


Muhammed_Nurudeen · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

A week after my fight with the the boyfriend of the witch, I was hanging out with Blair when we heard something in the distance. We decided to go check it out and fount a rogue demon fighting an angel. Rogue demons are ones that loose their minds and so are outcasts. They do not conform by any rules so they lost their right to be counted as demons. We were about to leave when the angel asked for our help. When I turned to have a closer look at the angel, I found out the angel is not a normal one. The crown circle on her head was cracked all round and her wings were not as shiny and white as the normal angels. Her wings were now black and her eyes were red. Blair jumped to fight the rogue demon while I run to save the angel. The demon was a little difficult to deal with but Blair was up to the task. When she was done with the rogue demon, I used my healing power to help the angel and she was strong again. "What happened to you?" Blair asked and the angel saud that she was thrown from heaven. "What did you do?" I asked and she said that she misplaced one of the seven judgement day trumpets. Angel Micheal casted her out if heaven as a punishment and now she is the same as a fallen angel but she is not a fallen angel. Blair and I laughed and said goodbye to her but she stopped us. She said she has a gift for us as a thank you to us for saving her. We were hesitant at first but since she kept insisting, we gave in to her plea and accepted the gift. She gave us a white glowing ball and said we should place our hands on the ball with people we can trust with our lives and disappeared. "Aaah okay so what do we do now?" I asked Blair and she said we should meet up with the rest of our friends first. We called them all and when we were all assembled in a room, we told them what happened. Alexa walked to the ball when we showed it to them and her eyes widened. "Do you know what this is?" She said with a little bit of joy in her voice and Blair said "no but I presume you do." Alexa said it is the crystal ball of power and it is used to increase the power of a supernatural to amazing levels but it has an age limit to which your power can be leveled. "What is our current limit?" I asked and Alexa said we can get to SS+ level. Lancelot and Aminio rise to stand on their feet and so did Blair and I. We told them what the angel told us about the ball and placed our hands on it at the same time. Once we did, the ball begun to glow bright red and when the light was no more, I could feel that my energy has increased. We decided to keep it a secret as we don't know about the rest of the supernaturals. At least we accept that this is demon academy and we are in the school with demo s and not angels so we could not trust any outsider. We left the ball with Alexa as she knew more about it than any of us and went off to our own activities after our short power meeting. Later as we walk around the school, Blair pulled me in a secluded place and begin to kiss me. I was kissing her back and when we turned to look on our side, we spotted Alexa and Lancelot. They were having a really good time as Lancelot was riding her hard and fast. Alexa was really enjoying it and so was Lancelot. I teleported Blair and I out of there and we landed in my room. With our faces close to each other, we begun to kiss again and and undress each other. We made our way to the bed and off we went. The next day, we went to class and a guy walked to me and introduced himself as Luca. I also introduced myself to him and he asked if I could teach him sward skills. I was hesitant at first but I agreed to teach him anyway. He looked really determined to learn and so I agreed. Luca was really good with magic and spells yet all he needed was sward skills to get to the "A" rank. Luca was really determined and managed to learn a lot of sward skills in just two weeks. He was now promoted to the required rank and he seemed pretty happy with his new skills and with his new rank. Later, many students begun to ask me to teach them sward skills so I decided to start a sward skills school so he can teach them in bulk to save time as he was not getting enough time to be with Blair witch his new job.