
Chapter 46: Mysteries of Death

Raven instantly tried to further enhance his barrier, he noticed Shirou add his own barrier just outside his own.

Their combined barrier barely slowed down the foot of the Behemoth from crushing them. Giving them just enough time to jump out of the way.

Raven in an instant grabbed Shirou and jumped onto the walls of the temple and reached the surface using the broken walls and holes as leverage to jump out of it.

"I… I can't use any spacial movement spells." Raven said as he tried to create a portkey and even tried to use apparition. Even a few other basic spacial spells didn't work properly to leave.

"Then we have to fight." Shirou said, and Raven envied the confidence in the man's voice. He himself didn't feel all that confident in fighting a beast only God could control.

Taking a deep breath he calmed his mind and focused on the task at hand. Behemoth could block outgoing spacial skills. So they'd have to either knock it unconscious or somehow kill something almost none could.

"Alright. It's a giant creature, any tips? I'm used to dead apostles and smaller creatures." Raven asked as he looked towards Shirou as they watched the giant form of Behemoth crawl out the hole it made from being released.

"The legs are usually a weakness alongside the stomach. However this creatures legs seemed hardened and strong. It's stomach seems to be reinforced, but not as much. Its eyes are also a good spot to attack." Shirou said and Raven nodded in agreement.

"Alright, I'll go for the legs since I have a heavier firepower, you go for the head." Raven said as he summoned Malevolent to his hand in staff form.


"Michael! The system is groaning, shaking and smoking!" Gabriel yelled out in horror as she bursted into Michael's office who immediately flew out the room towards seventh heaven and saw her words were true.

The somewhat normally running system of God was shaking, groaning and smoking.

Immediately moving forward to try and see what the error was with his limited access, it only read three words into his brain.

"Behemoth is free." Michael said aloud in horror.

"No!?" Gabriel gasped in horror as she remembered the chaos and death it brought before their departed father sealed it away, and this time, he wasn't around to do it again.

"Yes." Michael said grimly as he summoned his armor onto himself and Gabriel reflexively did the same. "We must do everything we can to defeat it, or attempt to seal it away again. Call our brother Azazel and let him know, get everyone he can ready, we have to stop Behemoth before it can return to its carnage." Michael ordered as Gabriel opened a communication seal.

Michael himself flew out the seventh heaven to gather all eight winged and above angels. They needed all the firepower they can get.


Hades froze for a moment as he sensed the raw power suddenly unleashed upon the earth from his throne in the underworld.

He could never forget that power. The creature of the earth, the knowledge and power of Yahweh. Behemoth.

However he sensed another power near it, alongside something curious.

Raven and a… sword?

"Oh no." Hades said in horror as he moved to stand up, his battle armor forming onto his body. His bident forming as well.

"Darling, what's wrong?" Persephone asked worried. Hades remembered only stronger beings in the world like himself could sense such beings across dimensions.

"Raven, he's encountered an old creation of Yahweh. I need to help him. He'll die if I don't." Hades said grimly as he prepared to teleport away, but suddenly shadows formed and bound him to his throne alongside Persephone.

"StAy PuT mY SkElEtoN." Hades froze at the voice of his benefactor. Lady Death.

"He'll die!" Hades said as he struggled to try and escape the binds which's only hardened more.

"Have faith in my chosen." Her voice said again repeated aloud with a more forceful, but less headache including tone.

Hades sighed as he ceased his struggling as Persephone could only watch in worry.

"May we at least watch my lady?" Hades asked and a screen appeared in front of their thrones and showed Raven and a red haired man holding two Chinese short swords.

"It's huge!" Persephone said in shock and Hades nodded grimly.

"Powerful as well. Known as Behemoth, The Beast of The Earth. Not to be mistaken for a creation of Gaia, for it's a creature born from God. Its raw power is great, equal to a divine being like Zeus in raw power. However its strength lies in its wisdom and knowledge. It's great use of its body. Understanding of itself. This will be a tough battle for Raven." Hades said grimly.

"Can he win?"

"No, but he can survive." Hades said with confidence.

If there was one thing Raven Inanis was, it was determined. He would get himself through this, greatly injured, but would still get through it.


"Brother! Azazel said he's trapped by Lady Death!" Gabriel yelled out as she came upon the war room and found her brother and many angels restrained by the familiar power of Lady Death.

"No!" Gabriel said in shock and horror.

The shadows formed into a being made up of a weird glowy energy and many unblinking red eyes.

"Calm yourself little one. My champion shall handle the creature of your father alongside his companion. Today, the one known as Behemoth shall fall, or creation will BURN." Lady Death said as her form spiked momentarily before it returned to normal.

"Try to interfere and your fate shall be the same as theirs messenger. My orders are as such, let my chosen champion slay the Behemoth or else." Death stated before breaking apart and returning to the many shadows restraining the angels.

She could only sit down and stare, praying to her dead father for hope.


"What is this feeling I'm having?" Saber asked herself worriedly as she watched Rin spar with Luviagelita Edelfelt, or just Luvia.

"I feel like Shirou is in trouble and doing something stupid." Saber muttered to herself as she took a deep breath to calm herself. Shirou had Avalon inside of him, so he should be fine, she had recharged it right before he left.

"Why do I worry so much then, when he has left for trips before by himself?" Saber asked confused before sighing, she will consult with Rin later.

However she suddenly froze for a moment before feeling a shiver go down her spine. Something was wrong and she could feel it. Yet, she could do nothing. Shirou was far away.


"Oh? Yahweh's creature escaped and was met by Lady Death's chosen one, who ironically freed it. How interesting. Are you finally choosing to start interacting with him?" A man asked smiling as he stood atop a large building.

The man felt a presence looking down on him, but received no response in return to his question.

"Staying silent huh? Well I supposed that is your thing D. Well I supposed the fun begins soon, let us hope this reality doesn't end up like last time. It was truly a disastrous run. At least this time your chosen one doesn't seem clinically insane by all standards and emotionally stunted. Though his powers seem to be slowly awakening compared to before." The man said again, but this time the shadows formed many red eyes that glared.

"Oops, I've overstepped." The man said as the shadows with eyes swarmed and consumed him up. The last moment before he was consumed, his silver eyes gleamed brightly before disappearing in the shadows.


In some alternative space, Morgan Le Fay felt a shiver go down her spine. An unknown fear passed through her, but she knew what it was, her baby was in trouble.

With a groan from her still healing body, she got up and opened a portal, she needed to enhance her pace, she had to find her Raven. She NEEDED to.

She desperately tried to ignore how her body was fighting against even moving after her fight against a pantheon of alien divine beings.


In a hidden plane, a giant blast beast stirred momentarily as its eyes open and stared beyond its realm and onto a different plane.

With a grunt its eyes closed and returned to its slumber. It's time was yet to arrive. It's fated opposite had yet to awaken.


A lot shorter chapter this time, but it got done what I wanted and dropped some more lore.

Hope you enjoyed.

Till next chapter!

-Voidy, The Insomniac

P.S. totally-