
Demonic Finger: 100% Gene Drop Rate

[Six-winged Divine Bird killed, eat flesh of beast to gain zero to ten percent increase in Evolution Progress.] [Flesh of Mythic Beast Six-winged Divine Bird eaten. Evolution Progress increased by 2000% ] [Complete Gene Structure(Genome) found; Six-wings gene.] [Installing Six-wings gene into the Cybergenetic pool, please wait…] On the brink of life and death, Lucifer's last hope was the demonic finger of unknown origin. Would he become a mindless killing machine like the others before him or strip off all limitations and step into a world of endless mutation, evolution and slaughter?

Typhlix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs



The Base master turned towards the committee. "Yes Blain, you have some idea to solve this problem?"

Super soldier Blain nodded his head. "Since we must punish them, why don't we give them a slightly hard mission and see? If they survive means they're worth saving."

Blain glanced at Lucifer who was was also staring at the later with furrowed brows.

"What if we fail?"

Blain chuckled lightly but didn't say any more.

The base master thought for a while before nodding her head. It was a great idea. If they survive they are worth saving and if they don't, then they should just stay dead.

"Do you agree to the punishment?"

It wasn't like the recruits had a choice either, they nodded their heads in agreement.

"The four of you are dismissed, come back tomorrow morning to receive your mission." Suddenly, the cabin turned cold as a predatory wave of power overwhelmed the entire surroundings.

The entire cabin froze as everyone gazed directly at the Base Master who was smiling gently. "You could also decide not to show up, it's up to you."

The recruits didn't know how they got out after that. All they knew was their heart froze in fear and they couldn't think about anything else apart from fleeing. That was the power wave of a Transcendent!

- ----- - ------ - ------ - -----

The three committee's expressions were grave, different thoughts running through their mind. It was unknown what they were thinking but seeing the wart expressions on their faces, it was obvious something unpleasant had just happened.

Mrs Jaden sat back down as though what she did was as casual as exhaling.

The Base Master rolled her eyes and snorted. "I see you are still in contact with the Bruce's Family. No wonder the beat dared to talk back at me."

Blain smiled awkwardly.

"Since you brought up the idea, you shall be the one to decide which mission to give to them."

Quickly adjusting his countance he nodded his head quietly. While take a sneak glance at Osborn.

Osborn's eyes were closed and casual as though the discussion here didn't matter to him.

"I'm getting tired, you can leave." Mrs Jaden waved her hand. The three committee immediately left at her command.

A few seconds later, Cailey opened the door and entered the cabin. Currently, her personality was completely different from before.

Worry and care appeared on her face as she went towards the Base Master with a glass of water. "How many times have I warned you to never activate your cells! It will further weaken their resistance to the poison!"

As though on cue, Mrs Jaden coughed three times before drinking the glass of water.

"Finish it." Cailey glared.

"Fine," In front of Cailey, the Task Master was like a little girl in her present. Finishing the glass of water, the Task Master grumbled.

"You worry too much."

"Is it really necessary to scare them?"

Nodding her head, the old woman sighed. "Who knows what's running through their filthy heads, I had to put a little bit of fear in them otherwise their imagination would only run wild."

"How's your evolution progress?" The Task master suddenly asked in hope.

Cailey smiled and the world seem to brighten as a halo seem to appear behind her. "I have accumulated two evolution points. The third is at 70 percent progress."

"Good! Good! The legacy of the Jaden Family would continue with you and with your talent, you will surely unlock the 'Bloodline-limit' when you transcend!" Mrs Jaden's eyes lit up in adoration and care for Cailey.

This was her pride and her joy, a truly talented kid different from the rest. In just a year, she was almost a Level-three Cyber Warrior and judging from her progress, it wouldn't be long now before she reached that stage.

- ----- - ------ - ------ - -----

Something had changed within him. Lucifer frowned. Now, he could feel nervousness at some ordinary situation. Lucifer's brows furrowed even more as thought deeply about what had happened back at the cabin, using it as reference.

Was it the hope of finally having the chance to live again no matter how slim it is? With the finger, he could create endless evolution points and undergo the three stages of evolution needed for his cells to stand a chance at fighting off the cancerous cells in his body.

Shaking his head, it's a hassle thinking too much about things. With that he stroded straight to his hut, his eyes full of pain and expectation.

- ----- - ------ - ------ - -----

When he reached his hut, Lucifer's face turned gloomy. The attack from the wolf had destroyed the door to his shack and even the roughly made wooden walls had been destroyed with a few claw scars all over his house.

His large pot also had been destroyed, as well as his machete. Lucifer didn't think it could get any worse than this. He was to head out for a mission early morning and he didn't have a means to protect himself, neither did he have tools for cooking if he managed to kill a few wild beast during the mission.

It was strange seeing as Lucifer wasn't really worried about the mission but about his knife and pot. Suddenly he remembered something.

Lucifer gazed carefully at his surroundings, and after confirming no one was watching him, he quickly headed further into the bushes in his backyard. Three days have passed and yet, faint traces of his battle with the vile wolf was still present.

He could even see the dried up blood of the vile wolf were it had died. Lucifer then walked towards a tree and began to dig like a maniac. His hope was the shriveled finger, if course he wasn't going to let it slip away from him.

He sighed in relief as he felt something in his hand after digging for a while. It was the shriveled finger. It was still the same as it was the last time he left it.

The flesh was as dried and ugly as a trees bark while the nail was till reflecting light rays like diamond.