
Demon of the Fold

The world forever folds. One step lost, one step gained. Ancient kingdoms fall in the endless migration, Compelled to move onwards, Compelled to exploit, Coerced into endless conquest. What room do we have to settle? What time do we have to dream? We are all to be dominated by the will of this world... Cursed to bear witness to change. Death I cannot see, Life I cannot flee. ~~~~~ Syrin awakes in a new world; her mind once again faded, and her body once again degraded. Left feeling like this has happened so many times before, and always with this incessant feeling of loss. No longer can she tell if she yearns for a life long lost or relishes the space between. Is this the first time? The second? How many lives has she lived, and why is everything not lost to her. A peculiarity strikes her, however, something that does not invoke a cold nostalgia... A system? ~~~~~ Note: This is a female lead story. ~~~~~ Am posting to RoyalRoad under the name: Runyx

Shiyayori · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

Friends in Body, Not in Soul (II)

_Even if I can't see Kesef behind me, I can tell that each of them is uncertain in their own way—uncertain of my motives and uncertain of how to treat me._

_It seems to have worked in my favor..._

_This is precisely why I chose to be honest and admit it outright._

_It simply makes no sense to them why I'd do it, but the fact that I admitted it so easily at least gives the inclination that there is a reason, and that contradiction is enough to make them hesitate._

_With his reaction, I thought it hadn't worked for a moment there._

_I'm not ready to rush into their obviously skilled teamwork; this is the best I can do beyond simply fighting it out._

_How can I push it further..?_


I studied the two in front of me carefully, one at a time.

"The life we've led was wrong."

As I spoke, the grip around my neck tightened.

I flinched, scrunching my face and tensing my throat on instinct as breathing became more difficult.

_They look... panicked?_

_I didn't expect the reaction to be so overt; I thought they would at most treat it with ridicule..._

The boy to the side looked as if he were about to speak, but stopped a moment later, choosing instead to look at Laurie meaningfully.

While they seemingly exchanged words with glances, I switched over to my mana sense.


I was struck with surprise; the world was slightly tinted gold-green...

_I guess it's showing that the mana isn't in its natural state._

However, what I focused on was actually the sharp lines in the surroundings; they were not as chaotic as usual but instead oriented, like metal filings surrounding a magnet.

_I can obviously see the colour return to grey in the distance, so if I focus along the boundary..._

_Yes, all the lines are converging on the centre cluster_—_behind one of the buildings._

I zoned back in, deactivating my mana sense in time to see Laurie look down.

She went to speak, her expression sorrowful and disbelieving.

"What... are you talking about? Why are you being so vague..? Just, please. We don't want any of this; are you really discarding the ideals we've shared?"

_It's like she's holding onto something—a belief I can't accurately place._

_But I simply don't know what they've shared, and I'm digging myself into a hole, but I need time._

_And... I can't shake the feeling of her words not being the whole truth either._

_Dammit, I've run out of unclear lines..._

They looked at me deeply, waiting for a response when there likely wasn't one that could ever satisfy them.

I closed my eyes.

After a second, they squinted open and carried a distinctly sharp intensity.

Their expressions changed immediately, but I didn't give them time to react.

Lightning erupted across my body, and an immense, charged wave shot out into my surroundings.

The magic they could muster in that short window was meagre, and the two in front seized up, flying away with the manifested physical force.

I threw my elbow back, again into Kesef's ribs, and he fell back coughing, some blood dripping from his mouth.

_I'm surprised he managed to keep his grip..._

Without even a glance, I bounded for the food store, kicking up mounds of dirt into the air with each step.

After they finally recovered, a baffled, "What!?" sounded from behind, along with some more groans of pain.

_That had been the most lightning I could pour into an attack in this body; nearly half my mana was consumed._

_I don't even need to check the system to feel that..._

_There's no time to see their condition either; I have to assume it was effective, otherwise I don't stand a chance anyway._

I came up on the building and raised my arms, leaping through the glass.

Shattered shards scattered through the air and across the ground, but I quickly gained my bearings and followed my mental trajectory of the ward magic.

In my way was a huge container filled with numerous rounded fruits; it looked hard, almost like a shell...

With my strength, I easily lifted it and swung the crate behind me with a hammer-throwing motion.

I caught a short glimpse of blue hair rushing towards me; however, she was soon forced to attack the projectile flying towards her, faltering her movement considerably.

In the same instant, I threw my shoulder against the back wall and passed through it as if it were brittle ceramic.

Unflinchingly, I used:

[Monumental Shift]


I let my lightning arc around my empowered fist, an immense strength barrelling forth.

Even though I hadn't the time to see anything, I knew they were here, and I had to deal with the ward first.

A web-like golden barrier manifested before me as the tendrils of lightning snapped at its surface.

The instant my fist collided, thick cracks spread across its surface as if the lightning had imprinted itself onto the barrier.

That was only the initial strike.

The rest of my body instantly caught up, and I twisted my shoulder inward, rekindling the lost force and directly shattering the barrier apart with ease.

Their form was too obscured before, but now a sweated, panicked look met my cold eyes.

It was so brief.

The way his jaw deformed to the shape of my fist, wisps of lightning scarring his face.

He flew back through a wall, and the ward instantly vanished.

[[Weakening Field] has vanished.]

[[Fatiguing Field] has vanished.]


Laurie's alarmed voice quickly drew near.

Catching a glimpse, I noticed she was not looking at me at all.

"Stupid move."

The words slipped from my mouth.

A chop to the side, and she ran into my hand, folding her throat closed.

Her masterfully dextrous form crumpled, her legs flipped forward, and her head smacked against the ground.

She groaned and gasped for breath while grasping at her throat, struggling to recover.

I stepped to the side, attempting to move away, but suddenly the entire wall behind me vanished, replaced with splinters and stones.

An enormous rock fist as thick as my torso pummelled into my chest before I could react, tearing the wind from my lungs.

The air whistled in my ears, and I flew through another collapsing wall.

I rolled and slid across the dry ground, struggling to recover my balance.

_That fucking hurt._

_It's dark too; the blessing is gone._

I found myself in the open space once more, on the opposite side of the village this time, heaving for breath while the frigid air bit at my skin.

Using my blade to more easily step up, I recovered some stamina.

But things wouldn't remain stagnant for long.

A light caught my eye, one that suddenly flared into a golden radiance reaching above the rooftops.

It came from within the cluster, and the light radiated from every gap in the buildings' design as though it were ensnared and tearing itself free.

I looked at the gap I'd been blasted through, squinting through the now-fading light that shimmered off the dust still swimming in the air.

_What did they just do?_

A bead of sweat dripped to the side of my nose, threatening to distract me, but I kept vigilant.

It didn't so much dim as change hue to match the word around it.

Either way, it faded into obscurity.

The four angels then emerged from the collapsed wall.


_They're all fine._

_Of course one of them would have healing magic—and I didn't even see which one it was._

I could only grit my teeth in frustration while my imagination ran wild trying to visualise any potential battle between us.

_There's a new look on their faces now—the anger from before has vanished, and they look... colder._

_They're looking at me like I'm an enemy, trying not to give themselves room to feel._

Inexplicably, sorrow welled up from somewhere deep in my body; its cold touch caressed my heart at the sight.

That feeling made its way onto my face, as if it were more painful than any hit I'd taken so far.

It came in waves—waves of regret—and I intuitively reached my hand near to my collar bone, only to catch myself in the action.

I stared at my hand, sceptical of my own interpretation.

_Is it him? A vestige? somehow a reactive response? He's certainly dead... That's all it could be, but now I'm the one feeling it._

_How unfair is this... I can't fight like I usually do when I feel this way._

I wanted to scoff.

_What would he regret exactly... his envy? Trying to take my soul? Or just this outcome?_

Taking a deep breath, I quelled the turmoil in my mind and steadied myself.

"Just when did you awaken this magic?"

Kesef spoke coolly, suspicion colouring his gaze.

I could only glance at him and ignore his question.

_Looking between each of them, they all have something slightly different hidden beneath their forced calm; despite that, their conviction is strong._

Upon seeing that, the invading emotions binding me subsided greatly.

I didn't respond.

"Kharn, Laurie, with me. Arshe... find the girl."

My expression immediately soured upon hearing his words, and my grip on the greatsword tightened.

_We may be friends in body, but not in soul._

_I'm not going to hold back here.__

Thanks for reading :)

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