
Chapter 47: Crowd of Behemoth

Raven immediately leapt into action, using a whip to wrap around one of its large feet to pull himself towards it as Malevolent took on the form of a spear as he attempted to slash at its leg, but he only achieved sparks.

"Alright, it's extremely durable." Raven said as he leapt out the way of its foot and jumped onto its leg and used it to spring himself up as he stabbed at the stomach full strength, he barley managed to even impale the spear into its stomach, nothing more then a baby papercut in comparison.

"This isn't good. I hope Shirou is having better luck." Raven said to himself as he fell to the ground thinking of techniques to use.

Shirou was not having much luck either he noted as he slammed into the ground. He could see Shirou dodging out the way of a foot. His swords doing nothing to the creature.

"So I see we're both having issues." Raven said as he appeared next to Shirou and pulled him back to avoid the debree shooting at them from the stomp of Behemoth.

"Yes, my swords aren't working. I might need to use stronger ones, but those are extremely taxing." Shirou said and Raven could understand that.

"Here, I packed these just in case." Raven said as he grabbed a couple mana filled gems and handed them to Shirou who balked at how much mana was inside of them.

"This is a lot of mana." Shirou said and Raven grinned at the man.

"Yes, but for now, let us focus on at least landing a solid attack on it." Raven said as Shirou nodded his head and took a deep breath.

"I am the bone of my sword." Shirou called out as a bow formed in his hands alongside a drill like looking sword that he flattened to look like an arrow.

Raven glanced at Shirou approvingly. He was truly getting serious if he started using an aria. However he was not one to be outdone, so he switched to his staff form of malevolent and started releasing a large amount of mana.

"Thunderstorm!" Raven called out as he raised malevolent up as the clear sky above them started clouding over and thunder could be heard inside of it.

"Great Thunder!" Raven yelled out as he pointed his staff towards Behemoth.

"Caladbolg!" Shirou yelled out as he released his sword turned arrow and sent it flying off at the giant.



Both heard the yell of pain and moved back, and they were lucky they did as a giant foot stepped where they had been, but it also cleared the smoke from the speed and force of it.

Behemoth stood there, now truly glaring at them, a large cut on its side alongside a burn mark near the cut.

"We pissed it off." Raven noted as he started reinforcing his body to the max, he noted Shirou was doing the same.

"Yes, we did." Shirou agreed grimly as he absorbed a bit of mana from one of the stones as a substitute for his next projection.

"Eternal Darkness!" Raven called out as his shadow expanded and connected to Behemoths and started rising around its body to restrain it.

"Attack it now." Raven said as he used all his strength to restrain the beast.

"I am the bone of my sword."

"Steel is my body and fire is my blood."

"I have created over a thousand blades."

"Caladbolg Repetence!" Shirou yelled out as he summoned six floating bows alongside his handheld one and fired seven swords turned into arrows at Behemoth who roared out in pain as they landed in several different spots along its body.

"Wow, I'm impressed Shirou. Going for the balls." Raven said in amusement as he canceled his spell and casted a wind spell to remove the dust from the explosion.

"It's tactical." Shirou said in slight embarrassment. Raven just laughed. However he stopped as he stared at Behemoth.

"Oh boy." Raven said as the very much injured Behemoth started glowing golden before it rounds started rapidly closing.


"Behemoth as a creation of Yahweh possesses his divine light of creation in a form, and it took on healing. So by channeling that light, it can rapidly heal any wound that isn't a fatal wound." Hades said grimly as Persephone grimaced as well.

Things were not looking well.

"Wait, why isn't he taking on his, what did he call it? Drawn Trigger?" Persephone asked confused.

"Dawn Trigger, and I'm not sure. Perhaps it's pride, or he doesn't want to reveal it." Hades said unsure himself.


'I should really use Dawn Trigger… nah we got this.' Raven thought before he returned his staff to where it was stored. He'd start fighting like a true magic user now.

"FIREBALL!" Raven yelled out as he shot a giant orange-red fireball at Behemoth. "Thunder Strike!" "Earth Spear!" "Water Slicer!" "Air Drill!"

Raven rapid fired off multiple spells. As what else does a true magic user do besides spell spamming?

A roar was his answer and it revealed a somewhat injured Behemoth who only healed up again and opened its mouth as a green beam formed inside of it and then shot out towards them.

"Oh shit, it's got a breath attack!" Raven said as he and Shirou both casted shield spells and kept reinforcing them with mana.

"Shirou, when I say now, I want you to throw yourself as hard as you can to the right ok?" Raven asked as Shirou looked at him confused, but nodded.

Taking a deep breath, Raven focused as he started mentally creating his next attack using his true magic.

"NOW!" Raven said as he sent a wind blast to help send Shirou flying away. The next moment several large floating balls appeared alongside the giant green beam of Behemoth.

Then exploded in a giant blue explosion of mana. The result looked like a mini nuke went off.

"Ugh, thank you speed healing." Raven said as he focused for a moment while using some spells that enhanced his already fast healing and then moved himself over to Shirou.

"We're not done yet." Raven said grimly as Shirou nodded in agreement. This was only the beginning of the battle.

Behemoth roared angrily down at them as it's again healed body moved forward, but this time it started glowing before it started breaking apart into two.

"Oh no." Raven said in horror. Shirou could only watch in disbelief.

The beast made itself into two, and still radiated the same amount of power.

"We weren't even properly handling one, and how there's two of them!" Raven complained angrily.

"No wait, it didn't made a perfect clone with the same amount of power, they share the same power, that's why they feel the same strength. It will drain its power twice as fast and exhaust itself just as fast." Raven theorized.

"So we need to keep forcing itself to heal to drain it." Shirou said and Raven nodded, that was a simpler version of what he said.

"Yes. I'll take the one on the left, you got the right." Raven said as he dashed off, firing several spells off.


Shirou Emiya could admit, this is not how he expect to spend his day.

Tracing several strong broken phantasms, he fired them off at Behemoth as he dodged its foot stop and fired off another barrage at it.

He'd normally have to be conservative of the type of projections he used, but each one he casted seemed to take very little mana, at least in comparison to the total equivalent in the couple of gems he was given.

So he was able to fire off multiple of his more powerful arsenal of saved swords.

"I am the bone of my sword."

He chanted as he fired off a few Caladbolg's at Behemoth one after another.

However they did nothing lasting as the creature healed itself and roared angrily again.

He might need use unlimited blade works, and he's hesitant to do so, if anyone found out about it, he'd have a sealing designation on him. Then by relation, Saber and Rin would be targeted.

If he needs it, he hopes Raven doesn't say anything about it.

However he winced as he felt his body started being influenced by his reality marble, a small part of his chest had started turning into swords. They really needed to finish this soon, or else he would lost control and become a sword.


Raven grunted as he was punted by the leg of Behemoth and sent flying into the ground as he had used it as a spring board into the air, but it had reacted quickly and smacked him.

Then to make it worse, it shot him with a beam of energy further into the ground.

Then again and again.

"RAH!" Raven roared out as he let loose all his mana at once and fought against the many beams, giving him a moment to push back and escape the hole he had been put into.

"Freedom!" Raven yelled happily before he was smacked again, and found himself sent into the remains of the temple.

"Shit." He said as he slammed roughly into the ground, he could feel several bones break and grimaced as he started healing himself again.

"Ok, what do I do?" Raven asked as he laid there, letting his body fully heal up.

Taking a glance around the spot he was in, he noticed writing on the wall, shadows dancing among certain spots and with a startling realization, he noted it was on how to cast a spell to return a being split into one.

"I have little time, I hope your all knowing wasn't a falsehood Abba." Raven said hopefully as he started mentally doing the needed calculations for the spell.


Shirou grimaced as he saw the second Behemoth approach and start trying to fight him alongside its counterpart and he feared the worst.

Raven had been defeated, and possibly worst of all, killed.

"I have no choice." Shirou mumbled as he went to start speaking his chant, but suddenly the ground shook as the Behemoth's started glowing brightly and splitting apart again and again.

"Crap, they'll be out of my range soon." Shirou said in realization, however to his relief, he heard the voice of Raven. However it sounded much more rough and deeper.

"Round two bastards!" He saw a demonic form made of some kind of scales, white and blue, fly and float near him, he knew it was Raven by the presence and sound of the voice.

"Divine punishment straight from daddy himself boys." Raven started glowing brightly before being engulfed in shadows. Shirou could feel the raw power coming from this and was impressed by the amount of it.

"Shadow Prison!"

Suddenly the shadows around the entire area and of the Behemoth's all shot up and formed giant chains that started roughly grabbing and pulling the giant monsters towards each other with out a care in the world.

However as each one was smashed together, they started fusing back into one Behemoth. It looked painful as it roared each time it happened, and finally after a minute, the returned to being a single being who laid there panting roughly.

"I guess he came in clutch after all." Raven said as he dropped his Dawn Trigger and confirming it for Shirou that it was Raven.

"Abba had left a spell written in the runes. Shadow Prison. A being who split itself would forcefully be returned together into one being. However that used a lot of my mana. I'll be limited for a bit till I can recover, even with the gems I have leftover." Raven said as he started absorbing the mana from the gems.

"It's getting up." Shirou said in alarm.



Printed out two chapters quickly. So happy.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed them, the next chapter will be the more- spoilers!

Till next time friends!

-Voidy, The Insomniac

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