
Demon and Angel: True love

This is a mystical book that will take you on a very fun and romantic adventure through both Heaven and He'll. Watch how Raven and Libra find their love and defeat all odds against them.

Liza_Shillar · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Know her

"The court will presume the day after tomorrow." Queen Heather announced and everyone nodded. It was now the king's turn to speak. "For now, the two Ruby witches, Saraya and Fedora will stay at the castle's guest room. Let us all enjoy the rest of princess Libra's birthday!" He announced and everyone emmedietly smiled as they all walked out the door leaving Henry and the two witches inside. Henry was about to leave when one of the witches stopped him. "Wait." It was Fedora who spoke, " You are Henry right?" She asked and Henry turned his face to look at her and just nodded. The two witches smiled at each other before Saraya spoke. "Do you know the Emerald witch named Crystal?" She asked, her smile soon turned mischievous as she waited for his response. Henry turned his face to look at the door, ignoring the witch's question. He just stood there, quiet for a few seconds.

"So you know her..." Saraya continued. "Why would the chief guard and soldier of Alpine Aquestria know about the troublesome witch princess to be?" She grinned at him. Henry still didn't move an inch. "It's my job to know about all species, including witches." Was all he said before he walked towards the door and out of the room. The two witches looked at each other for a while before they too went out of the room.

Meanwhile at Libra's room...

The little girl was just staring at the ceiling, with many questions in her eyes. Her mind seemed to be up in the clouds as she quickly forgot about reality. What were those images she saw before she woke up? The darkness, the flying, and the interwining hands. Those thoughts ran through her mind before a knock on the door disturbed her. The king and queen soon entered the room and walked towards the girl lying on the bed facing the ceiling.

Queen Heather's hands flew to cover her mouth when she saw the sight that greeted them. Their daughter looked pale. There were many blue and green pimples all over her face. She didn't look like the angel she expected when she entered the room. It seemed like the spell was getting worse by the minute. The king slowly approached her while the queen was still frozen on the spot. Libra moved her head to face her father who was now next to her.

"Father..." She said in a soft and weak voice. "When did you return?" She innocently asked and the king's small smile turned into a frown. "Libra...what did that witch do to you?" He asked her, not showing any hint of answering her question. Libra's eyes moved to look up at the ceiling again before looking back at her father. She gave a small and reassuring smile. "It's fine father...she did nothing to me. She did no-" "Nonsense Libra!" He cut her off in a frustrated tone. "That witch has done something to you. Just look at yourself. You have spots everywhere!" He said, shocking her back to reality. She actually didn't notice the pimples on her face. Were they more kins? She really needed to find Crystal and fast. "Listen princess, tomorrow me and your mother are travelling to Emerald village to confront the witche princess and make you better again." He informed her and Libra's mouth slightly opened. "You mean Crystal...." She weakly said, causing the king and queen's eyes to widen.

"You know her name?"

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