
Demon’s Daylight

Enaysha_Walker · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

"Ladies, what are you doing? Are you lost?"

This can't be real. I could feel my face start to heat up as I realized that voice was Hide. I looked down and didn't say anything. Naki covered me.

"I'm so sorry about her, she's really shy around people she doesn't really know, and yes, we are lost."

"Oh, where's your classroom?" I heard Hide ask.

"It's in D206."

"Seems we have the same classroom," he chuckled. Wait, Hide is in the same classroom? This is going to be the best year of my life. "My name is Hide."

"I'm Naki, and this is Akira," Naki said.

"Akira? That's a beautiful name," Hide said.

I looked at him shyly and said, "Thank you."

Why is Hide so damn charming?

"Anyway, ladies, let's get to class, shall we?" Hide led the way, with both me and Naki behind him. I held onto her arm because I was nervous. She poked my cheek with a reassuring look, and I smiled. This is going to be a good year.

After walking up so many stairs, we found our classroom. Like the gentleman he was, Hide held the door open for both me and Naki and as we walked in, the whole class stared at us, including the instructor.

"Ladies, you're late," the instructor said.

"We're s-"

"They were lost, sir, so I helped them get here," Hide said. Why are you an angel, Hide?

"I see," the instructor responded. "Find a desk to sit at." There were only three seats left, and they were all in the back. Do we get to sit near Hide? This is a dream come true! We sat in the back, with Hide at the end near the window, me in the middle, and Naki on the other end.

The instructor continued. "As I was saying, welcome freshmen to Northlight Academy. I'm sure you all know, this is not any ordinary school, where all you learn about is academics. Well, you will still be taught those, but this school is to also train you to become soldiers in the war against the Demon King and his army. Your training will officially start tomorrow, but until then, we're going to hear a few words from the great General Herance."

Everyone clapped as Hide's father came in. I saw Hide roll his eyes as he saw his father.

"Welcome, everyone to Northlight Academy!" he said. "I'm so glad that each one of you decided to come here. I know that each one of you has potential, and will one day become amazing, disciplined soldiers who could possibly be apart of the many soldiers that I have. I may not be here very often, but I will be checking in every once in a while. Good luck, soldiers!" Everyone cheered as he left. He's really popular.

The attention was turned back on the instructor. "Okay, everyone, we will not be doing anything today, so you guys can leave class early. There will be tours to show each of you your way around here, and when you're done. Go to your dorms. You may leave."

The room filled with chattering as the instructor left the classroom. Hide started to leave and Naki nudged me.

"Go talk to him," she said as she winked at me.

"I-I don't know, I can't go up to him by myself," I said. "Maybe next time."

"You've had a crush on him for two years, so-"

"But I don't know him, Naki," I interrupted.

She sighed. "Whatever you said, Aki. Anyway, let's go to the cafeteria."

We walked to the cafeteria, chatting about the times we had when we were in middle school and the times with our friends there.

"I really miss Zoe," Naki said as she got her food.

"Damn, me too! She was so amazing, so kind, clumsy, but in an adorable way."

"Zoe is best girl."

"Definitely," I agreed as I started walking to a table.

Suddenly, I bumped into someone. I gasped and looked up. It was Hide. He looked pissed, and I got food all over his shirt. I immediately looked down and started to try to clean up the mess.

"Oh goodness, I'm so sorry!  I really didn't mean to, I wasn't paying attention."

"Let me help you," he said as he started helping me, although his tone sounded like he was annoyed. I didn't mean to piss him off.

"Oh god, I'm such a goddamn klutz, and now I ruined your-"

"I said, it's fine. Really, it's okay."

Is this the real Hide? The one that acts kind and like a gentleman for show, but is actually an Ice King? I started to feel really guilty.

I feel so blind.

After we got done cleaning it up, I thanked him and quickly walked out of the cafeteria in embarrassment. I wanted to cry.

"Aki!" Naki shouted as she followed me.

I crouched down against the wall, tears welling up in my eyes. Naki bent down, seeing them.

"I-I..." my words stumbled off as I began to cry.

"Shh," Naki said as she embraced me. "Let it all out." I started crying even more.

I ruined my crush since 6th grade's shirt. I'm a terrible person. The way Hide looked at me, with disgust and cold eyes. Those icy cold eyes.

I saw Hide walk by as I was crying, and I know he saw me, but I dared not to look him in the eyes.

After I calmed down, I told Naki everything.

"H-his tone, it sounded like he was pissed. I thought Hide would be this charming prince that wouldn't mind, but he seemed pissed. And the way he looked at me when I looked up. Those icy cold eyes, someone who seems like he's very closed off."

"Well, Aki, looks can be deceiving," Naki said.


Maybe I should avoid him from now on.

And that's exactly what I did. For the next week, I avoided Hide to the best of my ability.

The bell rang for class. I avoided looking at Hide as I've been doing this past week.

This instructor came in as the chatter in the class went on. "Alright, alright everyone. Settle down." The chatter in the classroom started to die down until it was completely silent. "Now as I said yesterday, we are going to start learning about how to use a sword. I'm sure you all practiced your moves, hm?" Everyone was silent, looking at each other. "Anyway, we are going to start a presentation on it, although, you guys will not be choosing your partners, I will." Dammit, I thought as everyone else groaned. "So Naki and Kyle, Giana and Henry, Alex and Kyn, Nadetta and Jordan, and Akira and Hide.

My jaw dropped. After what happened last Wednesday, why do I have to be partners with him out of all people? I sighed and looked at Naki.

"You're on your own, girl," Naki said.

"Yeah, apparently."

"Now, here are your training room numbers. Naki and Kyle, go to training room C. Giana Henry, go to training room I. Alex and Kyn, go to training room L. Nadetta and Jordan, go to training room E. Finally, Akira and Hide, go to training room AD. Train for at least 90 minutes, then you may be dismissed. Your presentation will be scored on how accurate your movements are."

Everyone left to go to their training rooms. The instructor also left the classroom. It was just me and Hide.

"Let's go," said Hide.

"Sh-shouldn't we change?" I asked very quietly.

"What?" he said, his voice sounding very cold.

Out of fear, I responded, "Nothing..."

I followed Hide into our training room. The room was huge. There were poles to hang onto, actual swords, spears, bows, and arrows, any weapon you could possibly think of was there.

"Holy shit, this place is amazing!" Hide didn't respond, as he was getting ready. I went over to the swords and picked one up. Hide heard me put one up and immediately ran to me and took it out of my hand.

"Those are not to touch," he said as his icy blue eyes flared at me.

"Right, my bad," I said as I put them down. 

Hide walked over to get me a wooden sword and threw it at me. I barely caught it.

"Now, Akira", he said, "shall we begin our training?"