
Demon King In Marvel

After traveling through the world of Marvel and becoming a lord of hell, he has only two goals after entering the earth after untold hardships, one is to enjoy life, and the other is to make contracts in exchange of human souls and turn everything into his own property. Discord https://discord.gg/AptzesJmug Advance chapter on https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda Raw link - https://www.69shu.com/txt/42796.htm / (This is a Translation Work ) 美漫地狱之主

The_Lazy_Panda · Movies
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76 Chs

Chapter 18 Vampire

Chapter 18: Vampires

Inside the Quinjet

Hawkeye expressed his concern to Nick Fury, "I explicitly advised against taking any unnecessary risks. We nearly had an accident."

Nick Fury exhaled deeply and responded, "I didn't anticipate his ability to control the jet. This time, I was careless."

"His abilities are undeniably terrifying," Barton acknowledged.

Barton inquired, "What's our next course of action? Should we mobilize forces to surround him?"

"Let's not act hastily. We need to gather complete information on his strengths," Nick Fury advised.

Shaking his head, Nick Fury added, "Furthermore, even if we were to take action, it would be unwise to do so in Manhattan. The city cannot withstand another disaster."

Barton agreed, "Indeed, especially considering that you were recently reprimanded by the council. We must avoid any missteps for the time being."

"Did you realize that eavesdropping on a high-level meeting could have gotten you shot?" Nick Fury expressed his discontent and ordered, "Let's head to Malibu Villa. I need to meet Iron Man."

Barton was initially puzzled and questioned, "Iron Man is currently in New York. If you wish to meet him, we should go to his location. Why are we going to Malibu Villa?, Are you going to sneak again!"

Nick Fury, clearly frustrated, responded, "As the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., I would never engage in such a ridiculous act as sneaking into his villa to startle him. My visit to Malibu Villa serves a purpose, and you don't need to inquire further."

Barton scoffed, "Let's hope for the best. Otherwise, be cautious of Tony emulating Andrew and calling the police."

Nick Fury rolled his eyes.

Later that night, Nick Fury managed to startle Tony—no, as Nick Fury would put it, he had a meeting with Tony.


"Can't you guys knock on the door like normal people?"

Tony remarked with a stern expression, "And does S.H.I.E.L.D. really steal  my father's belongings?"

Nick Fury was taken aback and explained, "S.H.I.E.L.D. did not steal any of your father's information. In fact, your father, Howard Stark, was one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. Additionally, S.H.I.E.L.D. holds a stake in Stark Industries. [Note: I acknowledge that this statement lacks logical coherence; please disregard it as it doesn't hold any future relevance.]"

"My father was an agent?" Tony asked in disbelief, his tone tinged with displeasure. "Why was I kept in the dark about this?"

"Your father concealed it to protect you," Nick Fury replied. He handed a tablet to Tony and continued, "Tony, the world is in constant peril, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has been striving to protect it. I hope you will join us in this endeavor."

Tony retorted sarcastically, "Wow, that sounds amazing. Shall I present you with an award or something?"

With a snort, Tony took the tablet, glanced at it casually, and was suddenly struck by surprise. "Vampires?"


In the blink of an eye, the sweltering month of July had arrived. Discussions regarding the Battle of Manhattan gradually subsided, and the people of New York grew accustomed to Iron Man soaring through the sky and Spider-Man swinging around the city, engaging in conversations even on platforms like TikTok. During this period, TikTok's download volume had skyrocketed, making it the most popular application in the United States.

"Spider-Man: Hero or Menace?"

Inside the editor-in-chief's office at the Daily Bugle (Clarion TV), Andrew examined the headline of the day and inquired of the editor-in-chief, Jameson, "Why do you hold such strong animosity towards Spider-Man?"

"Boss, it's not that I despise Spider-Man. I simply report the truth. If Spider-Man truly is a hero, why doesn't he reveal his identity like Iron Man?" Jameson explained persuasively. "Spider-Man, and the Ghost Rider who recently appeared, may have underlying issues or even be villains."

Andrew nonchalantly remarked, "Is that so? By the way, did I mention that I am the Ghost Rider?"

"Huh?" Jameson was dumbfounded. Was his boss truly the Ghost Rider? Could it be real? And why did he casually disclose such a significant secret? Would he be punished?

"No, Boss, you misunderstood!" Jameson hastily corrected himself. "What I meant was, Spider-Man might be a villain. As for the Ghost Rider, he is undoubtedly an angel. In fact, I am preparing an article to praise him, but I haven't had the chance to complete it yet."

Raising his eyebrows, Andrew responded, "Just one article?"

Quickly realizing his mistake, Jameson rectified his statement, "No, I misspoke. I meant to say ten articles. After all, he is the savior of Manhattan and the protector of New York. Iron Man and Spider-Man aren't even worthy of being compared to him."

Satisfied with the response, Andrew nodded and inquired, "Who captured this photograph of Spider-Man?"

He asked because the image was remarkably clear.

Jameson pointed towards a young man outside the window and replied, "Parker took it. He's a naive kid."

Andrew turned his head and spotted a familiar yet unfamiliar Peter Parker standing outside, donning worn-out attire that hinted at a struggling family situation.

'His appearance seems like a blend of the two previous versions of Spider-Man. Perhaps the first two Spider-Man movie adaptations have merged,' Andrew speculated, his eyes gleaming. He had come specifically today to encounter Spider-Man and gain some insight.

Redirecting his attention from the window, Andrew remarked to Jameson, "He does seem naive."

Jameson, sporting a smug expression, chimed in, "Despite that, he has potential. However, I won't hire him as a regular employee since I can purchase his Spider-Man photos at a lower price."

Andrew was taken aback but decided not to dwell on the matter. Although he could improve Spider-Man's life with a single word, he was a Lord of Hell, not a philanthropist.

Moreover, he had no use for an employee who neglected their duties, gallivanting around to rescue people every day and earning an undeserved salary.

Andrew stated, "Jameson, you show promise. Work diligently, and once Clarion TV stabilizes, I will consider allocating some shares to you."

"Thank you, Boss," Jameson exclaimed, overjoyed. As Andrew prepared to leave, Jameson quickly added, "Boss, we've recently obtained some peculiar information. Would you like us to publish it?"

Curious, Andrew inquired, "What kind of special information?"

Lowering his voice, Jameson whispered, "It pertains to vampires. Initially, I dismissed it as nonsense, but someone has managed to capture photographs of vampires. Moreover, there have been numerous reports of hospitals receiving corpses drained of blood."

"Vampires?" Andrew was astonished. Could it be "Blade"?

If that were the case, all five merged worlds would align.

'I haven't watched much of Blade, but it seems necessary to conduct an investigation. Perhaps I can even gather some souls along the way,' Andrew contemplated.

After careful consideration, Andrew declared, "Provide me with the information. However, do not directly report about the vampires. Instead, present the facts and allow the readers to speculate and debate on their own."

Andrew was prepared to personally delve into the vampire matter, as he currently had a surplus of free time.

Susan was putting in overtime at the Rebirth Group, Howard was at the TikTok Company, the mob devils were occupied at the investment company, and Trask was working diligently in Hell. With everyone occupied, Andrew found himself with ample leisure time to pursue his interests.

[note: The choice between Daily Bugle and Clarion TV depends on your preference. Please select the one.]