
Chapter 22: A Gift or Trap?

Raven hummed as he sat outside in the forbidden forest, just at the edge inside the shadow of a large tree.

He was currently focusing on refining his wizard magic core. Which meant he was expertly trying to guide his magic inside of him to do as he wished.

To achieve his desired results with smooth operation.

It also had a side affect of enhancing his wandless magic. Though he did struggle with that for a while till he figured out wandless magic.

The wand acted as a focus for the magic to properly leave the body. It helped the raw magic from the core to take shape and form into the desired spell.

A lot of people don't recognize that before growing up, wizards are capable of using wandless magic, of course nothing crazy since their core is still forming properly and unstable, but children using even semi-advance magic on will and command merely for wanting a toy, or something to vanish.

So he did some digging around, and he figured out it was a combination of will, intent, desire and bullshit.

He had spent a better part of six weeks figuring out how to do it, but the trick he finally realized was to let the mana flow out the body and then shape it into the desired result, not as easy as it sounds.

Getting mana out the body? Easy. Giving it shape, form and purpose? Hard. Beyond hard. Especially with all the ways it can be used.

He only recently managed to replicate all his current wizard spells wandlessly. A major pain in the ass, that's for sure.

Now he wondered if he could mix his-

Raven was distracted as he noticed Hagrid carefully walking while trying to hide something, how he knew this? He was acting sketchy as hell walking towards his hut while stumbling slightly.

Definitely drunk.

Snoring slightly, he waved his hand and made the rocks in the way move.


With a small laugh, Raven finished writing into the notebook he and the twins shared for prank ideas. The current one he was planning on doing soon, but would require the assistance of the twins.

After all, six hands were better then two.


Raven laughed silently to himself as he watched everyone's reaction to Quirrel, however as the lesson went on, he also felt a tick mark on his face.

Why did they have such an incompetent teacher? Were they really that short on applicants?

"Now the incantation is" Raven tuned out the stuttering disaster. The man could at least try to be less obvious in faking his stutter. He knows a couple rear stutters, and none of them are like that.

The man also seemed to religiously wear his turbin, filled with garlic at that. Funnily enough, garlic didn't do shit to actual vampires. It was merely an annoyance. Lost its effect sometime three hundred years ago.

Honestly, from what he learnt, it was actually just a joke gone wrong. One vampire had been allergic to garlic and just so happened to have a very strong alignment known as sun light. So he died.

Then it kinda just went on from there. Really, it was impressive how many vampires actually we're allergic to garlic back then.

Of course this is still a well kept secret. An of course since his teacher is Lori, he knew the secret, and boy did he spent ten minutes dying of laughter.

Whenever it pops into his head and he sees the twins, he can't stop laughing. Of course both twins knew this as dead apostles, and they found it hilarious once he said something to them once he stopped cackling. They then joined him in cackling.

"Hey! Move you stupid mudblood!" Raven snapped out of his thoughts as some roughly shoved him into a wall. Blinking into focus, Raven noticed some snotty slytherin walking like he owned the castle.

This blonde little shit. He had two bodyguards behind him, fellow students.

With a roll of his eyes he waved his hand and smiled as he heard the three whimpers reach his ears. A well cast and placed wedgie curse, followed by cold shivers curse.

Both light curses that would wear off in a few minutes.

"You stupid mudblood!" Raven hated racism, so he waved his hand and created a bunch of mud to cover the brat and the other two, while also hanging them by their underwear from the wall.

Of course, unluckily for them, this was a well populated hallway, would he anyway, in about twenty-ish minutes.


The next day, in the late afternoon, Raven was making his way down towards Hagrid's hut, it was currently time for another lesson on magical creatures with the half giant, for what else could the man be?

As he approached though, he noticed the blonde little shit from yesterday hanging around, so he ferally grinned at them and watched pleased as they ran away terrified.

"Hagrid!" Raven called out slightly loudly knowing how distracted the man could get sometimes.

"Raven, come on in!" Hagrid yelled out from inside his hut and Raven pushed open the door to see, oh pretty eyes… Raven forced himself to not get lost in those pretty green eyes…


"Potter." Raven said as he used what occlumency practice he had to try and steady his mind.

"Raven!" Rose cheerfully responded and Raven rolled his eyes.

"Is that a dragon egg?" Raven noted as he stared at the egg sitting in the fireplace, of the wooden hut. Oh well, not everyone had common sense, nor was it needed at times.

"Yes." Raven could feel feel the happiness in Hagrid's tone, and he heard a cracking sound and saw the egg was hatching. Within a moment he grabbed Rose and dragged her below the table.

He waited a minute as he heard the egg cracking and the newborn coming out.

"Dragons like many creatures hatched will form a bond with the first person in sight, ie, Hagrid just became Papa Hagrid." Raven explained at the confused look he got.

"Bonding? Like a familiar bond?" Rose asked as the image of her owl appeared in her mind. She could see what Hedwig was doing now, how she was feeling and more.

"No, more like if a person adopted a child who's old enough to think, but still young enough to properly form a parental bond. They recognize someone as their parent, but know they aren't their biological parent." Raven explained standing up again and saw Hagrid patting his now on fire beard out.

"It really is a dragon. Haven't seen once since summer." Raven said with a small chuckle as he held his hand out towards the dragon who sniffed it, alongside the raw magical power he let flow for a moment, and it gently rubbed its head against his palm.

"So cute!" Rose said as she attempted to do the same thing, and almost got bit, but Raven smacked the head gently preventing that.

"That's how one goes to visit the nurse. This type of dragons have a type of venom, and it would have also gotten Hagrid in massive trouble. Imagine the headline, Groundskeeper hatches dragon and almost kills wizarding worlds savior." Raven said with a sardonic smile as he could imagine it now.

Both went wide eye.

"Exactly. Hagrid, I'd recommend talking with Albus, I'm sure he knows what best to do right now. Of course, I'm sure you could get visitation rights to see this beautiful girl." Raven said as he rubbed the soft scales of the dragon who purred.

"Your right, great man Dumbledore, he'd know what to do." Hagrid said in response.

"Of course I'm sure, it would take a few days for anyone to get here, as they would have to ensure the proper area for your child." Raven said with an obvious wink as he spun around and left the hut, leaving two blinking people and a now sleeping dragon baby.

"He's scary comment." Rose muttered, and Hagrid silent agreed with her. He heard things in the staff meetings, and he was most definitely inclined to agree.

"You best be off Rose, I believe curfew is soon." Hagrid said as he made a small bed for his new baby to sleep.

"Ok, bye Hagrid." Rose said as she chased after Raven who was a good bit ahead, she cursed his long legs as she jogged to catch up.

Hagrid called a house elf to get Dumbledore, and like Raven said, it would be a few days due to "Processing issues and travel."

Aka, Hagrid had a week or so to be a papa to his new baby dragon girl.

Truly, the gift of magic.


A man grinned as he went over his plans to get past the Cerberus guarding the third floor corridor. He would get the stone, his master demanded no less!

The traps would be no issue afterwards.


Hope you enjoyed~