
Demon Slayer: Rebirth of Demon Slayer as Demon

In a world shattered by the malevolent arrival of a demon king from the moon a century ago, humanity and the animal kingdom have been forever transformed. Those under the age of 24 became demons, while those above 24 were cursed to wander as relentless zombies. Amidst this nightmarish landscape, an unlikely savior emerges—a former demon slayer reincarnated as a demon himself.

sage_ultra_verse · Anime & Comics
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Ch 2-The Awakening: Unveiling the Chosen One

Tamayo, "Yushiro, Yushiro."

Yushiro saw Miss Tamayo, and for a moment, his heart stopped at the sight of her beauty after such a long absence. Then, he ran toward her. The closer he got, the more beautiful she appeared, her glow intensifying. With tears in his eyes, Yushiro hugged Miss Tamayo and said, "Are you all right? Do you need anything? Can I help you in any way? Have you finished that experiment or research you were working on for so long? You disappeared for three months continuously, and I was so worried about you. Have you eaten anything? Should I make something for you?" Yushiro spoke without pause. Tamayo stopped him and asked, "Have you seen Tanjiro Kamado?" Yushiro inquired, "Miss Tamayo, is that Tanjiro Kamado standing on top of that building?" However, he remembered that Tanjiro Kamado had black hair with burgundy tips, yet this man had black hair with forest green tips. Miss Tamayo stood behind him; when had she arrived? She was truly amazing.

Tamayo smiled and said, "So, you're here. You vanished in the blink of an eye. You had me worried for a moment."

Tanjiro replied, "I'm sorry for that. A past memory of destroying my surroundings as a demon came to mind. That's why I came here to the open to calm down."

Tamayo reassured him, "You must be confused and have many questions right now."

Tanjiro pondered, "I am a demon now. Why and for what purpose?"

Tamayo promised, "I'll answer all your questions and explain everything. But first, someone wants to meet you."

Yushiro moved toward his next classroom to teach his students, a mix of happiness and confusion lingering after witnessing Miss Tamayo and Tanjiro disappear from the top of the building.

The laboratory gate opened, revealing Tanjiro and Tamayo standing in front, waiting for it to complete its opening sequence. They both entered, and now Tanjiro closely observed his surroundings. He noticed that four cylindrical capsules were broken, and he had emerged from one of them. There were ten more capsules filled with yellow jelly, indicating that someone was inside each of them. Tamayo led him to a lift made of plant leaves. When Tanjiro stepped onto it, two leaves combined to create a small chamber. It began to rotate, with the midrib of the leaves displaying three floors. Tamayo selected the bottommost button, which took them 20 feet underground. They exited the lift upon reaching their destination. She led him through a series of doors, the first made of roots, the second of lightning, and the third of water. They arrived at the final main door of the room. Tamayo entered the password, and the door swung open, revealing a cylindrical glass container twice the size of the capsules in the lab. Tamayo removed the purple liquid from the container, revealing an old man secured with belts for support. She then removed the glass, and the purple liquid began to evaporate. The old man woke up, and as the purple liquid completely evaporated, he burst into flames, incinerating the belts that held him. He moved toward Tanjiro and spoke, "I've been awaiting your arrival. You are the chosen one for the Red Spider Crystal Heart. You will defeat me and save this world." He incinerated himself in green flames, vanishing into a pile of ashes. Among the remains, a red crystal glinted.

Tamayo remarked, "I kept him preserved for a century for this."

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