
Demonic Devourer's Development

The most powerful demon of Hell reduced to a mere slug! Thanks to his unique ability to absorb abilities of the creatures he ate, Voren became the strongest demon in Hell. But just when he was ready to relax and enjoy the luxuries he conquered, gods descended from Heaven to take him down. One against many, Voren fought valiantly, but in the end, he was defeated. Still, the gods couldn’t break his spirit. He lost all his demonic powers, but even all of gods’ efforts couldn’t wipe out Voren’s memories—and his unique ability. As a last attempt to destroy him, gods made Voren reincarnate as one of the lowest creatures there is—a slug. But even that won’t stop Voren from taking his immortality back and getting his revenge. He will reach Heaven… through violence. And enjoy everything the mortal realm can offer on his way there. Warning: contains bloody violence, crimes against animals, crimes against humans and what else you can expect from an evil protagonist. (please, read the prologue)

Garessta · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
257 Chs

Spin the wheel

Both me and Rosha were much happier people when we finally went back into the storefront. Risha met us with a smile from the sitting place in a corner, one that widened when she took a longer look at Rosha's face.

"You look much better now, Rosha," Risha said, hopping down from the chair. "And I got an order for you! Auntie Illiana wanted you to sharpen her cooking knives. They are in the box, here, and I put the coins for the order in your money chest!"

"Thank you, Risha," Rosha said, patting her sister's head and grinning. "I will get to it later, but right now I have to craft something else. It's going to be our meal ticket, I tell you."

"Huh? What's that?"

"You will see when I'm done." Rosha hummed thoughtfully as she looked around the store. "Will you be alright there if I go to the workshop?.."