
Demon in Making

Have you ever though how much life can change in moment? Humans Die For Wealth, Birds Die For Food Greed, Betrayal, Fear, Love, Schemes, Enemies. Everything has to have a limit. What if you are unable to endure them? Take a Trip into the Life of Vihaan who wanted nothing more than a peaceful life. A Ordinary Human who is now running away things and beings he didn't even know of that exists. He is a normal human who has no experience in any of the story plot. So he is quite emotional, dramatic, dumb and judgemental. He is totally unfit to be MC untill the end of Volume 1. Be sure to read volume 2 atleast few chapters before judging the book. __________________________________ The First Volume is very dramatic and emotion intense. The Mc is a dumb fuck in Volume 1. Its pretty chaotic in Volume 1 but Volume 2 is where the story starts. If you don't like to read the first volume. you can skip to Volume 2. You wont miss most of the important info's as they will be covered later... ___________________________________ Thank you. WARNING: Novel contains Gore, Violence, Domination, War, Brutal Killing, Vulgarity, Slavery and Tragedy. This may be unpleasant to some reader please at your own discretion. HAPPY READING Thank You Again Please Enjoy My Story. For Donations and Gifts https://www.paypal.me/Dreamteller Cover is made from Pics-Art Free to edit Picture. I don't own it.

DreamTeller · Action
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98 Chs

True Cold Blooded Killer

[ Name - Vihaan Sex - Male Age - 0 years

Race - Grass Snake Phase - New Born Body Tier- 0 Star

Lv - 0 CE : 0 / 10

HP : 10 / 10

Defence : 2

Attack : 2

Stats :-

Strength : 0.1

Agility : 0.1

Constitution : 0.1

Vitality : 0.1

Mind : 2.1

Skills : -

Calm Mind ( Transformation - Max )

Fast Thinking ( Transformation - Max )

Blessing : -

God Child

Stat Points - 4

Skill Points - 0

Trait : -

Enhanced Eyesight.

Evolution - Possible ]

Vihaan was very interested in this game like interface. There was lot of skills and stats. He was clear of everything that the status has to offer just by looking at it. It was printed deep in his memory. There was even a small snake 3D model just beside the stats. He could feel that it was him. The snake was very small only 4 inch long with 6 mm thick. Its was green in colour with a small diamond head. He was fascinated by the look. He saw he had no teeth or fangs at all. He had no venom gland. He felt cheated. If there was no way to kill them how will he hunt or kill. How will he eat. He saw his stats. He instinctively added 1 Stat Point to strength.

[ Strength : 0.1 -> Strength : 1.1 ]

Vihaan felt somekind of kind of pure energy flowing through his muscles. This was very pure even from his knowledge he never experienced this kind of pure energy. He felt his muscles density increase by a huge margin and it was very tightly packed even to the point of making him uncomfortable. His body didn't grow but his muscles were like fine iron wires.

[ Agility : 0.1 -> Agility : 1.1 ]

Pure energy flew through his body but something different happened to his tightly packed muscles. They loosen up a little giving space to move and react quickly like a flexible metal. His body was able to move more accurately according to his thoughts, nimble and faster.

[ Constitution : 0.1 -> Constitution : 1.1 ]

His body, skeleton, muscles and organs started to grow rapidly form his earlier 4 inch till 8 inch. His body doubled in thickness reaching 1.2 cm. he felt comfortable moving his body. Earlier with Strength and Agility increase he felt a little stuffed and cranky but after the constitution improvement. His mind immediately felt that he could now effectively used the power he gained before without any backlash.

[ Vitality : 0.1 -> Vitality : 1.1 ]

Last change was the most obvious one. His Bone Marrow, Blood and heart got strengthened. His Blood flow got faster. All his organs, brain, the whole body felt light and energetic. Now the energy needed for running the whole system was enhanced. The work done will more Efficient. His whole body felt like a fine tuned machine waiting to slaughter.


1st POV

[ Name - Vihaan Sex - Male Age - 0 years

Race - Grass Snake Phase - New Born Body Tier- 0 Star

Lv - 0 CE : 0 / 10

HP : 110 / 110

Defence : 22

Attack : 22

Stats :-

Strength : 1.1

Agility : 1.1

Constitution : 1.1

Vitality : 1.1

Mind : 2.1

Skills : -

Calm Mind ( Transformation - Max )

Fast Thinking ( Transformation - Max )

Blessing : -

God Child

Stat Points - 0

Skill Points - 0

Trait : -

Enhanced Eyesight.

Evolution - Possible ]

So Every Stat gives one kind of strengthening to my body but keeping it balanced will make me an efficient organism.


Lets check the Skills, Traits and Blessing.

[ Skill : Clam Mind ( Common )

Keeps the your Mind Calm in all situation

Stage : Transformation - Max Bonus : +1 Mind or % 1 Mind Bonus which one greater ]

[ Skill : Fast Thinking ( Common )

Allows your mind to work at twice the speed

Stage : Transformation - Max Bonus : +1 Mind or % 1 Mind Bonus which one greater ]

[ Blessing : God Child

Require 10 times more Ether to advance. Get 10 times more Purer Ether from the system. Allows Maximum System Access and Priority. Full System Support. ]

[ Trait : Enhanced Eyesight ( Enhanced )

Sharp Eyesight both in day and night ]

Everything fairly simple to understand.

/ Hey there system?, Why this round about way of requiring 10 times Ether and giving 10 times /

[ Its helps your body grow faster giving more stat points when you level up. ]

/ What is Transformation stage ? and The Bonus does it come for all skills? /

[ No, Transformation stage is the maximum Rank a skill could Reach. Before transformation you have to Rank up your skill to Rank 9 and after that comes Transformation. Only Transformation stage Skill will give you bonus. ]


Vihaan was behaving very odd. Right from the start like when he heard he was reincarnated into snake. He acted like he already knew it and it was not a big deal. Now he didn't ask what is Ether or anything about system access or support. He didn't even ask about why system was giving pure ether him instead of the usual EXP to Ether conversation process that happens when something is killed.

He was thinking suddenly he turned his head towards the three eggs.

Vihaan : / If I can get Stat points by eating Egg shells then what about those three Egg Shells. / He moved immediately as he mumbled in his head

Unlike the First awkward movements. Now his movements where by instincts. He was not a venomous snake but had good amount of muscle strength and constitution unlike when he was born. He thought about following the pattern similar to Anaconda or a Reticulate Python to kill and eat the egg. Strangling and Killing


Like an anaconda swirling around a tree. He targeted one egg and warped around the egg with his body and Tightened his muscles to break the shell while crushing his unborn sibling. The Egg Shell was brittle. It broke immediately with the strength of his strangling. He moved his head and ate all the Shells.

[ +1 Stat Point ]

[ +1 Stat Point ]

[ +1 Stat Point ]

He saw the notifications. His vertical eyes shone with brilliance. As he exerted more strength. the small snake inside tried to move but how could Vihaan let go of his meal. With a merciless look he opened his mouth. At first glance there was no teeth but he opened his mouth did a biting motion pressing his mouth against the small snake head and crushed it. There were two layer of hook like inversely curved teeth lacerating and tearing into the small snake while the strength of his muscle were strangling and crushing the sank. There was only one end. It died.

[ Bind Skill ( Rank 1 ) Learned ]

[ Bite Skill ( Rank 1 ) Learned ]

[ Quest : First Kill of the Day Completed ]

[ Reward : + 3 Stat Points ]

[ First Kill of the species : x10 CE ]

[ Killed Unborn Grass Snake, 5 CE x10 = 50 CE Earned ]

As he killed there was three notification flashing before him. Without waiting for him another notification flashed.

[ Deducted Suitable Material for New Body Trait ]

[ Insufficient Material... ]

[ More Material Required... ]

Vihaan : / ( A little briefing Please... ) Sssh ssshh shhh /

[ Similar to Enhanced Eyes. Other Traits useful to you can be earned by numerous ways. One way normal way is through Mutation and Evolution. ]

[ You have a system function Called Universal Synthesis. As long as you provide or have suitable material you can gain numerous traits making you a Super Predator. ]

[ They are yous siblings so same body anatomy as you. Using three bodies you can gain a basic Trait ]

Vihaan : / ( Basic trait? So there are types ) Sssss SSsssss SSsssss /

[ Sharp one. Yes. ]

[ Basic -> Enhanced -> Advance -> High -> Unique -> Legendary -> Mythical -> Celestial -> Divine ]

[ You have one Enhanced Trait will get another Basic Trait if you kill all your siblings. ]

Vihaan suddenly thought of something. His knowledge was furthermore unlocked.

Vihaan : / Why is this different from the normal Common, Uncommon, Rare etc Type Model ? And Why is Body Tier not the same ? /

[ Traits are only available for you so it's different. The Normal Model will only allow has 7 tiers and 19 Power level but with stars you can Evolve a minimum of 30 times with 9 Tiers and 30 Power Level. It's a different cultivation model. ]

He didn't ask any questions after that. He did something unbelievable. He went through with system's idea and started to slaughter his siblings. In just few seconds two more of his siblings fell.

[ +1 Stat Point ]

[ +1 Stat Point ]

[ Killed Unborn Grass Snake, 5 CE Earned ]

[ +1 Stat Point ]

[ +1 Stat Point ]

[ +1 Stat Point ]

[ Killed Unborn Grass Snake, 5 CE Earned ]

[ Lv - 0 CE : 60 / 10 ]

[ Do you want to level up ]

[ Yes / No ]

Vihaan : / Yes /

[ Lv - 1 CE : 50 / 100 ]

[ +3 Stat Point and + 1 Skill Point ]

[ Quest : Reach Lv - 1 Completed ]

[ Reward : Skill - Appraisal ( Passive ) ]

Vihaan had no remorse. He was happy and was checking his stat points and was very happy to get an appraisal skill. Two eggs gave him 3 Stat Points while One gave him 2 Stat points. Now with his level Up gave him another 3 Stat Points with a total of 11. He could contain his excitement thinking about his power up and his most awaited notification.

[ Deducted Suitable Material for New body trait ]

[ Sufficient Materials Acquired - 3 Unborn Grass Snake ]

[ Choose New trait ]

[ Muscle Augmentation - Strength ]

[ Skin Camouflage ]

[ Growth Increase - Constitution ]

Vihaan was burning with desire as he saw all the type of traits he can choose with. The Three materials only gave him three traits but there was another option custom which can help him to change or develop one part of the his body. All three were very good. Muscle Augmentation will increase the number of Muscles increase directly making his Strength rise. Its like the difference of having one muscle to do a work and having two muscle, Camouflage can help him blend in the surrounding and Growth Increase will speed up his growth but now he need weapon to kill so to develop his teeth. Although everything is good. These are merely Basic Traits so they have to be improved in the long run to support his growth

Vihaan hand an idea. It was mix between Jormungandar snake featured in God of War teeth set with 2 layer teeth like Shark.

[ Universal Synthesis : Extra Pair of teeth and Bone Strengthening ]

[ Time Remaining : 00:01:00 ]

Vihaan started right away. There was a itching sensation through out his Skull and Bone started to Pain. they were broken and Reconstructed. It was painful but Vihaan was lying there motionlessly. He didn't even give any sound and the one minute time passed easily. He felt another pair of teeth growing out of his skull tearing his flesh and it was healed rapidly.

[ Synthesis Completed ]

[ New Trait : Double Layered Jaws

Outer layer are inversely curved to hold the prey. Inner layer are scissor like to cut the flesh and Skin. has a mild penetration effect ]

[ +0.4 Constitution ]

Vihaan was happy to see the first trait but +0.4 to constitution was very less compared to what he got for adding a Stat Point. He didn't even open his mouth.

[ Don't Think less of Bone strengthening. Although there was no change in status. That doesn't mean there is no change. You never got any Stat change for Eye and Teeth but You got +0.4 in constitution just for adding lesser materials Think about the Bigger Picture. Think about the future. ]

Vihaan had his eyes burn with passion. There was one thought.

/ Lets Go Hunt Some Unfortunate Prey. /


7 Tier and 19 Power Level

Common - Low, Mid, High, Peerless -> 4

Uncommon - Low, Mid, High, Peerless -> 4

Rare - Low, Mid, High, Peerless -> 4

Elite - Low, Mid, High, Peerless -> 4

Unique - 1

Legendary - 1

Mythical - 1

9 Tier and 30 Power level

Common ~ 0 - 4 Stars

Uncommon ~ 5 - 8 Stars

Rare ~ 9 - 12 Stars

Elite ~ 13 - 16 Stars

Unique ~ 17 - 20 Stars

Legendary ~ 21 - 24 Stars

Mythical ~ 25 - 28 Stars

Celestial ~ 29 - 32 Stars

Divinity ~ 32 and above Stars

15 Power Stones per Day - One Extra Chapter

HackTheOtaku, Ty for the Powerstones

Please suppport with Power stones, Reviews and comments for fast release of chapters.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DreamTellercreators' thoughts