
Chapter 23: Mini Nukes and Whispers

Raven grinned as he finished up his greatest prank yet. Together with the twins, they had started an all out war between the first years of all four houses.

This beef wasn't just localized to Gryffindor or Slytherin, oh no, this beef was about to become generational to all four houses.

The great hall had become a giant war zone, the other years soon following. House unity and pride, all that good stuff.

Raven and the twins shared a grin.


"Now what did we learn?" Minerva asked sternly with a large frown, her fellow head of houses standing near her, the headmaster sitting at his desk.

Oh yeah, Raven and the twins had found themselves in the headmasters office eventually the next day.

"Don't get caught!" "Silence the snitches!" "Prank yourself too." Three very different answers, of course Raven's was the middle one.

"You all are a bunch of bloody morons!" Minerva growled out like a lion, and the three high fived each other.

"Weasleys, you will be spending detention with Professor Snape, for two weeks. Inanis, you will have detention alongside Hagrid tomorrow and two weeks with me." She dished out and Raven and the twins cackled as they accepted their punishments.

Truly, they shared the same brain cell, was the thought of the adults.


Raven stretched as he stood outside the forbidden forest alongside Hagrid, his dog Fang, Rose and that blonde little shit he hanged by his underwear.

"Ok, I know why I'm here, but what did you two do?" Raven asked confused to the first years.

"He challenged me to a midnight dual and didn't show up trying to snitch on me. He was given detention for being out his dorm past curfew to snitch." Rose explained and Raven laughed.

"Wow, impressive. Guess it explains why we don't share the same house ferret." Raven snickered before looking towards Hagrid who finally walked all the way over, handing them lit lanterns.

"Now we're going to be going into the forest looking for something hunting unicorns. We will be splitting up. Malfoy you're with Fang. Rose with me. Raven your on your own, I trust you to be responsible." Hagrid said, of course having been one of the few to know he likes to go into the forest.

"Ok." Raven said as he walked into the forest with his lantern.


Raven sung a quiet song to himself as he walked through the forest.

"One jolly tune~"

"Two jolly tunes~"

"Three jolly tunes~"

"Three jolly tunes to rule them all~"

"The jolly tunes shall rule the world~"

"One shadow jolly tune~"

"Two shadow jolly tunes~"

"Three shadow jolly tunes~"

He may have just made the song up as he went, but he stopped mid way as he noted the red sparks in the distance and moved quickly that way, coming across a weird scene.

A broken lantern on the ground, its flame extinguished. Yet further ahead, sat Rose. She was laying against a tree sweating while shakily pointing her wand forward. A bleeding unicorn on its side nearby. A shade like creature floating forward towards Rose. Traces of the unicorn blood on its mouth.

With a roll of his eyes at having to do some serious work, he fired a very potent fire spell at the shade, but it held a wand up and the fire turned into energy as the creature seemed to become slightly more vibrant.

'Ok no fire, but also what the fuck!?' Raven groaned as he fired a blast of wind at it, but it merely seemed to laugh at him. Element after element seemed to do nothing, or it just easily made it disappear or go around it.

"Fine! Try this then!" Raven growled as he pulled pure mana into his hand in the form of a violent almost rupturing ball, he threw it at the shade and enjoyed its screams as it just let it hit. He fired nine more. Each one slightly bigger.

Pleased as he watched it run away, he focused on the remaining energy he had to heal the minor injured Rose had, and then turned to the unicorn and started healing it as best he could.

He was thankful its major wound closed up, only a scar remaining as proof of its injury. The minor ones closed up perfectly with very tiny scars left behind.

Raven noted that Hagrid had arrived, also a centaur finally came out from hiding, a bow in hand.

"You're late." Raven grumpily complained as he closed the last wound on the unicorn. He pointed an accusing finger at the two, he however turned back around ignoring them as he saw the unicorn standing up again.

"Oh my." Raven said as it gently rubbed up against him and he smiled as he rubbed their forehead being careful of the horn.

"You should scamper along, these woods aren't safe right now." Raven said softly and the unicorn seemed to nod as it nipped at him one more time gently before prancing off.

"Now I'm gonna nap." Raven fainted a moment after, barley caught by Hagrid who gestured for Rose to follow him out the forest.

The detention was over.


Raven groaned as he opened his eyes and rubbed his sore feeling ears, which made no sense, but as he did, he realized they were different. He had reverted to his base form as he called it.

His white hair and blue eyes standing out more clearly. A casual wave of his hand had a mirror floating in front of him and he could see his ears were now pointed.

Did magically exhausting himself cause more of his non human blood to awaken? No, it couldn't be that. If that was the case, he would have long since awakened.

No, there had to be an external factor here, thinking on it, he could only assume the fault laid with the unicorn doing something as it nipped at him gently.

Perhaps there was also some symbolism in saving a pure hearted creature that made the blood awaken as well. He wasn't likely to find out, but he didn't care, it didn't seem like anything negative was happening.

So with a sigh, he changed his form to look normal again, he did choose to make his hair red and have red eyes, he was angry about what happened though, and he'd reflect that. Though his hair was a lighter red.


Nothing much happened afterwards. He was checked over by the nurse, given a clean bill of health, explained everything to Albus, and then went to bed. He hadn't been out long.

"Slay it."

"Destory it."

"Consume it."

"Bathe it."

"Corrupt it."

Raven looked around as he heard multiple voices, but he was in his room alone, Izzy was sleeping.

It was just him and the shadows of the room. He held his head momentarily as he felt a migraine and gave a low groan before deciding to try and sleep it off as he drank some water and got under the covers. A wave of his hand turning off the lights.

He couldn't sleep. All he could hear was the whispers.

"Bathe it in shadows."

"Let the darkness consume it!"

"Consume your enemies!"

"Let us consume!"

"Pretending won't help!"


Raven held his head again as it felt like someone was yelling directly into his ear. Growling he tried to sleep.


In the morning at breakfast he saw the twins.

"You look like shit mate?" "Did you sleep at all?" They asked worriedly and he waved them off grumbling about needing coffee.

What was he supposed to say? That he heard voices demanding blood and sacrifice.

"Drain them with the shadows!"

"Let the shadows empower you!"

"Don't be pathetic!"

"The shadows demand blood!"

"We demand sacrifices!"

"WE WANT SACRIFICES!" Raven tried to hide the growing migraine as he sipped his coffee.

"You will submit!"

Taking a deep breath he stuffed his mouth with food and rushed out the hall ignoring the conserned glances of people directed at him.


In an empty classroom Raven leaned against a wall sweating and holding his head.

"Feed the shadows!"

"Bathe in the shadows!"

"Bathe the shadows red!"

"Feed the shadows hearts!"

"We DeMaNd It Or ElsE wE sHaLl CoNsUmE eVeRyThInG iN oUr PaTh."

The vices kept coming.

"SHUT UP!" Raven yelled out as he slammed his fist against the wall, going right through it revealing the outside.

The voices seemed to stop as he held his head, the migraine going away.

"Oh thank whatever." Raven mumbled as he closed his eyes and passed out, getting much needed and desired sleep.


So definitely an interesting chapter that will lead to curious and interesting things in the future, I got some fun stuff planned for this year that I hope y'all will enjoy.

Anyway, ima dip now, it's late and I wanna go make myself a quick pre sleep snack and watch a part of a movie before I hit the hay.

-Voidy, The Insomniac Who's Struggling To Stay Awake Right Now