
Demon in DxD

What would happen when a normal human is reincarnated into the world of DxD as a vampire? Would he save the world? Destroy it? Make a harem?

Pehag · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

C21: Manifestation

Visit my Patréon for up to 12 chapters early!



However even with Great Red here nothing changed with the magic circle in front of me and instead it began speeding up whatever it was doing. I would love to stop it but for some reason, I'm almost completely frozen and I can only move my eyes really.

Looking around the frozen people I found one other person who wasn't stopped other than me and Great Red, Ophis. She appeared out of nowhere and stared at Euclid who I just now noticed was different from before. His previously neat looks became strange and messy with his skin steaming every second however the thing that draws my attention is his face. His face seemed to have lost every ounce of emotion it once had and seemed like a robot. It's not like those emo kids who think they're emotionless, I mean emotionless.

With one final glance at the strange Euclid, both Ophis and Great Red left in their respective ways and time returned to normal. But even then nobody continued fighting, there was a foreboding feeling and everyone looked towards Euclid no matter what side they were on.

"Starting up. Failed. Restarting. Failed. Restarting. Failed. Restarting. Failed. Restarting. Temporarily Successful. Beginning Greeting." Euclid said with a robotic look on his face stunning the watchers. Everybody could tell something was wrong but nobody dared to move even an inch.

"Greetings, I am the Akashic Records." Euclid or I guess the Akashic Records said with no emotions like it didn't even matter that the representation of infinite knowledge had manifested. "Greetings Over. Beginning Next Step. Failed. Energy Needed. Scanning. 11,431 Energy Sources Found. Gathering Energy."

As soon as the Akashic Records said that an overwhelmingly threatening aura was released indiscriminately toward everyone. The closest to Euclid, the mages, immediately vanished into light blue particles of light. It would've been a beautiful scene if it weren't for the fact that every sparkle was a person, a person that was strengthening what seems to be an enemy.

"Asura-Kannon: Infinite Blades: Knot of Fate!" I shouted out panicking on the inside but calm on the outside to calm the vampires down below while creating hundreds of thousands of swords surrounding Akashic Records in a huge sphere of swords that were immediately fired into the enemy while more took their place showing off why it's called infinite blades.

I could hear the sounds of my blades piercing Akashic Records repeatedly, but I can still see his face. It was still a face with no emotions as if this wasn't even a challenge to it. And rightfully so since a mere second later my sphere of blades was shattered by the wave of pure energy that was devouring the mages however the same energy was stopped in place.

"So this is the representation of all the universe's knowledge? How frightening." Azazel said behind me with sweat dripping from his forehead. The others also floated up behind me, ready to take on the legend that was in front of us.

"Indeed it is. If it had manifested anywhere else or at a different time I have no doubt it may have destroyed the world in its pursuit of knowledge and energy." Sirzechs said with a serious look on his face, a face that everyone here shared.

"We are quite lucky then. Still, this is no easy problem to solve. What shall we do?" Michael asked and this is a problem. We have various solutions to the problem but none of them are simple or easy to accomplish. Sealing it away or killing it are the two in my mind but neither of them is a permanent solution and they are very complicated to accomplish.

"I say we capture it. We at the Grigori would love to examine this thing but we aren't completely sure we'd be able to contain it. Any solutions?" Azazel asked in hope and I can get why. The thought of examining infinite knowledge is attractive.

"I believe the best option would be to freeze it in time. It shouldn't be too difficult for us all to accomplish." Serafall said in a rare moment of seriousness. However, that isn't surprising with all the events happening at the moment.

Still, though it is time to fight the manifestation of infinite knowledge, most would be terrified but for some reason, I'm enjoying it. I guess all the boring challenges for my position have gotten to me. But enough of that, it's time to focus.