
Demigods (The duology)

a young boy learns he is not his father's blood and that his whole life has been a lie. His search for the truth leads to the revelation of buried secrets that will change his life forever...

samuelade · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter ten

Adetoye woke up the next day to the sound of a tuba. It meant his father was dying or dead. He wore his best and put on his best act, the pain of losing a loving father . His father's room was filled with visitors. Some teary eyed, the others wanted to manipulate this change. Adetoye pushed through the huge crowd to see his Father's corpse. He was very wrong. His father was sick, very sick instead. "It's wilt daisy." A physician commented. Everyone gasped in shock. The wilt daisy was supposed to be a myth. The flower was so deadly that even a drop on the skin was lethal. Adetoye was disappionted until he heard the scholar say,"He won't make it." A loud cry pierced the room. It was Adeola, His next victim. He needed her like this, weak. She could be manipulated. Now the only problem was Chikwe and the seal. Chikwe was more than mad when he located Adetoye. "What have you done? We needed time to plan to think. You foo..." Chikwe had not finished his statement when he was dealt a warm slap. He held his palm to his assaulted face as he stared at Adetoye in shock

. The dwarf, Ebube held his sword hilt firmly waiting for his master's command. "Deal with him!" Chikwe ranted to Ebube. Ebube ignored him as though he were dead. "I said deal with him." Chikwe repeated boiling with rage. He was about to lunge at the little devil when a chuckle resonated in the room. It was unmistakable. Adetoye was mocking him. Why? "Tell him." Adetoye said to Ebube. The dwarf turned to chikwe and dryly said, "I work for Adetoye now." Chikwe could have slumped if he had a weak heart. The very boy he had taken care of was betraying him. "Why?" He was forced to ask. "Because he wants respect. He wants power. He doesn't want to be a dog." Adetoye replied in a mocking tone. Chikwe turned to Adetoye, "You... you planned everything all along and you played the fool. That was why Aje took you in right? You were more dangerous than me." Adetoye took the comment as a complement before talking, "And... the wedding won't be taking place. I've instructed Amaka to run away. Smart girl, she didn't hesitate once. There will be no empire." These revealation gave chikwe headaches. He hadn't known or met someone as ambitious as Adetoye. He was beginning to have chills. "Also," Adetoye continued,"I'll advice you to leave before i pin the assassination on you. I have a lot of people who would die to testify against you." Reality hit Chikwe hard. Adetoye had won the game but he still had a trick up his sleeve. "You know we have to align to stand a chance against Aremu." He said. Adetoye could only smile at the bubbly fool in front of him. If only he had known what transpired between he and the witch of Aje.


Adetoyed turned to the witch again. He knew he could only see her once but he needed to get things clear. "Will Aremu invade Ayetoro?" He questioned. The witch took a crystal and threw it to the floor. Dust scattered around as the witch chanted an incantation. The dust began forming images, images that Aje interpreted. "He will invade. Ayetoro will fall by the hands of chikwe. Aremu will..." "Haaghh..." the witch screamed in pain. "What?!" Adetoye requested. "Something blocked my readings." She replied trying to recover. Chikwe was going to betray them. Not on his watch. "How can i protect Ayetoro?" He asked. "Hell" She replied,"a banishment spell to the underworld." Adetoye did not know why but a plan was vividly forming in his head. "However you need inhuman blood." The woman countered. Adetoye expected something harder. He was frankly disappionted. The inhuman blood would be easy, someone in his family had that blood running in his veins.


Remi and the legion heard if the king's terminal illness. It was the reason they held a mass in the King's honour. They had task more pressing though. Like the transistion, their rite of passage to the legion. Remi was deep in thought when someone tapped his shoulder. He turned to see Ajoke smiling at him. His mood changed immediately. He was angry at her. He was angry at everything. "What?!" He questioned, venom in his voice. Ajoke expected this. Perhaps even worse. "I came to apologize." She begged. Remi could see remorse in her eyes but girl wasn't willing to let the pain go. He wasn't going to let his walls down only to be shattered again. "I'm Sorry... Sorry for pushing you away, blowing y..oouu off." Ajoke continued struggling to find the right words. Remi really yearned for those words and had forgiven her that instant but he wasn't going to let her off the hook not until she felt What he felt. "Words are just words now. Aren't they?" He said before walking away. Ajoke felt her heart sink into an abyss. She knew Remi to have an heart of gold, what had changed? Adeola approached her,a look of pity on her face. "You never do learn, do you? He is not interested in you anymore. Get over it." She spat. Ajoke could feel her blood boil. How could Adeola change so quick. She once regarded her as an older sister,Now her very sight disgusted her. "And he's in love with you?" Ajoke mocked.. It took a lot for Adeola not to gruesomely stab her with her hair pin. She could deal with her in other ways. She only smiled and walked away Remi loitered around the royal stream. It was serene and quiet. The perfect place to hate himself. Why? He could only blame the gods for his predicament. Why had his mother fallen in love with that beast? He could die to know. A surpressed gurgle stole his attention. It was like someone was being drowned. He moved cautiously towards the stream. He could see bubbles escaping. Was someone indeed there? He bent over to have a clearer look. He could see blood. His medallion shimmered faintly, emitting a white glow. What was happening? Was this real or was it a clear vision. Remi was filled with questions and did not notice when a hand burst out of the water and dragged him in. He searched for the culprit but there was no one in sight. The hand holding on to his shirt was nothing but water. Remi began to feel lightheaded, he needed to breathe. His lungs were tired and his reflex kicked in. He began to inhale water. The pain got worse and he blacked out. Remi saw himself at the stream. He was alive but something was strange, he was dry. The sky darkened and it began to rain. The rain poured heavily but none dropped on him. It then dawned to him that he was in the past, again. A huge light flashed and he saw something fall from the sky. As it got closer, he noticed it was a woman. She landed into the stream causing a huge splash. He wanted to try and help her when someone passed through him like a ghost. The person was a young man and he looked awfully a lot like Aremu. In fact, it was Aremu. He rushed to the woman who had a deep cut on her stomach. She was unconscious. The woman, her face, her hair, was that his mother? The gods had answered his prayers. He could see what happened. Ajoke was walking home when she saw something in the river. The floating object was Remi, the moonlight shone on him and Ajoke could see he was injured. There was a deep gash on his neck. She jumped into the water to save him. When she brought him out, she noticed he was cold and had lost a pint or two of his blood. She needed to take him in before he died.


The death of Adeleke was near and he could feel it. Soon he would be with the ancestors. He called his family close. His wife could not make it. The news had left her catatonic. He advised them all especially Adeola, his would be regent. When he was done, they decided to take their leave. He called Adetoye back. "You poisoned me, didn't you?" Adetoye was frankly Surprised. He didn't think his ruse would be discovered. "Yes father, i did. You have me no choice. I did what had to be done." He replied with no pity. His father smiled. It was an hollow one. "I knew i would die. But i didn't think it would be you." He said before his eyelids shut never to open in the world again. As Adetoye walked out of his late father's room, he had a gut feeling. If his father knew he was going to die, then Ifadoju had told him. His train of thought crashed when he saw a crowd at the heat room.

. He had totally forgotten about the boy he had burnt. "He's still alive. Thank the gods." He heard someone say. Those words shattered his hopes. How could the boy be alive? He had watched the flames roast him alive. He needed to do something. He raced to his room to think. He saw Ebube with a glass. It had red contents in it. The dwarf had managed to get his cousin's blood. At least, the night was not a total failure.