
Demon King: Wreaking havoc as a Demon

Alex a serial killer was transmigrated just before his trial into an F-Rank Demon. Finding himself in hell he was shocked to know that hell was connected to many worlds. And Demons were attacking these worlds for resources. With a system by his side watch as how he becomes a powerful Demon King and make a name for himself in cosmos. ----------------------------- I am a new Author and English isn't my first language. So hope you understand. I am heavily inspired by Custom Made Demon King. So if you see similarities between them just accept them. ---------------------------- No harem or even romance (maybe after a while)

zeref_dragneel1214 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Black Wolfs

[Race : Balck Wolf

Bloodline: None

Rank : F ]

After reading the message, I spammed it on others as well and all of them were F-Rank. Now major problem is how to get out of here. I don't know shit about this place. And these idiots are already camping here waiting for me to get hungry and get down. Dammit had

I known this i wouldn't have signed up for these.

Seeing that these fuckers had destroyed any hope of going down any time soon. I tried checking the system and hoped to eat something in order to satiate this hunger. 'System'

[ Main Menu

- Status

- Creation Panel(locked)]

Now what the hell is this creation panel and it's locked. 'Hey System shouldn't I have a starter pack or something, I just want something useful, come on'. Will it even listen, I mean it doesn't sound santient to me.

[ System will require a full reboot with a time period of 24hrs to get back on track]

[System has already sacrificed much of its energy to transmigrate the host so the beginner pack will be delayed]

Oh Man! 24 hrs it is then. But will I able to hold on for that much long as though I have a demon's body it doesn't do much. Damn If I had my orginal body I would be good to go.

After almost 2 hours, 3 wolves left the pack. Oh and yeah there are 7 wolves I counted them. Just 22 hrs to go.

20 hours to go...

15 hours to go...

10 hours to go...

It had already gotten dark enough that I can't even see those wolves but I am pretty sure they are down there. Finally I decided to sleep I mean what could go wrong except death which I already faced in my previous life.

1 hour to go...

I was already awake. Thank God I didn't slipped down directly in those wolves mouth. And finally..

[System reboot successfull...]

[Searching for beginner package]

[New function unlocked. 'Inventory' is now Available in the Main Menu]

[Beginner package has been stored in the Inventory]

Let's see this new function. 'System'

[Main Menu

- Status

- Inventory

- Creation Panel(Locked)]

[Inventory (x3) :

-Beginners Package]

'Hahahahaha, Now we are talking'. I thought to myself. Come on let's open up this baby.

[Beginner Package Opening....]

[Rank Up potion(E-Rank)x1, Dagger(D-Rank)x1, Night Vision(Skill)(D-Rank)]

Not expected much anyway. First of all let's use observe on every item and skill. Everything was already in the Inventory. So I just focused on their icons and boom

[Rank Up potion(E-Rank): Can help to raise the Rank from F-Rank to E-Rank]

[Dagger (D-Rank): ????]

[Night Vision (D-Rank): Helps to see in dark]

It looks like I can't see the details of items above the skill level. Any way got a usefull potion and a dagger. On Earth I pretty much used only daggers or knife. So I don't think it will be a problem to handle it.

Looking down on those pitiful muts who are going to be slain I can't help but feel nothing. They made me run for my life heck I won't leave even a single one alive.

Removing the potion from the Inventory I drank without thinking twice. After gulping down the entire thing, I felt a burning sensation in every part of my body.

Sometime passed and finally the rank up was done. I don't see any difference in my body but I think I almost got 2.5 or even thrice as powerful as before.

'Anyway little huskies it's your time to pay'. Taking out the dagger from Inventory, Alex swooped down with it and plunged into the head of the biggest wolf. And before the other wolves could react he was already onto the second one. Killing it was easier than the bigger one as it took more strength into killing that one. While huffing I paused. Other wolves were already growling and showing their fangs at me. It was fortunate that those three wolves that left had still not returned otherwise it would be difficult killing them as I am already low on energy. I hadn't eaten for a day and my body is already a mess.

Finally the waiting time was over as those remaining two dashed at me at the same time. One came from left and other from right. Killing the bigger one and the second was not that hard as I had sneak attacked them and these two will be no different. After wrestling with them for a while, four dead bodies of wolves were lying in front of him.

Since he knew the other three can came at any time, he had to be ready. Looking at corpses he saw four floating white balls and those balls got near and


A System notification rang

[Ding!! Obtained Souls(F-Rank)x4]

[System has noticed that the host has already collected souls]

[Creation Panel has been unlocked]

[Host can acces the Creation Panel now]

Ignoring those notifications he quickly put the corpses of the biggest wolf and another one into Inventory. He already knew he might need food and can't be stingy with anything now since its Do or Die in this new world. He dismembered and gutted the remaining two. He ate the raw meat to satisfy his hunger and replenish the energy before those idiots show up. He used quite a lot of energy and will require more as he is gonna fight three at the same time.

Some time later....

Three wolves returned to the tree where Alex had previously climbed but much to their surprise there was no one there. But smelling the slight blood odour those three got on alert. Before they could even find the perpetrator, one of them fell and the other was already trying to fight off the same weak demon they were chasing yesterday. But much to the last wolves surprise the same weak demon was not only strong but was already close to killing his remaining kin. The wolf dashed towards Alex but it was already late and the last of his relative was killed and he too will not fare differently.



After killing the wolves the same thing happened and all the white balls floated towards him and got absorbed. But he was in no mood to celebrate his victory as he already dashed away from that placed.

After Alex got away from that location, a rumbling sound came. And a shodaw with aura of D-Rank came out of the bushes watching closely it was a cat or specifically a leopard. Sensing that his prey has gotten away he gave up and left. But not before munching on those three wolves.

Away from that location Alex could be seen running while passing through the trees.

Well I expected that since the smell of blood can't be cleansed. He was aware that after killing those wolves someone will try to get his hands on that much ration or meat.

So before he could be trapped like a prey, he ran away. And guess what his decision paid off or else he would have been a lunch of some cat.

After running for a while he stopped and climbed a large tree. Sitting on a branch he started checking his system.


[Main Menu

- Status

- Inventory

- Creation Panel ]

Seeing no 'locked' text he selected Creation Panel and a new screen popped up with a little info.

[Creation Panel:

Host can now use souls to create anything, even superpowers, skills, weapons, etc.]

[Just type it in words and cost of it will be provided to you]

[Current Souls: 7(F-Rank)]

Wow this is something amazing. So first let's try this. With a wicked evil grin befitting his face he typed [Omnipotence] he knew that it was impossible but still he wanted to know the price for it.


[Host is not strong enough to generate the price for it]

[SYSTEM grows stronger with host so there is a limit to even know the price of somethings]

That's a bummer. Anyway what should I get. Any Superpower is out of question. Can't afford it. I already have a weapon. That rank up potion isn't a bad idea. Let's try it.

Typing that he immediately got a response

[Rank Up Potion (C-Rank): Helps in raising Rank to D-Rank. Price: 100 souls(C-Rank)]

Why does it cost that much. Thinking of the previous Rank Up Potion it was at E-Rank corresponding to the Rank it was going to raise. System why is it that?

[Host needs to add restrictions to lower the price level]

Ok. Let's try adding restrictions.

[Rank Up Potion (D-Rank): Helps in raising Rank from 'E-Rank' to D-Rank. Price: 100 souls(D-Rank)]


[Rank Up Potion (D-Rank): Helps in raising Rank from E-Rank to D-Rank but with a waiting period of 24hrs. Price: 99 souls(D-Rank)]

I can't think of any better restriction than time but still its expensive. Should I go for an F-Rank skill.