roy returned the greeting


A plate had smacked him on the head causing the poor kid to fall off "Ouch what was that for" he said rubbing the bump growing on his head

"Haven't I told you to call me miss and not ma'am, I'm only 46" she said with anger as she looked down on him

"That's the definition of ma'am" he muttered

"Huh, did I hear something" she said to which he replied almost immediately "NO"

"That's good, here you go" she said as she handed him a glass of milk "don't make you hurt you dear" she said as she rubbed him underneath her big blessings.

"I feel this is wrong but I love it" Roy said with a perverted smile as his cheeks turned red.

After the commotion and she had attended to her other customer's after calming them down from the previous commotion, she came back to the boy on her front desk who had six empty cups of milk in front of him and the seventh in his hands, "I do fear for when you start drinking alcohol" she said as she shook her head.

"No need to, I hate that shit with passion" he quickly retorted.

"Well only time will tell" she shrugged "so what have you been up to, I see you leave the village in the day time during the week and come back on weekends only to leave after a day".

"Well, you know I need to get stronger so somethings are important" Roy answered.

"That's what I don't understand, you urge to get stronger when you dad is literally the duke of this city and there is no one stronger here to protect you and your family" she said

"Well, what happens when he's unavailable huh, sometimes I don't want to think about it but what happens if he should fall in battle. Also with the new extra-terrestrial battles, more and more people are being recruited to fight. I intend to be the best there with my own strength you know" he said with a smile "When I enter the academy, I want to be in the elite class and lead them, becoming number one in the whole academy"

"Hahahaha, sometimes I do forget about your dream to be the strongest hero, but you do know how many people would be there during the academy, it won't be easy at all, and to be in the Elite class, you need to have broken through before then" she said

"Yup I plan to breakthrough" he said with confidence

"You do know it is true geniuses that can breakthrough successfully before the academy where their bodies would have been matured up to the needed point" she said with a smile

"Well, for you information, I am a genius among geniuses" he said as he raised his head high

"Well good luck to you then, I can't stop you really" she said as she stood up to go attend to other people.

Not too long after she left and man with a long sword by his side walked up to the seat and sat down causing the boy to be shocked;

"Teacher what brings, you all the way to this place"

"After a week of not seeing your teacher, you can't even let a bit of emotion show" the teacher said as he shook his head "well in any case, your dad said he needs you back home immediately. I was on my way to your real teacher's house to bring you home when I saw you enter this place" he said which caused Roy to be a bit surprised. "What's so important that he couldn't wait but had to send you" he tried to probe "well I don't know, you would know the full details from him" he said as he stood up "well let's be off then" he said as he began to walk out.

"Rosa, I have to go, put the drinks on my tab" he said as he ran out making the poor lady facepalm herself "what tab do you have"


Walking into his house Roy told his teacher to be going he would catch up after he had cleaned up as he wasn't presentable at the moment. Looking at himself in the mirror and rubbing his shiny black hair backwards he smiled and nodded his head "appearance matters to the ladies as well" he said as he stepped out to meet his dad. On the passage he saw his mum and his little sister who ran and gave him a hug "hey Judith how are you, hope no one touched you" he said as he pampered his sister's head as he gave her a kiss. "Welcome home son, we can catch up later, don't keep your dad waiting" his mother said as she pulled Judith away and carried her.


"Sir if you go through with this, it could affect him adversely" a voice was heard outside the room Roy was heading to which made him pause his footsteps to eavesdrop better.


"Don't you think I know that Lucas, I'm on the verge of losing my family here why can't you see that" Roy's dad spoke out as a table was heard been shattered. "As it stands my family, my town is more important than some random dude Roy met out during his escapades, I have made my decision on this matter" Clifford said with a firm voice as the door opened and they saw a stunned Roy in front.


Upcoming title

"Father and Son (1)"

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