

For as long as humans have known, creatures like Demons, Fae’s, Shape-shifters, Witches were things of myths. Until one night, the selfish sacrifice of two people caused the four portals of the underworld to become unlocked. The veil that kept humans ignorant of the existence of supernatural’s lifted, and it plunges the world into utter fear and confusion. As expected of humans, they reacted first, causing more wars than need be and enforcing more havoc and misery on everyone. To stop the growing death that plagued earth, two sides banded together to attack one. Humans and supernatural’s were free to roam together day and night, surviving, working, and rebuilding to make earth the prosperous blue planet it once was. Only, this fairytale didn’t exactly start in peace… and well, we’re still waiting for the end of the story. As with every obstacle one overcomes in life, there lays another just a few feet’s away. Before true victory can be attained, both sides need to learn to work together for the safety of all. ~*~*~*~ Ten thousand years ago, I lived a happy, comfortable life with my granny who provided everything for me, only I was uprooted out of that life by the hands of a hardhearted man, and was forced into service for another man and his Kingdom which has done nothing good for me. I experienced life’s true brutality under his service and ended up losing my life. Given a second chance at revival, I promised myself to get back at the man who is responsible for the death card I was handed. At one point in my life, I had the chance to meet him and get my revenge, but I was too weak and immature to succeed. Instead, I got to experience an even bigger hell by his hands and suffered a traumatic fate. He tortured me to my very last breath, and my new body now has countless scars to show for it. He shaped me into the cold-hearted monster I have become today, and I’m going to make sure he gets a taste of his work. I’m going to make him pay for the lives he’s taken. I’m going to shove a hand deep into his chest, rip out his cold dark heart, and crush it in the palm of my hand with great satisfaction. I am Reed, and I am out… for Blood!

Blessing_Ewetumo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


Okay, I have no idea what to do in a situation such as this?

I mean, I get the fact that he's grateful I saved his pathetic ass but honestly isn't this reaction a little too extreme.

Pressing my hand against his hard abs I try to push him off but he doesn't let go, his grip growing tighter as he pulls me so close until our body is practically pressed together.

Grunting in frustration, I curse the weak strength of my host and was about to take drastic actions like stepping on his foot or driving a knee up a sensitive area to get him to let go when all of a sudden his body is dragged off of mine by a pissed off Sir Locke.

Before he or I could react, the older male throws a punch at his face in anger and I watch in shock as his head snaps to the side.

Damn, I'm not that offended, he didn't need to punch him so hard.

"What the fuck was that just now, why didn't you shoot on command?" He barks, spittle flying out of his mouth as he glares down at the younger male.

Standing at attention with his hands folded behind his back, his feet spread apart, and his face facing forward he made sure to keep his eyes directed at Sir Locke's jaw rather than make eye contact.

Oh, so that's why he punched him?

Well, that makes more sense.

"I'm sorry sir, I was–"

"You were what?" Sir Locke snaps, taking a step forward as he glares at him intimidatingly in such a sexy manner.

Ah hell, why am I always attracted to the older ones?

"You have disappointed me a lot Alexander, and I hereby dismiss you as the team leader of this mission."

His words caused the male to finally meet his eyes in shock, a protest on his lips, but one hard glare from Sir Locke shut him up promptly and his shoulders drop in defeat.

Glancing over the younger male's shoulder, he says to the person approaching the stairs. "Kevin, you're taking over."

I shuffle back a few steps when the domineering Dark Warlock steps forward with a smug look on his face. His protective mask held in his hand. "It will be my privilege, Sir."

"Good, coordinate the humans and have your team escort them to their pick up spot. I have to make some calls to headquarters and talk to General Karl."

Without giving the other male a backward glance he makes his way back into the building and I watch his retreating back until he disappears, letting out a sigh of relief I turn to stare at the two towering males to find them glowering at one another in disdain.

Rolling my eyes at the stench of male domination, I circle their bodies and walk over to the Cursed.

Nudging it's a dead body with a foot, a shiver runs down my spine at the sight of its gaping mouth and clouded eyes. Yuck, I never thought I'd be faced with such a creature ever again.

Fucking shadow creatures.

Leaning forward I pull out my swords from its chest and heart, resisting the urge to vomit when dark blood begins to pour out from its wounds and the swords pulls out of its body with a sickening sound.

Grimacing in disgust, I wipe the dark blood coating both swords on the shredded pants of the cursed before looking up.

To find the gazes of both males directed at me was a little nerve-wracking, but then having those gaze narrow in suspicion made my hackles rise and for me to take a defensive stance.

"What are you two looking at?"

"Are you okay, usually you tend to get sensitive about killing anything?" This question came from the blonde male with beautiful baby blue eyes, the level of familiarity in his voice tells me he might be acquainted with my host and judging by the hug I received earlier I'd say he is very acquainted.

"I guess, I got over it." I shrug, faking an air of nonchalance.

Making both swords disappear into thin air with my powers, I clear my throat and avoid their gaze.

I was about to ask what the hell we're to do with the bodies when the rest of the team drew closer, and one idiot I never thought I'd see again removed his masks and took several hurried steps in my direction.

"Aurora, are you okay?" The annoying shifter who was one of the first few people I met when I woke up in my host's body, wraps his arms around me in a tight squeeze and I wonder if this is a trend among males in this century.

"Get the hell off of me, you fucking ingrate!" I snap in annoyance and was relieved when the blonde reached out quickly and grabbed the collar of the idiotic shifter off of me.

A glare on his face as he screams at him. "Dean, what the fuck was that?"

"I-I-I," The ingrates stutters, his wide eyes going from concern to panic as he stands cushioned between two males who glared at him with threatening looks on their face, the ugly sneer on their lips making me wonder why the hell they're overreacting to something that happened to me.

"Uhm, fuck, guys calm down. I swear it was an honest mistake–"

"A mistake?" I snap my head is away in anger, taking a threatening step forward as I glared at him. "A mistake is when you step on someone's foot, but not you throwing yourself at me every chance you get. I thought you already learned your lesson from 2months ago."

Raising my hand in the air with a smile filled with a vengeful promise, I start to draw out my powers. "But it seems I need to teach you another–"

"Can you all stop!" I get interrupted by a brunette who pulls on the collar of the one the blonde called Dean; automatically making him stumble into her arms as she saves his ass from Alpha male 1&2, and though she still has her mask I can see the look of irritation on her face. "We have work to do."

"Your right, we need to clean up this mess and–"

"And get rid of the corpse slowly transforming into a Cursed," I say, interrupting the blonde male as my eyes fixate on the female everyone had forgotten about at the foot of the stairs.