
Denied: The Daughter of Sunden

SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO FALL BEFORE YOU CAN FLY. AND SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO RISK IT ALL AND CHOOSE YOUR OWN PATH..... but maybe you’ve made a mistake... High Princess Catarina is the daughter of the High King of Sunden and future High Queen of Nighten. But disobeying her father, once again, has costed her everything. Now she’s a nobody and must use all the skills she was taught: to survive. With no money, she joins the Tournament of Fighters. But when she discovers a plot to destroy Sunden and in turn Nighten, she must choose: turn her back and loose every chance of regaining her name or save the people that once were hers.

CK2000 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

What Happened to the Malateins?

"I think we can help" said a man in Malatein amour.

Before I could say anything Jacob jumped up pulled out his dagger and put it to the man's throat. The two men behind pulled out their swords and growled low. It was a show down.

Idiot. Boys. Ugh, what's a girl got to do?

"Give me one reason not to kill you!!" Jacob said.

"We need each other's help." The man said calmly.

"I don't need your help!!!"

Oh boy, this is gonna ger out of hand.

"Jacob." I said.

I could feel his eyes daring me to try and stop him.

"Alright, tell your men to put their swords away."

"Fine." He snapped his fingers. They put their swords away.

I cleared my throat. "Jacob. Let's hear them out. If you don't like their response. Then you can kill them."

"Fine." He slowly pulled his dagger to his side and then put it away. "Well??"

"You need to rescue your brother, we need to rescue our family, our people."

"From who?" I asked.

The man looked around. And whispered so that only the three of us could here. "Rescue the Malateins, from the Palateins."

Jacob looked around. And looked back at the man. "I am assuming that's being hushed"

"Yeah. We don't want the townsfolk knowing. If word gets back to the King of Sunden and the Queen of Nighten. We're gonna have a lot more problems."

At the mention of Suden and Nighten I started to get antsy. But I held my ground. "Well then is their some other place, we should go to finish this conversation?"

The man smiled. "Yes there is."

"Then let's go."

He said "it would be my honor." As he offered me his arm.

I was just about to take it. When Jacob, put an arm on his chest. "Just a minute, what's your name?" He said.

The man chuckled. "Protective much? I am Captain Leon Milvern of the Malatein Guard. And you are Jacob Henze and Altza of Flintwood."

*Sometime later at their headquarters in the town*

"Please have a seat" Leon said.

Jacob and I sat down the table. As did everyone at their headquarters.

"Why are we here?" Jacob asked.

I didn't need to be linked to Jacob to know he didn't like these people, he didn't trust them. Part of me didn't trust them. But he was on night alert, hiding it well, but I could see a glimpse of it.

"To tell you everything. All we ask is to hear us out, then decide if we should help each other." Leon answered.

"Alright. But you got 30 mins".

Leon let a smile spread across his face. "Deal."

"It happened the same night the daughter of Suden was denied." He paused starring straight at me.

He knew. Or at least he had a hunch. I stared straight back at him, now allowing myself to show any emotions. Jacob on the other hand in a low growl "keep talking." He was starring at Leon. There was something he wasn't telling me, well multiple somethings. Leon nodded and began again.

"The Palateins invaded. They surrounded our entire home and attacked all at once. They killed over half of our army. Raped some of our women. And some of them still live to tell the tale."

At that some of the Malatein growled. I knew how they felt, it was the same way I felt, I wanted to slaughter all of them whoever layed a hand on any women. I knew Jacob felt the same way.

Azurains and the Malatein Rogues were the same with that, to touch one of their women, to defile one of them,

means death. You don't live very long.

"They captured our royal family. They put them in our prison, along with everyone who survived. That's where they have your brother." He said looking at Jacob. "The guards who they didn't kill or imprison made it to this town. They know we are here. They sent us a letter. If we send word to Suden or Nighten, including Nighten's rogues. They will kill everyone, no one will survive. They also told us they, will release our royal family, and our people on one condition." He stopped, looking back at who appeared to be his Lieutenant.

Jacob getting antsy. Said "What condition??"

Again Leon nodded. "We give them the denied daughter of Suden."