

"Step into the captivating world of 'Demiwars,' where mystic powers collide, and alliances are forged in the crucible of battle. Arcane Academy and Abyssal Citadel, human and demon schools, converge in an annual spectacle of Essentia prowess. As students showcase abilities inspired by worlds unknown, secrets unravel, friendships form, and the boundary between good and evil blurs. Join a diverse cast in a thrilling journey of self-discovery, where the fate of two realms hangs in the balance. 'Demiwars' weaves a tapestry of magic, intrigue, and epic clashes that will leave you spellbound. Unleash your Essentia, and embrace the adventure."

LordSanctify · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Prologue Arc








"...Screams....Terrors....Wars... things like this often occur throughout the world."


"but why do i feel empty inside....it was probably due to that day..."


"if you don't know i guess i'll show you what happened..."


We then Shift to a Teenaged Japanese Male, with two piercings on his nose, two in his ears and one piercing in his septum, with a edgy fawx hawk that was dyed in red hair dye mixed with black highlights on the tips of the hairstyle.

???: *Sighing* "..."

The Air was blowing as if something was raining down but it wasn't.

???: "...huh?!"

??? would be revealed as Riku Akiyama, A 15 Year Old Japanese Male.

Riku: "...days like this shouldn't happen...but it always does.."

A Strange Being appeared infront of Riku, as it smiled a bit sinisterly.

Riku: "Huh..."

Riku would eye it as he asked if this is her doing.


Riku: "..oh sorry for being rude.."

???: "...NO WORRIES"

Riku: "who are you, and what is your cause here..??"

???: "My name is Lilac, i am the goddess of time.."

Lilac would smile at Riku as she told him that she'll give him a power, overpowered but she then also give Riku a Lesson on the power known as Essentia.

Lilac:"...Essentia exists in everyone, it's unknowing to me that you don't know what it is."

Riku: "all of that just went through my head.. but let's get it over with...."

A Bright Light would surround Riku, as Lilac would smirk, saying "Farewell and i'll see you later."

Riku would scream as He felt a strange light form around him, it was growing largely.

Riku: "...DAMNIT!!!!"

Power would surge around Riku, as he then sighed while thinking, "was this the thing you were talking about?!"

Riku, though a bit skeptical, said "was this a scam?!"

Lilac would reappear as they told Riku to unleash power from whatever he thinks of but it only works for 30 secs.

Riku would remember Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z, and how he used galick gun.

Riku: "okay...let's try this."

Riku would begin to feel essence growing around him like a orb, as he then fired the galick gun upwards.

Riku: "Huh?!"

Lilac would smirk, as she then said, "You were given powers so be careful, but either you will still be accepted to that school."

Riku: "what school?!"

Lilac: "..it's called Arcane Academy"

Riku: "Never Heard of it before.."

Lilac: "...well looks like you were destined for change huh."

Riku: "..so be it."

Lilac would grow herself to match Riku's Height, and told him "whatever you want to achieve i'll be there for you."

Lilac and Riku smiled at each other, until they heard someone interrupt their little conversation.

???: "...Sorry to be rude but Are you the source to that power?"

Riku would eye the person but he ignored them by asking lilac to stay with him, to which she accepted, as she then disappeared from view.

Riku: "..who are you?"

???: "..my name is Julie Lockhart.."

Julie would eye Riku, slightly amused but annoyed, "just don't do anything you'll regret later."

Riku would sigh thinking if he could use his power, which he kinda thought about but accepted randomly.

Julie: "..like i said don't do anything you'll regret."

Riku would think about Sonic's Speed, and thought, "maybe i could make my power that for the 30 seconds.."

Riku would grin before activating his power, he would then run off using Sonic's speed.

Julie: "..it's only 2pm..i finish this job before 6pm..so hopefully i get no overtime from this."

Julie would then activate her power, "Shadow Arise" which allowed her to use the target's shadow and appear before them.

Meanwhile, Riku would realize that his power ran out, almost like it was on a cooldown system.

Riku: "..damnit, i guess I'm screwed then.."

Riku didn't know about Julie's ability, as she caught him off guard, capturing him.

Julie: "...remember what i said that you'll regret it.."

Riku: "yeah?"

Julie would yawn, until Riku would be able to break free, causing the two of them to face each other.

Riku: "..."

Julie: "..don't make this hard for yourself."

Julie grinned, gutpunching Riku causing him spit out some blood.

Riku, while holding his stomach would think of ways to attack her.

Julie: "..You may be good at running but you seem like a easy target."

Riku would sigh as he then thought of bayonetta's time stop power.

Riku would activate his power, as he then did Bayonetta's Time Stop.

Time itself would freeze for about 30 seconds.

Riku would chuckle as he then started to knee strike her.

Riku would punch her multiple times and then he kicked her shin right after.

Riku would stay in front of her, snapping his fingers as he said "Time Resume!"

Time itself would resume as normal, but then Julie would feel pain from her body as she then collapsed on the ground, kneeing.

Riku: *exhausted* "...This..is...M..my.....VICTORY!!!!!"

Riku would stare at Julie as he began to pant a bit.

Riku: *out of breath* "..."

Riku: "Damnit..."

Lilac would remind Riku on cooldown for his ability.

Riku: "...huh it's getting stronger??"

Lilac: "your ability will allow you to use any types for about 90 secs now."

Riku: "Perfect."

Riku would stare at where Julie was kneeling at, but then he noticed she wasn't there anymore.

Julie: "...You Know.. I'm actually pissed off... I HAVE TO WORK OVERTIME FOR THIS..."

Julie's Power would begin to increase as she then dashed at Riku, sending a elbow into his stomach.

Riku would spit out some blood, before crashing into the wall.

Riku would try to react by attacking or evading but he was sent flying by Julie, who would be seen sending a kick into his abdomen.

Riku would wince in pain, as he would feel like passing out from this.

Julie would glare at Riku before saying, "You Know I would kill you for attacking me.. but here's your two options..."

Riku would stay silent while listening to what Julie has to say, while still in pain.

Julie: *her voice would sound serious* "..Option 1.. which is obvious would be to kill you here and now."

Julie would notice Riku, getting back up as he shouted, "I WILL NOT LET YOU KILL ME."

Julie would sigh while facepalming, "...this guy is a total dumbass.."

She then cleared her throat, as she would act serious again.

Julie: *her voice would sound serious but a bit soft toned* "Option 2.. would be to live and transfer to Arcane Academy ."

Riku: *in thought* "option 2 seems a lot better than option 1.."

Riku would sigh as he then told her to spar with him first, but he chosen the 2nd option tho.

Riku would try to unleash his power but he felt some heavy fatigue.

Riku: *IN THOUGHT* "...this isn't good.."

Riku would sigh, as he would try to swing at Julie without his ability, until she would chop his neck.

Riku: "...WH..AT...T..H..E.."

Riku would feel his body shutdown, almost like he couldn't feel anything anymore.

Riku would begin to drop on the ground, but Julie caught him just in time.

Julie: "...that boy is what we will need in the school...with enough training and practice.. he'll be stronger than he is now.."

Julie would then shadow warp to Arcane Academy, With an unconscious Riku on her shoulder.

Julie dropped Riku on the ground in front of the principal.

Julie: *bows* "...Principal Nobuki..."

Nobuki: "..who is this kid you brought with you?"

Riku would finally wake up, seeing the principal of the academy in front of him.

Nobuki: "like i said, who are you boy."

Riku: "I'm Riku Akiyama."

Nobuki: "how old are you, Akiyama."

Riku: "i am 15 years old."

Nobuki: "why do you want to join this school, Akiyama."

Riku: "..i want to get stronger so i can protect those around me.."

Nobuki: "..And what if you are powerless and can't protect those around you..."

Riku: "..if i was powerless, i'll find a way to break free even it means my own life."

Nobuki: "..Fair Enough."

Riku: "um..."

Nobuki: "oh alright... welcome to Arcane Academy."

Nobuki: "you are in class 1-3"

Nobuki would hand Riku his school uniform, and some school things he'll need.

Riku would walk off, after he received his dorm room key.

Nobuki: *eyeing Julie* "Since he was your responsibility i'll make him your student then."

Julie: *dumbfounded* "...you do realize 1-3 is my classroom right..."

Nobuki: *chuckling* "yeah i realize that."

Julie: *serious-toned* "Just Know I am not going to hold his hand and give him more attention than everyone else in my class."


Nobuki: "i forgot to remind Riku that each dorm is shared by 2 people so.."

Julie: *concerned* "Who is his roommate then?"

Nobuki: "let's have him figure it out."

We would then shift to where Riku would finally arrive at his dorm room.

Riku eyed the dorm room number, thinking; "This is my new life huh."

Riku checked the dorm room number on the door and on the key, which said "117"

Riku would unlock the door, as he then walked inside.

Riku would explore the dorm room, until he and someone else would eye each other.

Riku: *confused* "Who the hell are you and why are you in my dorm.."

??? would stare at Riku, as she then yawned, "Your Dorm??"

???: "It was my dorm first before you went inside."

??? would yawn as she then went back to bed.

Riku: *sighing* "...then tell me who you are then.."

???: "...My...Name...is...Nari...Choi."

Riku: "my name is Riku Akiyama."

Nari was a 5'6 South Korean, Nerdy Woman about 15 years old with Black Long Hair.

Riku would slightly blush at Nari, for a bit before heading off to bed.

Riku: "well um... night then"

Nari: *slightly smiling, while asleep* "night.."

We Shift to the demon realm, where we are introduced to Demon Realm World, which is like Earth in the modern day.

A Dark Haired Male, about 6'1 and a scar on his right eye would begin to yawn, while finishing up the work in front of him.

???: "..My Majesty...Sorry for being late."

??? (2): "don't be too formal..., Nora"

Nora was a 5'8 Dark Haired Female who wore her hair in a ponytail, with glasses and wore an secretary outfit.

Nora: "...your majesty.. is it okay for me to say your actual name my king.."

???: "..I'll allow it just this once.."

Nora: "...My Majesty, Xebec"

Xebec would sigh as he looked at his papers, he then grew more serious than how he was about a couple minutes ago.

Xebec: "..Make sure to train my daughter after, i can't due to business reasons.."

Nora nodded as she walked off.

Xebec: *frowning* "..Hopefully this meeting goes well."

We then see a glimpse of a black haired girl with red eyes, a preppy style and a serious but snobby expression.

3 Girls Ran up to the black haired girl, calling her name so they can hurry to class.

Random Girl A: "Lilith, Hurry Up"

The other two girls would wait for Lilith as well.

Lilith: *harboring a threatening aura* "you there, carry me now"

Random Girl A: *confused* "why?"

the other two girls were scared so they tried to tell the other girl to do it.

Random Girl A: *Smirking* "why should i?"

Lilith would laugh menacingly as she then slammed her fist into the girl's face using her essentia.

Lilith: "You Should've Listened to me.."

The Girl would try to get up, but Lilith then would send a low kick to her cheek.

The Girl would pass out from the impact.

Lilith: "you. go heal her"

one of the girls who witnessed the fight, would get forced to heal the knocked out girl.

Lilith: *in a threatening tone* "it was nice messing with you, see ya."

Lilith would walk off, laughing again before heading off to class.

We then Shift back to Earth, where we see Riku walking to class 1-3 for the first time

Riku would yawn as he then head off to the classroom.

A Commotion would be heard, as a guy named Zachary, about 6'3 and muscular would walk up to a Frightened Girl with two other friends of Zachary's.

Zachary: "...Hey Cutie, why don't you just give me a chance."


Zachary: "...come on, Jiya...Just let me date you damn."

Jiya: *scared* "...no"

Zachary would lift up Jiya, glaring at her with terror.

Zachary then told his two lackeys to help him out here, which they did.

Max: "...Let's take her for ourselves."

Zachary: "...Kevin hold her still."

Kevin: "..Okay!"

Jiya would cry out for help, but everyone would avoid them as they were scared of Zachary and his two friends.

Riku: "...Get off of Her, Weirdo"

Zachary: "hm?"

Kevin & Max also looked at who told to move away from her, as Riku stood in front of them.

Riku would ask lilac for purpose to use his power to help someone in front of him.

Lilac: "...just don't overboard with your new power, Okay.."

Riku would think of a character's ability to use which would be Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece.

Riku would then stare at Zachary, Max and Kevin, as he then used his arms as he then slammed Max into the Ground using his rubber ability.

Zachary and Kevin were both shocked at the sight of seeing Max, Knocked out on the ground.

Riku: "...okay i guess i should continue the fight then."

Riku would think of a different character's ability to use which would be Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto Shippuden.

Riku would go for a Chidori and sent it into Kevin's chest, causing him get sent flying from the impact.

Riku: "...the fact that I'm overpowered is crazy"

Zachary would look frightened as he then took him to not hurt his friends.

Riku: "...you think i would let you go just like that."

Riku would grin as he then deactivated his power as he then pressed his fist and sent it into Zachary's Jaw.

Zachary would spit out blood, before passing out from the impact.

Jiya: *nervously, but blushing* "..Thanks for Helping me"

Riku smiled, as he told her it was no problem before walking off.

Jiya would walk off in a different direction from Riku heading to class 2-1.

Lilac would think about what Riku will become in the near future.


---Preview for Next Arc---

"Worlds Collide, Humans vs Demons in a school wide event."

Riku would throw a victory sign, before teleporting using his essentia power.


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