

"Step into the captivating world of 'Demiwars,' where mystic powers collide, and alliances are forged in the crucible of battle. Arcane Academy and Abyssal Citadel, human and demon schools, converge in an annual spectacle of Essentia prowess. As students showcase abilities inspired by worlds unknown, secrets unravel, friendships form, and the boundary between good and evil blurs. Join a diverse cast in a thrilling journey of self-discovery, where the fate of two realms hangs in the balance. 'Demiwars' weaves a tapestry of magic, intrigue, and epic clashes that will leave you spellbound. Unleash your Essentia, and embrace the adventure."

LordSanctify · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Worlds Collide Arc

Riku would stare out the window, inside the classroom.

Riku: "..So I Must Learn how to use this power to my full potential..."

Riku would then enter his consciousness in order to speak to Lilac.

Lilac: *confused but happy* "Riku, is that you?"

Riku: "is there a way to improve the cooldown for my power?!"

Lilac would think to herself, somewhat confused in why Riku asked her this.

Lilac: "Try and train your ability, try not to do the easy way, okay."

Lilac smiled before flicking Riku's forehead, before telling him to come back later.


A Nerdy but Overly Excited Girl would eye Riku, who stared at her but walked off.

Riku: "...Odd"

Riku would end up, heading downstairs of the school for lunch.

Lilac would appear randomly as she held Riku's hand.

Riku: "...Lilac, you know that you can be with me right."

Riku and Lilac smiled at each other, trusting each other as friends.

We then shift to where the overly excited nerdy girl would be walking by herself somewhere.

Riku: "so um, who is she?"

Zachary would appear behind Riku, as he told him her name was Chalita.

Zachary: "she's always like this so just get used to it, i guess."

Riku: "that's cool but did i ask for your input?!"

Zachary would walk off, annoyed at Riku's Response.

Riku would yawn before noticing Jiya walking over.

Jiya would poke Riku's back, as she asked him to help her out with something.

Riku would get a bit startled, before smiling.

Riku: "what you need help with Jiya?!"

Jiya: "...it's something to do with essentia."

Riku: "...Essentia training seems fun, i guess."

Riku would walk with Jiya, but then he was stopped by three girls who bullied Jiya in the past.

Riku would look concerned and annoyed as he was stopped by a random girl named Mei, who was a snobby rich girl with two other friends named Lucia & Sarah who were quite annoying to Riku as well.

Mei would stare at Riku, as she would mock him for being by the failure girl, pointing towards Jiya.

Riku would get irritated as he then lifted Mei by the collar, with ease.

Riku would shout at her, causing her so called friends to abandon her in the process causing her to cry.

Jiya would hug Riku as she told him thank you for protecting her.

Riku would drop Mei on the Ground, as she was starting to get pissed off.

Mei: *angered* "How Dare You Humiliate me like that.."

Riku however stared at Mei as he then began to unleash his essentia.

A Dark Like Color would show as it would leak around Riku, as it was known it was his essentia aura.

Riku would lift Mei up by her collar, as he then shouted at her, "you are weak yourself so stop pushing your weakness onto others."

Riku would drop Mei on the Ground, walking off now annoyed.

Mei would still be on the ground now, crying knowing that she was humiliated by Riku.


We see the school, give a assembly to the Students about what's gonna happen later in the year.

Principal Nobuki would walk up to the podium as he tells everyone about the upcoming tournament, they will be happening soon with Echoscape soon.

Riku: *confused* "Echoscape?!"

Nobuki would have the student council let the students know about the tournament.

A Group of Students would walk up as they then arrived in front of the podium.

Nobuki would announce the student council students.

Raya, Jennie, Tara, Jax & Leilani would walk to where the podium was.

Raya: *waving* "Hello, Fellow Students.. I am Raya Baskoro."

Everyone was Alittle out of the loop of the situation, as Raya would tell them about Demiwars.

Raya: "Demiwars is a Tournament that our school and Arcane Academy, which is the school for demons participate in."

Raya: "that's it.."

Everyone was astonished at the lack of details that they were just been received by the student council president, Raya.

Raya sighed as she let the principal take over from there, which he does.

Nobuki: "You are all the next generation of students worthy of winning the demiwars understand.. so take this week to train as much as you can to win the tournament."

Nobuki then told everyone to be ready for demiwars in about two or three weeks.

Nobuki would then dismiss everyone out of assembly building.

(We then shift to the Echoscape Realm, where the students of Abyssal Citadel were given a Assembly as well.)

Xebec would stare at the students sitting down, as he demanded them to train for the upcoming demiwars that's starting in 2 or 3 weeks from now.

Xebec would have the student council speak to the students about the tournament.

The Student Council in Arcane Academy would walk up onto the podium area, seriously but elegantly.

Lilith would walk up to the podium, first with the other members walking on the podium right after.

The Vice President, Treasurer, Translator, and the Secretary would be revealed as Luna, Remus, Sequoia & Audrey who would stand behind Lilith as she explain everything to the rest of the students about demiwars.

Xebec would let the student council take their leave for now, as he told the students that a portal to travel the human realm will be open.

Xebec would take his leave, after telling his students to disperse from the Building that they used for assembly.

Xebec: "hopefully nothing bad happens during this demiwars tournament, like that one day.."


??? would clash with a powerful female human.

???: "I WON'T LET YOU WIN!!!"

It fast forwards to the Human Female, Killing ??? when her guard was down.

However The Full Context wasn't shown

We then Shift to where we see Riku laying down in his room, as he asked lilac a question.

Riku: "..Lilac, will you train me on how to use my abilities?"

Lilac would smugly joke, "The Great Riku needs my Help."

Riku would get slightly embarrassed but Lilac would tell Riku that she'll train him since she finds him entertaining.


Riku would look ready as he would enter the bus, since each bus was full of students.

The Echoscape Portal would open, each bus entering the portal.

The Buses would finally arrive at Arcane Academy, and the students would head inside of the school.

Riku would look at the sky, finally realizing that he's in the Echoscape Realm now and that he also has to increase his guard a bit.

Lilith would eye Riku, as she thought he looked weak before walking elsewhere.

Riku would eye Lilith, almost like he thought she was looking at him.

Jiya: "Riku, I'm a bit nervous for this."

Riku would smile at Jiya before head patting her.

Riku: "just don't think about it, you know."

Jiya Smiled before giving Riku a Hug.

Riku would walk forward but would end up running into someone.

Kisame would stare at Riku, before getting angry.

Riku however just ignored Kisame, as he grabbed Jiya's Hand.

Riku: "Nari?"

Nari would wave at Riku and Jiya.

Jiya would hug Nari as they joked around with each other.

Jiya and Nari stopped as they noticed Riku not moving.

Riku: "go on without me, I'm going to stretch a bit."

Nari and Jiya nodded as they walked off with their classmates.

Riku would think of Goku's Instant Transmission and teleported to the forest.

Lilac would appear beside Riku, as they began to train together.

(About 3 Hours Later after A Fighting Montage.)

Riku would ask Lilac if he could try the new skill he learned, to which Lilac accepted.

Lilac: "it's the same as when you can imagine a power from a character you remember.."

Riku would then close his eyes as he imagined Tenten from Naruto.

Tenten would appear in front of Riku as soon as he opened his eyes.

Riku: "Tenten, A Shinobi from the Hidden Leaf Village."

Tenten would look confused as she then asked Riku, "Where Am I?"

Riku: "this is a different realm for the demons of this world."

Tenten would nod, trying to make peace with what Riku said.

Riku: "i'll bring you back to your world again, if you want.."

Tenten: "please do..."

Riku would close his eyes again to undo the summoning, causing tenten to return back to her world.

Little did they know, some of Lilith's lackeys would notice Riku's Summoning Ability.

Despite it just being one of the new skills Riku learned while training with Lilac.

Lilac would appear beside Riku as they started walking back to where everyone else would be at.

Riku would look at his watch as the time was 9:20am, which caused riku to get shocked.

Lilac: "we gotta hurry, before we are caught."

Riku: "Lilac return back for now."

Lilac would vanish away, as Riku thought of Shadow The Hedgehog, and would use his abilities.

Lilac would let Riku know that he's able to use his powers for 1hr now, which excited him a bit.

Riku: "alright.."

Riku would summon a chaos emerald in front of him, as he shouted "Chaos Control"

A Flashing Light Appeared as Riku would appear behind Nari & Jiya, causing them to get frightened.

But Little did Riku Know, One of Lilith's Lackeys Would Capture the Incident on Film, as soon as it happened.

Kisame would notice Riku, as he then smirked, "You Know at first i thought you were a weakling now I'm itching to attack you, i don't why but i just do.."

Riku: "how about you just wait like everyone else.. dumbass"

Kisame: "do you know who you are speaking to like that?!"

Riku: "I didn't ask about your origins, your past or anything similar to that.."

Kisame would tell Riku why he shouldn't mess with him.

Riku: "I didn't ask for a flashback, dumbass"

Riku would think of Boruto's Thunder Clap Technique, and Used it on Kisame.

Kisame would spit out blood, as he couldn't react in time.

Lilith would notice the fight, as she walked over, Lilith would tell everyone to return to their classes before she noticed the unconscious Kisame and Riku.

Lilith smirked as she dragged a weak demon student, she would inflict Fear into the Student, as they carried the unconscious Kisame.

Lilith would flick Riku's Forehead, as she whispered in his ear, "I Know About Your Secret, Boy~"

Lilith eyed Riku for a bit before walking off.

---End Of World's Collide Arc----

Preview For Next Arc:

"Entry Exams Begin"

Riku would look excited, as he then ran off screen.