
Demon Child Fantasy Land

After he died in his old world, Asher woke in a new world as a child. Not only his he found a world in which he might find his happiness, he was born a duke’s son. His life was set to easy mode. But will his new world be any different from his pervious life? The old saying is ‘damned if you damned if you don’t.’ So why not go alittle wild? You never know if you will get another chance.

Brennan_Poole · Fantasy
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57 Chs


Asher felt like punching something. It was difficult enough to deal with having the system but did this mean that he had to deal with regular updates.

"I swear if this turns out to be like annoying phone updates, I will find whoever gave me this, and I will beat them with a chair."

[New Features have been added]

As soon as he received this notification, Asher pulled up his status window and found a surprise.

[Player Status]

Name: Asher Richt

Age: 10

Species: Human

LV: 1 (0/100)

HP: 15/15

PWR 100/100

STR: 13

VIT: 11

AGI: 12

PER: 20

It was the first time he had seen the LV category. Was it related to the new features? LV usually stands for level in video games, so maybe it is a new leveling feature. Asher's head began to hurt thinking about it. The system had not changed for the last ten years, and now it was changing way too fast in the previous three days.

[New quests have been added]

Asher let out a sigh. "Might as well as see what this is then." With a wave of his hand, the quests appeared with details on his new quests.

[Magical Tools for Beginners]

Acquire the following items:

Alchemist Chalk 0/1

Enchantment Stylus 0/1

Reward: +5 EXP, +2 SP

[Beginner Equipment]

Acquire the following items:

Weapon 0/3

armor 0/1

Reward: +5 EXP, +2 SP

Asher's eyes lit up. EXP was a new reward, but not an unfamiliar one. This was proof that his system added a leveling system. However, when it came to the second reward, he was entirely at a loss. He could not figure any notion as to what it could be.

"Could you be any more frustrating?" Asher had to accept it. He got a flawed system in the worse possible way. He picked up the sword 'Singing steel' and held it turning the beautiful scabbard over in his hand. "Why on earth would I need so many weapons?"

[The blade, 'Singing Steel,' has been registered. Weapons remaining 1/3]

Asher looked at the screen in shock. He had this sword since he could hold one, and now it was registered. He needed to curse someone for making this infuriating system, but Asher did not know who. Asher calmed down by taking a deep breath.

"I don't have time for this nonsense. Every moment I sit here, I waste time getting stronger, and I will be in more danger. Besides, I am much more interested in getting my plan underway."

His plan was simple he had learned the 'veil' spell to sneak out of the manor and enter the town. He would join the adventurer guild to hunt monsters for their parts used to make an armory of magical weapons. Who needs magic when you can have a holy sword that can cleeve a dragon in two?

Asher stopped in his tracks. "Now that I think about it. I can't use 'Singing Steel' for this plan, and it is a piece of high-grade magic equipment that will get recognized."

Asher thought for a moment about what he would do without his sword, and he would have to find a new weapon from the armory. The armory was a cellar on the manor grounds that the guards used, and he could easily find some light armor plates and weapons there. The only problem is that the soldiers guarded it twenty-four seven as some valuable magic equipment was there.

"When in doubt, a magic spell to help you out." Asher needed a magic spell that would distract the guards, and only one element could do that. Illusion.

He flipped through the pages till he found a spell that would suit his interest. It was called 'doubleganger.' The magic could make an illusionary figure that could look like anyone. Unfortunately, that was all it could do. Without any sound illusions in place, it could not speak, and, since it was just an illusion, it could not touch anything. But it was perfect for what he had in mind.

"I am sorry for the guards. I will feel bad for tricking them when they are only doing their job, but I need to do this to get stronger."

The spell circle in the booklet was slightly different from the veil spell, but it was very similar. It did not take Asher long to figure out the key differences, making learning easier. After an hour, he believed he had understood the basics of the spell.

"Okay, let's do this." Asher raised his hand. A black circle formed in his hand, and the familiar smoke flowed from his fingers. The snake-like smoke began to spin around, taking the form of a human. The smoke started to shift, changing color and forming a human figure.

[The illusionary spell 'doubleganger' has been added to your skill list.]

"Yes, this is going to work." Asher watched with excitement as the smokey figure began to reshape into a human-like form.

The figure was twisted and frightening, and its face did not have eyes above its grinning mouth with horrifyingly sharp fangs. Its limbs are long and lanky that end in long thin fingers with long and sharp claws for nails. Without thinking, Asher grabbed his sword, and he drew it from its sheath and swiped it across its chest in one move. The body broke into smoke that followed the arc of the slash.

Asher continued to attack the figure until it was gone. "What the hell was that? I wanted to distract them, not traumatize them." The figure began to reform on the ground in the most grotesque way possible. It was like watching a zombie rise from the grave.

Asher began stomping on the monster's face until it disappeared completely. "I wanted a doubleganger, not a Demogorgon, and maybe the system holds answers as to what that even was." He pulled up the ability screen on his system.




Description: Creates a replica of a human. The caster determines the shape and form. The higher focus of the individual, the more realistic the replica will be. The cast can give simple commands to the replica, and it will complete them to the best of its ability.

Cost: -5 Mana per replica

"Well, I guess I didn't focus on anyone and made that thing." Asher let out a sigh.

He reactivated his spell this time in front of his mirror; he focused on himself. Asher was sure he took note of the shape of his chin, the frame of his chest, and the length of his limbs. The smoke began to swirl and take the humanoid. This time the figure was small but lean. Its red hair formed from the black smoke, and its limbs stretched out. It was an exact copy of Asher, except there was one issue. It did not have a face.

"Hello, nightmares. Maybe this is why such a useful skill is a grade G spell. It is hard to perfect." Asher let out a sigh of defeat, looking at the figure with eyes or mouth. "You will have to do. But we need new clothes for this plan to work."

The replica was wearing the same outfit as Asher, but he could not let it out that the replica was related to him. He focused on the clothes, and they began to shift like it was full of snakes. The color disappeared, being replaced by the living smoke. The smoke began to expand, bellowing out, taking a new shape. When the smoke started to reform, the replica stood there wearing light leather armor with a cloak and hood covering its face. He looked like a classing ranger. "Now, this will work."

Asher left his room and snuck outside using the veil so no one could see him or the replica. Asher poked his head around the corner finding two guards stationed outside the armory. "Sorry for this," Asher turned to the replica, "Go for it" Asher dropped the veil, and the replica began to run right passed the guards. They look at each other, confused at who just ran given them.

Asher ran and shouted. "Stop the thief, and he has stolen from the dukedom." The guards reacted, running after the replica at full speed, but it could easily outrun the guards because it was not real. Asher could not say that he could not accomplish the same feat as his stats were relatively low.

"Hahahaha. Suckers," Asher gloated. "Should I be worried that this was way too easy?" He opened the door and began his descent into the armory. He wrapped himself in the safety of the veil, and he carefully moved down the wooden staircase. He made sure that his steps were light so that the old steps would not make any sound.

Asher heard the rushing of hurried footsteps coming up the stair. Asher quickly pressed himself against the wall as five soldiers rushed past. Asher pressed his body against the hard cobblestone wall in a very uncomfortable position. He did not dare take a breath till the last guard past him.

"What is with this spell and being against walls?" Asher cursed under his breath. Guess the replica is doing its job. Asher continued his descent, making it to the landing at the base of the stairs. Around the corner was an opening with tables and benches used for the guards to take breaks during shift changes. There were racks full of armor and weapons like swords and spears along the wall. The armory also served as the guardhouse, but with the replica running about, causing havoc, the place was empty.

Asher first walked up to the rack of weapons were swords. There were a vairty of longswords and shortswords. As Asher looked screen after screen appeared, Asher's eyes fell on one broadsword. It was plain compared to some of the others.

Hey, my beautiful peoples, second chapter this week. Enjoy.

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