
Netflix and Bullies

"Oh, I just remembered..my god, of all places. That mansion is probably the most haunted place in this town" John shuddered as he just remembered how terrifying that place is.

"You fool, what are you getting scared for!? You're already at Rank 1 Novice Realm " Faere kicked him at his right cheek but John only felt it like a mosquito bite.

"Well yeah but the mission though..this time it's a millennium old ghost! A decade old ghost is already scary enough. I can already imagine how strong a millenium evil spirit is!" John reasoned.

"You say that you're a genius but you're still a blockhead! It's a Copper Rank mission, the ghost is either injured or weakened from a great battle that's why it's only designated as a Copper Rank mission because if it wasn't a injured then it would at least be a Silver Rank mission" Faere furiously explained as she repeatedly knock on his head.

"Ohh, I see. Ha..ha, it's not like I'm already a veteran at this, right?" John said with a dry laugh mixed with embarrassment.

"Haist, you should already feel lucky you know, after all you're the only sole Exorcist in your country excluding those normal Exorcist that does not cultivate" Faere said with a deep sighed.

"Really!? Like I'm the only 'genuine' Exorcist here...in the Philippines? Sick!" John exclaimed in shock and awe.

"Yes but don't look down on those normal exorcist because some of them are lucky enough to have the privileged to be invited to the Exorcist Association and you're one of those lucky enough to join" Faere said in voice like she is a teacher explaining it to her student while she would sometimes nod her head while explaining it.

"Alright, It's not like I'm an arrogant person you know. Crap! It's almost lunch time, we got to go" John said then notices the time on his wrist watch striking 11:00 am.

John hurriedly packed up his things while Faere turned into a ball of light and flew towards his phone after that John hastily drove home.


"Where were you the almost entire morning?" John's mom immediately asked him mixed with worry and anger.

"Eh, I went for a jog and accidently fell asleep when I took a bit of rest?" John made an excuse as he scratched his head while dodging his mother's eyes.

John's mom raised an eyebrow and gave a knock on his head and said: "Next time, make sure to send me a text before going off somewhere that it would take hours for you to come back and make me worry, okay?"

"Yes mom" John obediently nodded his head.

"Alright, go have your lunch, the others have already eaten except you and your sister" she said.

John just nodded and directly went inside the house where he bumped into his older brother.

"Where have you been? Mom was really worried, you know" His older brother said.

His name is Julix, he's 8 years older than John and has his own small business. He's always nice to John and always looks after him even though he's not a kid anymore. He still lives with them mostly because he's still worried about them and probably because he still hasn't found his 'significant other' yet.

"Don't make mom worry so much, she's not that young anymore and you're already considered an adult" Julix said with a sighed as he patted his shoulders before putting on his suit and headed outside and drove off with his car.

After that, John had his lunch and took a bath before he headed to his bedroom upstairs and jumped on his bed before opening his phone and check the ongoing discussion in the chat room.

[Silver] Qin Long: Looking for members willing to hunt a 10,00 years old Evil Spirit. Exorcist are most welcome. Leave me a message at once for information.

[Iron] Michael: Looking for Middle Rank Spirit Crystal. I'll pay $100,000 just send me a message.

[Silver] Edward: @Micheal I have Middle Rank Spirit Crystal here. Let's trade.

[Iron] Michael: @Edward PM sent.

[Gold] [Demon Slayer] One Sword: Hahaha! After over 100 years I finally broke through Master Realm!

[Gold] [Healer] Luna: @One Sword Congratulations Fellow Exorcist!

[Silver] Qin Long: @One Sword Congratulations to you Senior!

[Gold] [Monk] Ye Fu: @One Sword Congratulations Brother.

[Gold] [Demon Slayer II] Wizard: @One Sword Congratulations to you Fellow Slayer!

[Iron] Michael: Congrats....

[Silver] Michelle: ....

John then saw someone announcing his breakthrough and a series of congratulations flooded the board.

"Wow, so many experts how enviable but I wonder why they have titles but the others don't have any" John mumbled so himself.

"It's because they have managed to make a huge achievement in either their hunts or breakthroughs so the Association would give them a suitable title. Only Gold Rank and above would have titles but of course there are also exceptions to it and having a title is a representation of honor and glory" John suddenly heard a voice beside his ear but wasn't surprise by it.

"Really? I want one too!" John said with shining eyes.

"Heh, as if. You've just started and you should focus more on the things in front of you before thinking of those things" Faere just said with a slight smile and giggled.

"Haha, right. Those things are still a little bit too far me" John said with realization.

"Right, I saw others selling their things on the group wouldn't it be better to just sell it to the Marketplace?" John asked as he tilted his head towards Faere.

"Because you're special" Faere just said those words then giggled not saying anymore than necessary.

"Huh? Me? Special? What do you mean by that?" John asked in confusion.

Faere just giggled at him before flying towards his phone as she disappeared.

"Oi! Hey! What do you mean by that!? Dammit!" John almost rage as his curiosity wasn't satisfied and also confused by those words.

"Ai! Now I'm really wondering what she meant by those words" John mumbled as he laid down on his bed facing the ceiling.

"Haist, I should just cultivate instead of thinking about it" John said as she sat in lotus position as he meditated.



"Why is that kid shouting in his room again? He's been acting weird these past few days, it makes me worry for him. I hope it nothing serious though as he's mood has been getting good recently" John's mother said with a smile while shaking her head.

"Mom! I'm home!"

And then his little sister arrived home from school.

"Mhhmm" John's mother smiled at her daughter.

She's Michelle, 14 years old and currently studying as sophomore in high school and John's mother is named Murielle but their neighbors calls her Mel instead. She's a good mother who have raised her three children all by herself with the helps of some good relatives.

"Mom, is big brother John at home?" Michelle asked while pulling her arm.

"Yes, he's upstairs in his bedroom, why?" John's mom asked.

"Nothing, I just want to tell him something important" Michelle said as she kissed her mother on her cheeks before running off upstairs.

"Go eat your lunch first!" Mel shouted behind her while touching the cheek she was kissed at while smiling.

"Later!" Michelle yelled back before disappearing at John's room.

"Geez, this kid" Mel smiled at herself before going back to what she was doing earlier.

Back at John's bedroom..

John opened his eyes startled at his little sister just barging in to his room.


"Brat! I told you a thousand times to knock before coming into my room!" John yelled at her while seating at a meditative posture.

"Sorry! I won't do it next time" Michelle just giggled as she leisurely sat down on the bed beside him.

"You've told m- Gah! Just what do you want this time?" John was about to continue reprimanding her but gave up halfway knowing she just wouldn't listen to it.

"Yes, I almost forgot. Brother you have to help me some guys are trying to bully me and my friends at school" Michelle complained at him while shaking his arm and giving him a pitiful look.

"What?" John face immediately darkened. Even though his sister is somewhat bratty and annoying but both brothers are very protective of her so when he heard about some kid trying to bully her made him scowl in displeasure.

"Come, tell big brother" John said in a serious tone.

After that, Michelle told him about it and promised her that he will come to their school to have a 'good' talk with this arrogant bully.

Looking at the back of his sister running off as she left his room, John sighed.

"Haist, kids these days are sure becoming more arrogant" John laid on his bed not bothering at continuing his meditation anymore.

"I think i should watch Netflix for now before going back to absorb more mana" John said as he stood up and went to picked up his laptop, opened it and went back to his bed.

What do you guys think about the chapter?

I hope you're enjoying it! ^_^

IamAlphacreators' thoughts