


Muhammed_Nurudeen · Fantasy
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2 Chs


I sat under the tree in front of the classroom block of the school and begun to play a video game on my laptop when a black haired girl with deep green eyes walked up to me and asked. "Have you seen this girl please?" I raised my head from the laptop then saw her showing me a picture of herself with yellow eyes and blonde hair. "Listen stop looking for yourself around the school else people are going to call you crazy." With that I stood up and left the place after putting my laptop in my bag and with my headphones on at the loudest volume. She was saying something but I did not even listen then walked away. I went to the library then picked a book to read and another voice travelled across my table. "Have you seen my twin sister please?" I raised my head to see who it was and saw the Blondie whose picture was shown to me by the black haired girl. "Oh come on Vladimir what have you done." I said to myself and told her that yes and she should follow me. Luckily we went to meet her sitting at my usual spot and Blondie was so happy to see her that she run to hug her immediately she saw her. I left the place immediately then returned to the library. As I continued with my book, there was an announcement in the siren that all the students were to move to the assembly hall for an announcement. When I stood up and was about to make my way there, I saw the twins headed my way and hid behind the shelf. The Blondie brought the black haired sister to my previous position and said "I swear sis he was right here and he looks really cute." I made my way out of the library and headed to the assembly hall. The principal came in after we were all seated and announced that today was the award giving ceremony of the top students of the school. The students were called from lowest to highest rank in the examination and my name was mentioned last which meant I was the top student. I made my way down the stairs and when I was taking my prize, I spotted the Blondie pointing me out to her sister. We returned to our seat and the assembly was over after the principal gave a long annoying speech I did not really care about. When I walked out of the hall I was met with the twins face to face. Nowhere to run now. "Hi "I said and they both responded. Black haired twin seemed mad at me so I apologized to her. I was forgiven and Blondie took my phone number. We both went opposite ways of the hall. There was something wired about those two but I needed him to return before I could come to a conclusion. For now just be normal and not get in trouble. In the evening as I lay in bed, I received a phone call from an unknown number and I was so not going to answer the call then I remembered that I gave my phone number to someone so I picked up. "Took you long enough." The voice travelled to me and I knew who it was, it was the Blondie I met. We ended up talking for a really long time. She was really interesting to talk to and I just found out that she was a transfer student from Australia. Her name was Blair and her twin sister was Barbie. The next day Blair was introduced as a new student in my class. My class was a computing class and it was not likely to see females come to a computing class. All the boys could not help staring at her like crazy. Honestly speaking, she looked like an angel sent from heaven. I bent my head down and begun writing something on my table when the teacher called me and asked me to prepare the seat next to me so she would sit there. All the boys in the class turned to look at me with death glares but I ignored them all. I did as I was told and she came to sit next to me. When the class was over, I asked her how she got the teacher to allow her to sit next to me and she said that the teacher is her uncle. Okay I did not expect that one. I did not have any other class that day and the same for her so she asked me to show her around the city and I agreed. We walked to the parking lot and I took out the keys to my Ducati. I handed her my spare electric helmet and wore mine. We rode out and I was showing her around. She asked me to stop when we got to a toy store and then asked me to move on after she took a good look at it. We got to a bike store and she asked me to stop again. We went inside and she went crazy over the bikes on display. I understood that she loves bikes a lot so I decided to take her to a place I was sure she would like a lot. It was a bike race track where people challenged each other. The owner was a family friend so I could use the place for free. When we got there, Blair challenged me to a race and I agreed. There was no way she was winning anyway. She picked a Kawasaki brand and I used my Ducati. She got dressed in a bikers suit and so did I. she looked really hot in the suit. It projected her body figure so perfectly that I froze staring at her for a second. We got on our bikes and the race begun when they waved the flag. We both dashed away and I was right beside her when she performed a wheelie and dashed away. Wow if she wanted competition, competition she shall get. I did same and trust me she was one crazy rider. In the end, I won the race and she was just a few nano seconds behind me. We visited the amusement park last and she went on a games spree like a kid high on sugar. She played every game and went on all the rides there. We returned to the college after that and immediately we got there, we were met with her twin sister Barbie. When she saw that we were on a bike, she freaked out. "Blair did you ride the bike?" She asked raising one eyebrow. Blair just put her hands behind her and said that no. "Okay if you say so but if a problem arises I'm not to blame." They held hands and turned to walk away. As they walked away, Blair turned and winked at me whispering goodbye. I waved at her and immediately they walked away, the atmosphere around me changed. Finally he was here. I stood face to face with my demon sitting on his demon throne. I was in the demon world finally after six months. "Hey Vali, how are you feeling now." I asked my demon Vali and he smiled at me. "I'm fine brother." He said standing up from his throne. Yes I am a super natural. A demon for that matter, my entire family is a family of demons. Vali is my demon, he got hurt after we were in a battle with a witch and had been sleeping for six months to heal. We spent a lot of time talking and we ended up walking into the human world. We were in my apartment when we came back from the supernatural world. Vali went to cook for us and I went to take a shower. He has always been there for me. We were born together as one and we will also die together as one. If Vali dies, then I die and the same if I die, then Vali dies as well. We talked until I went to bed then he also returned to the supernatural world. The next morning, I woke up smelling something really nice in the room and so I went to the kitchen to check. There is no way it is Vali as he never wakes up until it was the afternoon. He only woke up before the afternoon if I wake him up myself. When I got there, it was Blair and she had made different varieties of dishes. She was in a really short skirt with a clop top and she also wore really long socks which made her look like an anime girl. I was in my boxers only and things were really getting okward so I left the kitchen and went to the bathroom to take my bath. As I was in there, I sensed someone come into the room and so I locked the shower from the inside. The shower's door opened magically and it was Blair. "Get out of here before she assumes total control." She said and immediately after that, she transformed into a succubus. "Run." The Blair inside the succubus said then she faded away. Wow Blair was also a supernatural just like me and she was a succubus. I was about to walk away when the succubus fell on the floor. She is not going to make it through the day if she does not feed. I woke Vali and he came into my world. "Did your friend really have to be a succubus?" Vali said as he stared at her for a second. "Come on lets help her." I said and we both bonded. I could feel the power running through my body. I picked her up and helped her undress then took her to the shower. I had bonded with Vali so because if I do it as a human, she was going to drain me to death. I begun to kiss her and she was kissing me back. I traced the kisses down her neck then stuck my cork inside her when I got hard. I began to move in and out slowly so I don't hurt her in any way. When I had cum twice already, I lifted her to the bedroom and placed us in a cowgirl position. She moved up and down and stopped to kiss me when I cum the fourth time. I pulled out and she sucked me making me cum two more times in her mouth. We were both exhausted after that and so we fell asleep on the bed and in some time later I opened my eyes to see that she was already awake and was staring at me. Tears begun to run down her cheeks when I woke up and she said "I'm really sorry for using you Vladimir please forgive me." I held her in a tight hug as we lay on the bed and said, "No need to apologize Blair I understand you." I wiped her tears with my thumb and asked her to smile for me. She begun to smile and we went to have breakfast. The food was cold so I set the table while she warmed the food. Her clothes were a mess after what happened so she wore one of my hoodies which got to her mid tight and wore a white canvas to match the color of the hoodie. Meanwhile, Vali had come to the human world along with Barbie who was Blair's succubus. They sat in the living room and begun to discuss something I did not really care about despite knowing it had something to do with me and Blair. We left Barbie and Vali in the apartment as they were not done discussing whatever they were discussing so we just left them. "Hey is your twin sister the same as you are?" I asked and she stopped and turned to look at me. "Well yeah she is also a succubus just like me but she has better control of her sex urges than I do." She said the last part bending her face to look at her feet. I cupped her face in my palm and she raised her face to look at me. "Hey come on don't beat yourself up like that, I promise I will always be there for you and I'll never leave your side come on now smile." She smiled after I said this and she continued. "Not to forget my succubus is stronger than my sister's and I am also a cat girl." I smiled and kissed her forehead then she wrapped her arms around my hand then we walked to class together. Once we got there, all the boys begun to look at me like depressed vegetables. I ignored them all and we went to sit at our usual spot in the class. The teacher came to teach and after the lesson, he telepath to me, "you better not make my baby cry boy." He looked at me and I replied, "you can count on me sir, you have my word." We walked out of the class then something crossed my mind. "Wait if your succubus is called Barbie, then what is the name of your sister's?" she looked at me and said "Blair, Blair is the name of my sisters succubus." I nodded and we went to the cafeteria together. While having some drinks, Barbie walked up to us and told Blair that she has been selected for the tournament of the super naturals. She screamed with joy and Blair added that the mask was also taking part in the tournament like always. Blair was quiet for a second and said "well he has never fought against me ill show him who is the boss." They had to leave the next day for the tournament and so did I. it was good because I also had to leave the next day but I was concerned. I was the mask they were talking about. I had the longest winning streak in the tournament of the super naturals and I was named the mask because nobody has ever seen my face during the tournament and till now, nobody knows I'm the man behind the mask except my family. Blair and I spent one more night together and she left the next morning. Immediately they left, I was also picked from the airport by my family's private jet. When I got to the front gate of our mansion, Vali appeared. "Home boring home brother." Vali said and I turned to look at him. "I am not in the mood to meet dad at the moment but it is what it is." I walked in and immediately I did the first thing I saw was Aliya my little sister taking archery lessons from my mom. My mom was the best there is in the whole of the world. Aliya run to me immediately she sensed me around. "Brother is back." She said dropping her bow and with her arrows stack to her back, she run to hug me. I hugged her really tight. I loved this little demon so much that I would do anything for her. She asked me what I brought for her and I summoned a golden bow I discovered in the cave of demons in the supernatural world. She was really happy and she runs off to test it. I was talking to my mom and she said my dad is not home at the moment. As we continued talking, an arrow come my direction and I caught it without looking. "Nice try Aliya better luck next time." I turned to look at her and she said "I'm going to hit you one day just wait and see." I smiled at her and turned to continue my conversation with my mom but as we begin talking, I sensed a more powerful arrow headed for us and this time, I build an invisible protective barrier around me and mom and the arrow came to hit the barrier really hard that it cracked its first layer before it broke into two. "Nice try Aiz now come out." I screamed and she came from the woods. "How did I do brother?" she asked bending her face to look at her shoes and I told her she did very well. Aiz was unlike other demons. She is three years older than Aliya and she is the world's biggest introvert. She made no friends in school and she always find an excuse to not go to any family function. She prefers games and music over people but she was a really powerful demon like every demon in my family is. "Come on raise your head, I already told you I don't like seeing you like this it annoys me." Honestly, when I see her like that, it makes me feel like something has happened to her and I was not able to protect her. "Come on girls help big brother take his items inside." Mama said and they took my bags to my room. I went to the kitchen then picked an apple. I went to bed after having the apple but before I fell asleep I think my phone was ringing but I was so tired that I could not even get up and pick the call even if I wanted to so I just slept. I woke up at about 3:25am the next day and then my phone rang again. It was Blair and so I picked the call. "I've been calling you for over three thousand times what the heck were you doing!!" she yelled and I told her to calm down also I was asleep and that is why I did not pick up. We talked over the phone till it was 7am then said goodbye to each other. I was feeling sleepy again and so decided to go back to sleep. I woke up two hours later with Vali sitting beside my bed. "What are you going to do about Blair entering the contest; you know she can't know you are the mask now." Vali asked and I looked down at my blanket. "Let her take part. If she finds out I'm in the contest, she may even decide to quit and I don't want that to happen." I replied then raised my head. "Okay brother now let's go and train." Vali said and we merged to form my demon version. I went to the training simulation of the mansion and activated the virtual training system. I was wearing the training suit. This suit makes you feel a fraction of the pain you take in the virtual world. I flawlessly aced all the levels in the training system. I was about to switch to the last level which was the demon lord level when the system just shut down. I took off the virtual world helmet just to see my dad standing behind me. He is the last person I want to see at this moment but here he is standing right in front of me. My dad's demon Santares who also turns out to be Vali's dad came out and so did Vali. Sons glaring at their fathers and fathers glaring at sons. "Come on demon lord level right?" well since I'm also a demon lord, why don't we battle to see what you've got. My dad was the second strongest demon among all the demons in the world. He summoned his ice sward which was his weakest sward yet much more powerful than mine. I summoned my demon sward and prepared for battle. The fight begun and I begun to use shift. This allowed me to send every attack used against me to dimension zero where nothing existed. My dad's attacks got too much that I could not shift them anymore. I switched to vanish. This power got me out of harm's way before it cot to me but still my dad was hitting me. In the end I was laying on the ground and as I was about to quit, I saw Blair standing in front of me. "Do you want to win this battle?" she asked me with a straight face. "Yes I want to win. I have to win." I said to her then she said, "Take my hand." I did as she said and immediately I could feel power flowing through my body from nowhere. "What is happening to me?" I tried to ask Vali but he was not replying. My sward turned hot red with flames around it and my dad looked at me stunned. I do not know where this power comes from but I love it. My dad summoned his holy demon sward which was his most powerful sward. That made me happy as I now knew I have broken through our power gap. I fought him more furiously now and yet in the end, I was still defeated. Well I was happy because it was not that easy for him as it was before. He healed my wounds with his healing powers and I stood up feeling very refreshed and strong again. I went to my room to freshen up when I met Blair laying on the floor of my room powerless. I picked her up and as I was still bonded with Vali, she kissed me. I kissed her back and then did what had to be done again. We were both exhausted afterwards and so we fell asleep. I woke up first this time and she woke up few seconds after me. She hat on me with the blanket covering her from her waist downwards. "I'm sorry for causing trouble for you once again." She said then I pulled her to me. I held her in a tight hug as we lay on the bed and she said that she does not know what was happening to her. I told her we will figure it out then she realized that I was not in my other apartment. "Wait where are we?" she asked and I told her that we were at my home at the moment. She rose to sit on me again and was about to say something when Aiz walked in on us. "I'm sorry ill try to knock next time." I asked her what she wanted and she said that mom was calling me to come for lunch. I asked her to go and I'll be there soon then she left. I told Blair to dress up and she did. We went out to the dining room and everyone was so shocked to see that I had a girl with me. "Aliya was first to ask a question and it was "Big bro since when did you have a girlfriend." I looked at her then replied "since not so long ago Aliya." Blair smiled at her and she said "well she is approved by me, I like her smile." My mom and dad also nodded in approval and Aiz also asked, "Since when did you two start fucking." I was about to talk when dad said "since he had to save her life with that." That came as a shock to me. How did he know? "Come on son I know a succubus when I see one. Join us for lunch I bet you would like it." Blair sat and so did I. honestly the food was really delicious. I showed her around the mansion and when we were checking out some flowers in the place, she suddenly said she had to go. "Why so early?" I asked and she said that her parents were home so she had to go. She teleported back home and we said good bye for the moment. Immediately she left, Vali and Barbie appeared in front of me. They looked worried. "Why what is wrong." I asked and Vali said "how were you able to do that." He asked expecting an answer and yeah I knew what he was talking about but I thought he knew. "I don't know Vali honestly I thought you knew." That is all I could say. "Well all I know is that you were tapping energy from Blair but I can't tell how you were able to do that." Barbie walked up to me and said that I have to stop myself from doing that else I may end us killing her one day. I nodded then they both disappeared from my room. The tournament was just three days away and in those three days, I trained even harder. The day of the tournament was finally here and I suited up for the tournament. I picked my mask finally and put it on. I teleported to the place of the tournament. The arena of demons. A lot of legendary duels were fought here in the past years so it was a really respected place even by Lucifer himself. Before the tournament begun, we were all summoned to come to the center of the arena and so we did. I spotted Blair in her warrior armor and it was a really beautiful one. She also had a sward strapped around her waist and a dagger by her leg. Turns out this year's tournament was kind of special because Lancelot the son of Lucifer was taking part. Not only he but we got Aminio the son of greed also taking part in the tournament. What was so special about this tournament? My question was answered sooner than later when the elders of the tournament announced that the top five on the lead board were going to get a scholarship to get into the prestigious demon academy. That is the dream of every demon my age. Getting into demon academy automatically means becoming a demon lord. Nobody has ever left demon academy with a rank lesser than that of a demon lord. This made the urge to win this tournament greater for others. Well I guess they were just planning to get into top five causes my only competition here was Lancelot. Still I felt I could defeat him. Blair glared at me then walked away. We were sixty four in number and it begun in a one vs. one battle where the first to knock their opponent off their feet three times first wins. After the first round, there were thirty two of us left and we were now fighting the knockout battle. You battle till one of you is unconscious then the last standing moves to the next round. None of Blair's battles has lasted over five minutes. When sixteen of us were left, were were divided into four different groups with each group having four members each. Blair and Lancelot were in one team while Aminio was in my team. Luckily, out teams did not clash in that round and I was getting really pissed as Lancelot was trying to flirt with Blair. After the group battle, we were in another knockout stage and in the end of the knockout stage, the four of us stood. Lancelot, Aminio, Blair and I. automatically, have passed for demon academy but still there had to be a winner. Before our battle, the other four fallen fighters were summoned and a vampire girl was selected as the fifth to join us to demon academy. The next battle was between Blair and Aminio. I wanted to see this battle so I jumped up to one of the tall pillars there to watch the battle. Aminio and Blair clashed and this time, Blair's five minutes record was broken but still, it was a flawless victory for Blair putting Aminio in fourth place. I jumped off the pillar down and Blair pointed her sward at me. I wanted to hug her and tell her that I'm really proud of her but I could not. Now that she has reached this height, I could not break her down by showing her my face. Instead, I extended my hands to her and she dropped her sward and returned it to its stack and then shook my hand. She left the arena and the next battle was between me and Lancelot. I was really mad at him and I was going to make him pay for flirting with my girlfriend. Our battle begun and I took him down in less than five minutes, this made him fourth and Aminio came third. It was the final battle now and I had to make sure not to tap from Blair's energy in anyway. My plan was quite simple. Battle her till her succubus powers reach its limit and this will lead her to using her cat girl powers and I would win the battle from there. When the battle begun, we both clashed and our power was at the same limit. Luckily, my demon powers had no limit of exhaustion. We battled for over an hour and still nobody has landed a hit on the other. Sometime later, when her succubus power reached its limit, I was able to land a hit which sent her flying back but she landed on her feet. Seeing her succubus power was at its limit, she begun to use her cat girl powers which I predicted she was going to. There was just one problem. The cat was really fast so I begun to use vanish. She could not strike me now. She was moving so fast that I could not hit her so I used my secrete technique. This technique allows you to see through the technique of other super naturals. It was called copy. Once I begun using it, I saw that she was not running but rather teleporting at a speed that makes it appear that she is running at super speed. I teleported to her next stop point then immediately she got there, I hit the back of her neck with the handle of my demon sward making her fall unconscious. I was now the winner of the tournament with Blair falling in second place. The elders asked me to take off my mask and show my face. I did and the whole population of super naturals present to watch the tournament gasped. "Isn't that the son of the second most powerful demon?" they asked each other as they finally saw my face for the first time. They cheered even more now. Blair woke up and got back on her feet. Our eyes met and immediately she saw me, she run off. "Blair waits." She did not even hear me out then run off. There was a grand party for the winners of the competition and even Lucifer was attending so I had to go even though I did not want to. My mom and dad were also going so we went together. Immediately we got there, Lucifer and his son Lancelot also arrived. They walked to us and Lucifer said "hey sis how are you." Well he was referring to my mother. I am Lucifer's nerfew and Lancelot is my cousin. Blair and her family arrived and so I left mine and tried to speak to her but she just ignored me. I went out of the building and begun to track Blair from the outside. Once I spotted her, I teleported her to my position. She came to stand right in front of me. Immediately she did, she was about to leave when I pulled her back to me and pinned her to the wall. I brushed a strand of hair away from her cheeks and said to her. "Look I did not tell you I was taking part in the competition because I knew you would have decided to not take part if I did and I don't want it to be because of me that you lost your opportunity to join the demon academy. I'm really sorry okay please speak to me it hurts a lot when you do that to me." She raised her head to look into my eyes and tears begun to flow down her cheeks. "What if I ended up hurting you or something what would I have done? You don't know how I felt when I saw it was you." She said breaking into my arms. I pulled her into a tight hug and she continued to cry it all out. "I'm really sorry for everything Blair I will never do such a thing again I promise." She wiped off her tears and then connected our lips. We kissed so deeply that we did not realize Lancelot's presence. "Now I know why you took our fight serious and I'm really sorry I did not know she is your girl." He said sincerely and I told him that it was okay. "Come on they are calling us." Lancelot said and we walked into the building together. Aminio and the vampire girl who I just found out from Lancelot was called Alexa were already waiting for us. We were congratulated once again in front of all the super naturals present and I felt happy. Not because I made it to the academy or I won the competition, but because I was able to make my dad proud. We had a week to rest before we returned to the demon academy. The week was a really memorable one for us. We went out and far away for some tile alone from everyone. Blair loved it so I was happy. She deserves all the happiness in this world. Two days before the time for us to report, we received our school uniforms. It was a deep blue long sleeve for the boys with black trousers and the long sleeves had black lines at the tips of the uniform and other points where two parts of the cloth meet. The girls had a blue dress that got to a point a little above their knees. I did not really like uniforms but I guess I had no choice now. When we got to the academy, we realized that the uniforms were not the same. They were of different colors and it was in rank basis. The F rank students wore green, the E rank wore yellow, the D rank wore orange, and there were white, black and violet for C, B and A ranks respectively. Ash for S rank, blue for SS rank and golden for SS+ rank students. I and my friends were all SS rank students then. We were known as a special team of demons. I did not know why they were saying that but I did not care anyway. We were given a tour around the school by the student council president himself. He was an SS+ rank and a demon as well. I could sense how powerful he was because I could feel the aura flowing through his body. After the tour, we went to rest for some time and soon it was time for lunch. We headed to the cafeteria and then got a place to sit. As we sat, Vali told me that he could sense trouble so I kept an eye out. Then I caught it, an arrow was coming for Blair and so I built a barrier there to stop it. It was a really powerful one so I built a stronger one. The arrow was stopped in time and a witch appeared. She was the same witch who injured Vali and she had to be dead by now. Well it won't hurt to kill her the second time. Before I could strike her, a guy from the SS+ rank appeared in front of me. The witch hid behind him and held him like a baby. She pointed at me and the guy was coming for me but a barrier suddenly appeared between us before we could clash. It was the student council president and he told us that we could have our fight in the battle room and everyone was welcome to witness the fight. "How are you going to win this fight Vladmir. You can see he is of higher level than you." Aminio said and the place was quiet for a while. As we stood thinking of what to do, blair suggested I tap energy from her during the battle. I objected in the beginning but she assured me that she is going to be okay so everyone agreed to give it a shot. I asked blair to return to her room and ill see her there after the battle. She understood what I meant by that immediately I said it and she nodded to me. "make sure you win this fight okay, you must win." Blair said and I nodded to her before she left. I went to the arena with the rest of the gang. It was really magnificent. I stood there waiting for my opponent who walked into the arena with a shiny suit. Everyone cheered for him as he walked into the circle in the center of the arena." Are you ready to loose?" he asked but I did not give a reply. I summoned my demon sward and so did he. We clashed and I could see he was stronger than I espected. I played the defence game and studied his moves. It took a lot of time but I was able to do it. I begun to tap the energy from blair's power source and the entire audience was shocked. I charged at him and I could see fear in his eyes as we clashed now. I punched him high up and followed him to a height then kicked him down breaking his amor. "I'm sorry man did I do it too hard?" I asked when I landed and kicked him the second time destroying his shiny amor. I raised my sward and was about to stab him when the witch appeared in front of me. "please im sorry okay, don't kill him please" I dropped my sward and helped the guy up. I teleported him to the schools clinic to get treated and appologised to the witch. "im sorry I took this too far, please forgive me." I said and she nodded to me. We shook hands and I was announced the winner of the battle. The entire school cheered for me and I walked out of the arena. I teleported to blairs room and immediately I got there, she hopped on me then begun to kiss me. I kissed her back and we got onto the bed. Back at the arena, everyone wondered how I was able to defeat an SS+ ranker and the rest of my friends just acted dumb to their questions about me. "hey Blair, how did you know I can tap energy from you." I asked as we slept on the bed with her head on my cheast. She smiled and said. "barbie told me and it makes me happy, im happy that at any time of need, you can get enough energy from me to fight." I smiled and kissed her forehead then held her tight closing my eyes. Its over for now but who knows what the future holds for us. Wanna know the rest of the story, stay tuned for the second chapter of the story.