
Demon King: Wreaking havoc as a Demon

Alex a serial killer was transmigrated just before his trial into an F-Rank Demon. Finding himself in hell he was shocked to know that hell was connected to many worlds. And Demons were attacking these worlds for resources. With a system by his side watch as how he becomes a powerful Demon King and make a name for himself in cosmos. ----------------------------- I am a new Author and English isn't my first language. So hope you understand. I am heavily inspired by Custom Made Demon King. So if you see similarities between them just accept them. ---------------------------- No harem or even romance (maybe after a while)

zeref_dragneel1214 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

In a Demon's body

Year 2024, An Unknown Location

" Charges of murder, extortion, blackmailing and so on, quite a fucker you are, aren't you,

Alex Heart", a man with a full black suit said while looking at a disheveled person.

"Come on, give me a break from this bullshit" the disheveled man replied.

'Dammit, should have been more careful, to think a simple mistake such as eating at MCDONALD'S would result into this'.

Thinking about this, how many people have I killed. I couldn't remember, I lost the count after the thousandth.

Looking at that men in black I don't think he is with those cops.

" Who are you?" Alex asked.

"Well you won't remember me but surely you'll remember him", the men in black replied and pulled out a photo of an old man. Looking at that photo a chill ran down my spine because he was a Senior officer I killed a while back but the terrifying thing was that old man had almost got me multiple times and was an my tail for almost a decade.

" I am his son, but I am no normal officer I am a secret agent of the government. When my father told me about you I didn't care but that was my greatest regret, you have killed almost two thousand high class people.

We from secret agency thought it was the Russians. But to think you killed them all." The men in black replied while removing his black sunglasses and showing eyes that were red with anger.

"NOW YOU ARE GOING TO PAY !!!" While screaming he took out a gun and shot me in my head.


Multiple shots fired through my head. Before I could even think through I was already dead. Man, if I had known I would be caught while eating at McDonald's then I world have chosen Burger King. Fuck McDonalds!!

While rambling nonsense I slowly lost consciousness.

Suddenly I heard a voice, a robotic voice.

[Activating System....]

[System Installation Successfull]


[Host is dying....]

[Initiating Emergency Protocols....]

[Reincarnating the host....]





[Initiating Transmigration....]


[Finding a suitable vessel....]

[Targeted Vessel found]

[Transmigration initiated]





Finally I opened my eyes after hearing a ton of robotic bullshit. Watching my surrounding, I realised God has sent me to hell after death. I thought this because my surrounding was full of red terrain and the sky was bloody red.

'Sign, I guess it was coming afterall killing so many people wouldn't sent me to heaven, Well in my defense I killed them because they were perpetrators who killed my family' I mean, wasn't it necessary to take revenge? Well It happened years ago when I was in college, my parents were working as scientists on a secret Governmental project.

And guess what after scraping that project government left no one alive. And finally my quest of revenge started. I killed all who were actively or even inactively involved. Without even realising my death toll was already beyond 1500 as I literally counted till 1000 afterwards lost interest in numbers.

Finally I checked myself and well I screamed or tried to as instead of a scream, a long screech sounded from my mouth.

One hour later,

I finally calmed myself and settled down. Looking around, I saw no King Yama or even demon ready to cook my soul in a hot boiling oil. Instead of these I only saw red terrain and blue text box floating in front of me.

[ System :

Congratulations host for surviving the previos ordeal .

You have been transmigrated into an

F-Rank Demon. Host is advised to get stronger quickly to survive in this 'Orginal Hell'. This place known as 'Original hell' is a realm Where all demon are orginated from. Further information can only be discovered by you. Saying 'System' will lead you to Main Menu]

And woah that is surprising. But is that the system from the novels. Damn those things are real. Sign Let's try this.

"$#&&#$$##&&$&##"..... now that's a problem. I realised I can't speak. Should I try saying it in my mind.'System'

[ Main Menu

- Status

- Creation Panel(Locked) ]

Watching the panel I focused on status and


Name : Alex Heart

Race : Demon

Bloodline : None

Rank : F

Souls : 0

Mana : (Locked)

Skills : Stealth(E-Rank), Observe(E-Rank)]

Can't expect god level shit but why the hell there isn't any marksmanship or gun mastery type skill hell even dagger mastery is not there. I am pretty sure I was good at them. As I was guessing why there wasn't any of my previous learnt techniques or mastery over weapons here as skills the system beat me to it by replying

[Any of host's previous learnt techniques or mastery over weapons except stealth has been sacrificed in the process of transmigration]

Well that explains it. Anyhow first I have to get the hell out of here. Well 'hell' hehehe.

Enough with the jokes let's get going. Gazing far and wide I could not find anything except red terrain and a bloody sky. While walking I noticed some shadows running towards me. They were far but were approaching quickly. Cautiously I but steadily I tried to get out of there but there they were still chasing me. Know I was sure this fuckers were coming with no good intentions. For God's sake they were wolfs. Not any wolf but giant black motherfuckers.

Running with everything I got I saw a some trees and finally a forest. All the trees of the forest had red leaves.

Science or specifically photosynthesis left the chat. Putting aside the bullshit I ran past some trees but those fuckers were just close to bite my ass out.

Finally without hesitation I tried climbing a tree while huffing all along. My hands or so to say my demon hands were grey. I looked pretty much like a human but with grey tone and a pair of horns although small annoying nonetheless (itching bro). I had small build meaning my body was kinda short more like that of a goblin. Halfway through the tree those idiots started growling towards me. I had killed many people in my life, some were easy to kill but some were guarded by strong bodyguards so I had to learn many skills. And climbing was one of them.

' Wow those teeth are sharp as hell', finally reaching on top of a sturdy branch I sat and watched those shitty dogs bark at me. Some tried climbing but who told God to built them like dogs.

Taking a breather I tried using that skill [observe] on those wolfs.

After a few I tries I succeeded.
