The girl clapped her hands, and said, "Okay, take him away!"
Two people with cloth-covered faces came and lifted Tanjiro. As they approached the box that Nezuko was sleeping in, Hiroto stopped then and said, "It's fine, I'll carry her. Just take my brother before he causes trouble."
"A-Ah, alright." The person said nervously, after having seen Hiroto stand up for his sister against the pillars.
"I want to buttheads with that scarred guy! I mean it!" Tanjiro's voice came from the side as he hugged onto a wooden pole, refusing to let go as the two people around him tried dragging him off.
"Shut up! Shut up!" They yelled desperately.
"He cut Nezuko! I mean it!!! I shouldn't be going against the rules for just a headbutt!" Tanjiro yelled out.
"Haabuee," Tanjiro muttered, as his face was hit by 3 little pebbles, dazing him.
"Interrupting what Oyakata-Sama is saying is a bad idea." The young man with long hair said.
"W-we're very sorry Oyakata-Sama!" The people with the cloth-covered faces said weeping.
The pink-haired girl blushed and thought, 'Muichirou-Kun… you really are a man. So cool.'
"Hurry up and leave." The man said again.
"Ah-Y...yes, sir!" They quickly picked up Tanjiro and ran away.
As Hiroto picked up the box and followed behind them, he heard Oyakata speak up. "Hiroto…"
Hiroto turned around, "Give my regards to Tamayo-san." Oyakata said, in his same calming voice.
Hiroto's eyes widened, not only at the fact that Oyakata knew Tamayo but about the fact Oyakata knew that they have met Tamayo before.
"Certainly, sir," Hiroto said respectfully with a bow.
Hiroto followed the group out of the headquarters and ran along a dirt path. The two in front were hitting Tanjiro for speaking up in front of Oyakata, shouting how they were going to die if he kept this up.
'Maybe I should teach Tanjiro some etiquette…' Hiroto thought as he ran with Nezuko's box on his back.
After several minutes of running, they arrived outside or an estate which was surrounded by low bamboo walls.
They went to the front of the house and entered, "Pardon for the intrusion." The cloth-masked man said.
"Par… Looks like nobody's coming out all." The cloth-masked girl said.
"But going in on our own is just…" The man said, his words trailing off with a hidden meaning.
"Let's go check the garden." The girl said.
The group walked towards the garden, with the man saying to Tanjiro, "You can walk on your own man."
Tanjiro weakly says, "I'm sorry. My whole body just hurts a whole lot already, like a lot…"
"What an old man…" Hiroto muttered from behind.
"As there's someone there." The girl said.
"That's, uhhhh, yeah, you're supposed to call her 'Tsuguko' (Successor)." The man said.
"What's a tsu-" Before Tanjiro could finish asking, Hiroto walked in front of the group and towards the girl standing in the middle of the garden surrounded by butterflies.
"Hey, Kanao!" Hiroto called out to her as he walked up.
Kanao looked surprised for a moment before smiling.
Hiroto then whispered apologetically, "Sorry about what happened on Mt. Natagumo."
Kanao tilted her head in confusion, before realizing what Hiroto was talking about before she gave a light blush that escaped most people's eyes, except Hiroto's.
"Wha-What are you doing?!" The man cried out in panic.
"You can't just call out to a Tsuguko so casually! Tsuguko are people that the Pillars personally look after." The woman said.
Hiroto ignored their yelling and said, "So you're a Tsuguko? That means you're pretty amazing then right?"
Kanao kept her same smiling face, as she looked back at Hiroto.
*sigh* "You know, we can be considered friends right? Let's talk normally, without your coin." Hiroto said haggardly.
Kanao tilted her head once more. "Friends?"
Hiroto stared back, and thought, 'What did I get myself into…'
*cough* the woman stepped forward and said, "We came under Koshou-Sama's orders. Can we enter the estate?"
Kanao just kept looking at them without saying a word, with butterflies flying around.
"Can...we?" The woman said again.
Kanao just smiled and didn't say anything else.
Hiroto spoke up, "Come on Kanao, just give us a yes or a nod. Something like this won't need instructions from your master."
Kanao looked at Hiroto for a moment before turning to the woman and kept smiling again.
"Who are you!!" A young girl's voice shouted out from behind the group.
Turning around, they saw a girl with deep blue eyes, white pupils, straight black hair with parted fringe and twin tails. She wore two blue butterfly clips keeping her twin tails in place. She was carrying a box of what seems to be medical supplied.
"No, uhh." The man stuttered.
"Kochou-Sama…" The woman waved her arms trying to speak up.
"Are you part of the Kakushi? He's hurt, right? Come over here." The girl said quickly, before turning to walk away quickly.
'Fast/Fast/Gotta go fast.' the thoughts of the two masked people and Hiroto sounded out in unison.
Hiroto turned to Kanao and smiled at her, "I'll talk with you later, take care."
Kanao stared at Hiroto's back as he walked away. She took out a coin and thought to herself for a moment. Before flipping it up in the air and catching it…
[In the Medical room]
"Five times?! I'm drinking this 5 times? In one day?!" Zenitsu's voice shouted out from inside the room as the group approached it.
"Am I gonna continue drinking this medicine for 3 months?! If I drink this, I can't eat any food?! NOOOoooooooo" Zenitus cried while a young girl with circular black eyes wearing a nurse dress looked on with worry.
"Please be quiiieeeet." The girl said.
"Someone explain this to me better! What's gonna happen if I get hurt from drinking this once?! wahhhh!" Zenitsu continued crying.
"Hey!" The group entered the room, and saw Zenitsu crying as the girl with the twin tails shouted out, "That guy's still being noisy…"
Tanjiro looked at Zenitsu and said, "Zenitsu…!!"
"PLEASE BE QUIET!!" the girl shouted at Zenitsu, making his recoil back in fear as his eyes bulged.
"I've explained this to you countless times already! I'll tie you up if you don't knock it off!" the girl yelled, before storming off somewhere else. "My goodness…" She muttered under her breath, as the young girl in the nurse dress followed her.
"Zenitsu!" Tanjiro yelled out, as the man carried him over.
"Gyaaaah!!"Zenitsu screamed in fear at someone yelling out his name.
"Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! You went into the mountains and ended up here!" Tanjiro said looking at the crying Zenitsu.
"Ta...Tanjiro…" Zenitsu said, looking up and acting as though he saw his savior. "Wahhhhhhh! Tanjiro, hear me ooouuut! I got stabbed by this stinky spider, so I was in a lotta pain due to the poisoooooon! And that girl's been nagging at me and getting mad at me, so it sucks so muuuccch."
The girl with the twin tails turned around and gave a death stare to Zenitsu, who eeked and hid under his covers.
Hiroto looked at this at spoke up, "You know… if you stay here and follow their instructions, you'll get to spend time recovering here instead of going out and fighting Demons…"
Upon hearing this, Zenitsu quickly threw the cover off and yelled out, "Give me all the medicine you got! If it means I can stay here then I'll do whatever you ask of me! If you want my body, then… please be gentle it's my fi- GACK!"
*thonk* Zenitsu was hit by a food tray that the girl with the twin tails threw towards him. "Shut up and drink your medicine!"
"Y-yes ma'am…" Zenitsu cried out wearily.
The girl looked over to Hiroto appreciatively and gave a thank you bow. Hiroto waved his hands in a 'no-big-deal' manner.
Hiroto looked over and saw Inosuke being depressed and not yelling. "I was wondering why it was so quiet in here with you laying there. How badly did that big guy do you in?" Hiroto said.
Inosuke stayed quiet, before saying in a hoarse and ragged voice. "Sorry… I got in the way… I'm too weak…"
Tanjiro's mouth was wide open as he looked at the depressed Inosuke.
*sigh* 'Great, now he's depressed.' Hiroto thought as he looked at the downtrodden Inosuke.
Hiroto looked at Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke who were talking to each other.
'Tanjiro has wounds on his face, arms, and legs as well as countless cuts all over. Zenitsu seems to have something more severe since it seems that his right arm and leg have shrunk from being bitten by a spider. I also noticed his arm was spasming, even if he tried to hide it. Inosuke's voice is hoarse and rough, his thought must have been punched by that big spider faced Demon before… And Nezuko…" Hiroto thought, look back at the box on his back
'Nezuko… lacks sleep!!'
Finally at the Butterfly estate.
After this bit, we finally get to the Infinity train arc! Before that arc arrives, I'll warn the readers that we'll be delving into Manga territory and heavy spoilers for the future. So if you only want to watch the anime, you have been warned for the future. (I'll put this up again in the future when we get there)
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next few ones are gonna be more laid back since all the heavy combat has been passed already.
Peace out!