
Demon Slayer: The New Generation

Asvasuke Seinaruya is just a normal boy. But when the monsters rise back up so will the corps!

TheFoolishHuman · Anime & Comics
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Asvasuke's Journal! Vocal Cords!

Demons feed on the flesh and blood of living human beings. People believe they are nasty creatures that spawned from hell. They have unnatural physical abilities. They don't have " Normal" body parts like normal creatures you would see everyday. They can have more than two legs or arms, or they can have millions of rolling eyes on every part of their body. Nobody knows where they spawned but all people know is that they are a highly dangerous threat. That's why there's such a thing as a Demon slayer.

These humans fight demons even if their mortal bodies tend to get damaged.

" I fought demons long ago," Master Kai would tell me. " I even nearly died myself. But that never stopped me. Demons will tell you you are too weak to handle such an impact from a beast such as whom. But don't let that affect your spirit or BOOM! YOU'RE DEAD! Once I feel like you have finished your training I will decide if you enter the Final Selection!"

I'm writing all about my experience in the mountains with Master Kai today! He would make me run and follow him. He was faster than anybody I've ever met! Whenever I got close to him he would hit me with the hilt of his sword and keep on going until I could actually touch him. At the moment it seemed impossible. He even started setting up capturing traps when I got harder to avoid.

Master Kai made me do these weird experiences with my nose and ears. Today he made me sniff for bear waste. The bear didn't like that at all. It was getting warmer outside so that meant even more training. The weaker the smell or the farther away it is the harder it is for me to sniff it out. The closer it is and the stronger it is the easier. He would sometimes throw a coin really far and use it to test my hearing skills. And he said I had to plug my nose so I wouldn't cheat.

The hikes in the mountain were getting even worse. When Master Kai would see how more skilled I'd gotten he would come after me himself. He would stop me from getting to my destination. Every twenty minutes he would take a break but then come right back at me with a sneak attack. That's why I had to bring a wooden sword with me.

Today I practiced my sword swinging. Master Kai told me to swing it one thousand times or until my shoulder stopped moving. I didn't want to risk losing my shoulders so I stopped at one thousand and took a break. I did this everyday after my stamina, hearing, and smelling training.

Master Kai had told me that a blade can be shattered easily so I would have to learn to weild it correctly. He told me I had to move as if I were the blade. As if I were attached to it. The way I move must be exactly the same as the blade. He told me if I broke the sword he gave me he would snap my arms and maybe my neck if the damage to the sword was severe. Oldman Kai really is a fierce teacher!

Everyday I wonder how Sumihiko, Tojuro, Yoshiteru and the others are doing. Tojuro of course might have no problem with a sword. Maybe even Yoshiteru is doing alright. Sumihiko is probably living a nightmare without being able to sleep as much as he does back at home. I miss you all very much and hopefully I don't die when the Final Selection comes.

Today master Kai taught me how to dodge and keep up my defense. Kai-sensie told me if I can't do hand-to-hand combat I'm no good when I lose my sword. It will simply lead me to my own death. For an oldman Kai-sensei is really strong. If he saw that I called him an oldman he would break all of my fingers so I couldn't write anymore.

This week I'm focusing on my breathing techniques. He said when holding my sword I had to keep a certain posture. I couldn't just swing my body carelessly. Six months ago Kai-Sensei was kid enough to give me a special birthday.

Today Master Kai made me do something insane.

" Today, I want you to slice that boulder in half," he told me.

" Wait a second...," I thought about this. " I know it's possible but...how exactly am I supposed to do this?"

"If you can beat me in a fight you can slice a boulder," Kai said. " Now come on we're going to fight and we'll see if after you win a fight against me you can slice that boulder in half. OR would you take it upon yourself and find your own way?"

( Listen To Gurenge From "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" Epic Orchestral Version)

" I-I'll find my own way," I told him.

He nodded his head and walked away.

Day after day I did my basic training with my sword. After a couple of months I still couldn't get the rock to split into two!

" WHY CAN'T I GET ANYTHING RIGHT?!," I shouted and kicked the big boulder.

Master Kai slid open the cabin door, " What are you doing out here so late at night?"

" Kai-Sensei! I don't know if it's possible for me to do something like this!," I told him.

" You do know you still have another option, correct?," he questioned.

" Fighting you...," I knew if I thought for too long he would instantly take away both my choices so I immediately said. " I'll go dueling you!"

Master Kai picked up his real sword, " Do you believe you may win tonight, Asvasuke Seinaruya? Will you bring your family name into the spotlight?"

I gulped, " I'll win and if I don't. I won't get to go to the Final Selection. Bring it on, oldman Kai!"

We both ran at each other. Master Kai planned to land a hit on me but with all the adrenal in my veins my hearing was sharper than ever and so were my reflexes. I felt and heard the breeze of his sword coming towards me. Before I could think, my body dodged his attempted attack and slashed at him. No. I had struck the boulder. It was split in half and my sword wasn't. I looked behind me. Master Kai's mask was also split in half. He had a smile on his face as if saying he was proud of me. But then the table turned. He took another mask out of nowhere and put it on his face. He walked towards me and started twisting my fingers.

" Call me 'oldman Kai again and I'll have your head. You understand me, Seinaruya boy?," he threatened.

" Y-Yes, Sensei!," I winced.

A week later Master Kai gave me something special. A demon's weak spot is it's neck. But even if you strike that area you won't be able to kill it with a normal weapon. You've got to use a special blade used by all Demon Hunters. That blade is called a Nichiri blade. It is forged using a special steel. My sense of smell hearing is now stronger than before and using this sword during the Final Selection, I am sure I will pass.

" I am truly proud of you, Asvasuke," Master Kai patted my shoulder and then hugged me. " You're a strong and good kid. So I want you to come back with flying colors, alright?"

I nodded. Master Kai then went inside of the cabin and back out with a folded cloth. It was a purple color with blue faded into it. When I took the cloth from him I saw that it was a haori. At the end of the haori it had a flame like pattern cut into it.

" I wanted to gift you with this," Master Kai said. " And be sure to take this mask with you too."

He handed me a red fox mask that could cover my entire face.

" I designed it to match that scar on your cheek," he informed. " The one you got on the train. No hurry outta here you trouble maker, I'll be waiting!"

I put the mask and Haori on and started to run off, " Thank you, oldman Kai!"

" WHAT?!," I heard Master Kai shout in the distance.

[End of Journal]

I laughed and headed off towards Fujikasaneyama; the place where the Final Selection will be held. The place was surrounded by beautiful Wisteria trees that weren't even supposed to be blooming this time of year! There were about fifteen to twenty kids here. I even saw Sumihiko, Tojuro, and Yoshiteru. Yoshiteru's sister was even here! So was Sumihiko's older brother, plus Goto and Takeuchi!

I decided not to let them know I was here. It would probably only make a distraction. There were two weird short, similar looking girls.

" Hi, everyone," they said in unison. " We welcome you all to the Final Election tonight. There are a bunch of demons captive on this mountain brought back by Demon Hunters. They are not able to escape because of the Wisteria trees blooming halfway up the mountain.Though from her and beyond there are no Wisteria trees. There are only Demons. If you are able to survive the seven days in these woods you will pass the Final Selection. Let the Final Selection begin."

Everyone ran off into the woods and rushed off in different directions. After a few minutes I started to hear raspy voices.

" GO GET YOUR OWN FOOD!," a demon yelled. " He's my prey!"

" NO HE'S MINE. GET THE HELL OUT!," a different demon yelled as he kicked the head off of the other.

That demon came straight towards me but I showed no sign of fear. I unsheath my sword and got into my stance. I took a deep breath.

" Water Breathing First Form!," I thought. " Water Surface Slash!"

I created a single strike to the demon's neck using my concentration. I watched as the demon turned to ashes before my eyes. I wondered if this demon used to be human. I closed my eyes and clapped my hands together.

" May god be with you," I whispered. " May god be with all the demons trapped here."

I suddenly heard the sound of a scream from afar. Without hesitation I followed my ears. My nose started to burn from a smell that reeked. In Front of me was a demon with four arms and an extra eye on its forehead. Out of its mouth came the awful scream I had heard a minute ago.

" One of the brave ones," the demon snarled. " The most powerful always fall for my tricks. You may be a challenge but you'll die anyway."

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