
Fair Price

While Mr. Faust had still not returned from his Italian escapade, and the servants were all on sudden vacation, the youngest princess of the South Sea jiaorens could stay in the Faust residence's outdoor pool.

"I'm going to have to cancel my meetings with my girls from now on." Roland sighed. "They really loved the pool."

Princess Jinzhu suddenly burst out from the water, splashing Roland's face. "I didn't know White Ape had children now. And they're girls too, how unlucky for them. To not have a gentleman father."

Harker stopped the urge to die laughing. "Pfft…. They're not his children, princess."

"Oh, then it's his female friends, then? Usually, when men have multiple female friends, that means they're….." She gave a teasing look at her nails. 

Roland looked like he wanted to fry her for dinner. "They're what, exactly?"

"They may have a more feminine heart." Princess Jinzhu said. 

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