

John just landed another hit on the Evil Spirit and suddenly it released a piercing wail before it's body burst into smoke.

"Eh?" John was a bit surprised but then noticed something sparkling on the ground where the Evil Spirit Lady got destroyed.

John picked it up and saw that it was crystal like diamond but it was colored purple. John looked at it with shining eyes thinking that it was gem dropped by killing the Evil Spirit.

"Wow, maybe I can sell it for money later" John thought and then noticed Faere looking at him before shaking her head.

"What?" John asked.

"Don't even think about selling it at a jewelry store or a place similar to it because no one would buy it, that's a rare Spirit Crystal. There's only 1% of it dropping among Low Rank Evil Spirit after killing it. You're really lucky" Faere said as she flew over John's shoulder while looking at the Crystal on his hand.

"Spirit Crystal? What's its use for?" John asked as he examined it more up close, curious of what's so special about this thing.

"A Spirit Crystal contains the Evil Spirits spirit essence which is useful for cultivation, absorbing it would help someone's cultivation realm. Sadly, it's only a Low Rank Spirit Crystal if it came from a higher rank Evil Spirit or Demon Spirit, it would be even better as it would let you immediately breakthrough to Rank 1 Novice Realm"

"You can either use it or give it to me so I can sell it at the marketplace, this would fetch you $1000" Faere said.

"Wait, are you saying if I absorb it's essence then I can be like those Cultivators that I've always read from webnovels?" John asked Faere as he exclaimed in excitement thinking that he can become like a Superhuman.

"Yes, you can" Faere said nonchalantly.

"Nice! I won't sell it, I'll use it instead and start on the path of cultivator! So how do I use it?" After his initial outburst of excitement, John then only remembered that he doesn't know how to use it especially that he does not even have a cultivation technique.

"I was just gonna tell you but you started yelling like an idiot"

"Sorry, sorry, so how?" John asked eagerly as he wore his helmet and started his Bike as he drove towards home.

Faere just shook her head and started explaining it to John. According to Faere, he at least needs to buy a meditation technique called Novice Breathing Technique, of course she didn't forget to advice him to just buy a fragmented part of the technique.

"Why shouldn't I just buy the whole technique?" John asked with a confused tone.

"It cost $12,000 for the whole technique but the fragmented part only cost $2000. If you have $12,000 then go buy the complete thing" Faere sneered.

"Ehh...I should buy the fragmented part then" John gave a dry laughed inside his helmet while thinking ' I only have over $3000 as my savings for the past few years'.

What John didn't notice is that he can actually perfectly hear Faere and she can even keep up with him even though he's already driving over 50 mph.

"Don't worry it would at least help you reach till Rank 2 Novice Realm then you can think about the buying the whole thing or just purchase one better meditation technique, after all the Novice Breathing Technique is only the lowest and cheapest meditation technique out there" Faere reassured him.

John sighed in relief, after he doesn't want to buy something if it would only help him breakthrough once but thinking that he would actually spend $2000, he felt his heart aching but thinking that he can finally achieve his dream of traversing the path of a cultivator, it at least made him feel a little bit better.

"Wait, you've been talking about Ranks and Realm thingy now, how does it work?" John asked Faere as he was curious about it.

According to Faere, the cultivation realms are Novice, Apprentice, Regular, Expert, Master, Grand Master, Saint and the Legendary Transcender Realm which no one has achieve for the past 2000 years. Novice to Expert Realm is divided between Rank 1 to Rank 3 while Master to Saint Realm is divided between Rank 1 to Rank 5 while no one or they are not sure what the ranks are once someone reach the Transcender Realm because the information about it disappeared along with sudden disappearance of the last few Transcender Realm Exorcist in the past 2000 years.

"Wow, that is sick" John took a deep breath as his eyes shone with excitement.

"Of course, do you know how powerful a Saint Exorcist is? A casual punch from them is as powerful as an atomic bomb and just imagine a Transcender Realm Exorcist" Faere said proudly as if she was actually one of those esteemed experts.

John's body shivered in excitement thinking of himself when he reaches those realms.

"Tsk!" Faere sneered in disdain as she was able to guess what John is thinking from his facial expression.

A few minutes later, John was finally able arrived home as he went to bed after cleaning his body.


A few days later, John is currently meditating as he was surrounded by dense trees. The Mana from his surrounding was crazily absorb towards his him as he circulated it around his body based from the Novice Breathing Technique.

"This is absurd with his current rate of madly absorbing this amount of Mana…" Faere just sighed and didn't finish what she was about to say.

Just after Faere said those words, a muffled noise sounded.

"Woah! I finally broke through!" John shouted in joy as he jumped around like a monkey.

Faere was looking at him with a dumbfounded gaze, like he was looking at a monster.

"How!? It's only been 3 days since he started meditating!" Faere thought in frantic and then he suddenly remembered something about a few days ago.

"No freaking way. It seems this idiot really has a Spiritual Body. I just don't know what kind is it" Faere thought.

John stood in front of tree and punch its trunk with full force.

Thump ~

The tree shook as leaves started falling down and a fist mark was left on the trunk.

"Hahaha, this is awesome!" John knelt on the ground as he raised his hands on the air as he shouted in joy.

"This idiot, how embarrassing" Faere facepalmed.

Then John rush towards Faere and said "Did you see it? I'm finally a Rank 1 Novice Exorcist. I must be a genius just based on how fast I reached this Rank, mwahaha!" John bragged in front of her face as he laughed with his hands on his face and his head held high.

"Hmmp, someone was able to achieve of what you achieve for only a day, so don't act arrogant" Faere lied with a straight face.

"No way?" John asked shocked.

"Of course, do I need a reason to lie to you?" Faere said but in her head she was thinking " I don't want him to have a big head, this is for his own good lest he becomes to arrogant thinking his 'really' a genius".

"Ohh, okay but I'm still a genius though. I did it in 3 days like who does that, right?" John wasn't even affected by what she said and started acting like it's to be expected from him.

"He's hopeless" Faere thought in defeat as she face palmed.

After celebrating for a while, John finally remembered something and went beside Faere and sat down as he checked his next mission on his phone.

[Search and Destroy (Copper)]

Go to the well known Haunted Mansion in Bakara and search for the Cursed Relic that housed a Millennium Old Evil Spirit, destroy the evil spirit and purify the relic.

Rewards: Holy Desert Eagle, $3000, 1 Holy Water (Rare)

"Those rewards, I want them!" John yelled in delight.

I hope you guys are enjoying reading this!

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IamAlphacreators' thoughts