
Demigods (The duology)

a young boy learns he is not his father's blood and that his whole life has been a lie. His search for the truth leads to the revelation of buried secrets that will change his life forever...

samuelade · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter eleven

 Ajoke needed help desperately. Remi was too bulky for her to carry alone. Her mind reeled at who to call for help. For unknown reasons, her mind went to Adeola. She quickly dashed to the castle. Ajoke dodged slow servant and slow-walkers. The only person she cared about was about to die. Everyone was at the hall offering their tribute to the late king. Ajoke spotted Adeola . She had white stains of her face, she had been crying. Is this really the time? A voice ranted to Ajoke and for the first time, she felt selfish. She tapped Adeola frantically. The latter only replied her with a sullen look. "I need your help. Remi is dying." Those words seem to awaken something in Adeola. She wiped her face aand took her leave only to return with two burly guards. "Lead the way." Adeola commanded. With bright torches, the way to the stream was much faster. Ajoke spotted Remi. He was still losing blood and was more pale. Snapping her fingers,the guards carried him as they all headed to Yeye. True was the traditional healer of Ayetoro. A friend of Ifadoju who lacked his spirituality but was a green finger when it came to healing. "Yeye! Adeola screamed. The old woman came into view. She had completely gray hair with little streak of black. The hair was unpacked and added to her physiche of mad doctor.

Her face had deep lines that did not deserve to be called wrinkles. "Drop him." She demanded, pointing a mat while she left to get her tools. Ajoke was jittery. She could not bear to watch him die so she prayed to whatever god or spirit heard her plight. The woman appeared with twigs, leaves and Balms, prepared to begin her treatment. She wiped the Dry blood and some slick mucous off his wound. She began to pound some herbs while chanting an healing mantra. When she applied it to the wounds,it hisses emmiting a foul odour. The woman gasped. "It's wilt Daisy. I'm Surprised he is not dead yet." She exclaimed. Ajoke had long before suspected the attack on Remi was for a purpose. He had always healed from his wounds, Why not now?


The woman tried to speak but she fell unconscious. Aremu was beginning to get worried. Who was this woman? Why was she injured? Did she just fall from the heavens? A thousand questions pulsed him. Luckily, his curiousity got the better of him. The picture Remi was seeing was getting blurred. Like watching outside when running water poured down the window. He himself felt nausea but he needed more answers. He followed the younger Aremu and his mother whom was carried on his back to the castle. The castle was different. Their was only one castle and the wall was not present neither was the shield. Not that he would know since he was an illusion but he felt it. "Brother! Brother!" Aremu shouted. His brother came out and Remi could have sworn he recognized that face. "What happened?" The still-familiar man demanded when he saw the injured girl. "Fell...Stream...Fainted..." Aremu muttered as he rushed to yeye. The woman was immediately dropped and attended to by Yeye. It was at this point that Remi identified the other man. It was Adeleke. "Brother." Aremu began. Remi frantically cleaned his earlobe as if he didn't hear it right. Aremu and Adeleke were brothers. This was getting more and more complicated. How did the war all begin? What caused the rift? Remi was dying to know. Little did he know this was literally happening. "i saw her from my room. I think she fell from the sky." Aremu commented noticing his brother bemused look. "I'm serious." He retorted. His brother gave him the 'sure' look. Their ramblings were interrupted by Yeye, "She's rousing." The brothers made their way in to see their mysterious visitor. The woman woke up only to see two dashing men within close proximity. She instinctively smacked one on the face and punched the other so hard that he wimped. Yeye could only giggle at the predicament of the prince in front of her. "What's your name, young woman?" She questioned. The woman's eyes flustered briefly as she thought on it. "My name, i...don't knooow." She replied, obviously shocked herself. The woman turned to her audience, "I don't know who i am, why?" The people she was talking to were also surprised. This was obviously the first time they've witnessed amnesia. The woman racked a brain at the slightest possibility of who she was. Nothing. It was like that part of herself was ripped off. Remi was still watching when he felt a sharp pain coarse his body. He suddenly felt cold as he coiled on the floor in pain. What's happening?, he asked no one in particular. The woman, his mother stood up and walked up to him. "Leave, you have to live." She commanded. Those were the last words before he faded to a world of nothingness.


Adetoye watched Chikwe leave and savoured every moment of it. He came to Ayetoro with a game. He shouldn't have enlisted a wild card. He could see the hateful looks Chikwe passed him. They were like those of a sulking child. He deserved to sulk. That look reminded him of the boy who survived his little fire accident. He had to admit, the boy was lucky but his luck had ran out. He was going to finish the job leaving no loose ends. If Remi could not survive the poisoned dagger. Who was the boy? All he had to do was find him. "Ebube, find my father's decree.i... am going to the village. U have matters to attend to." It was easy for Adetoye to play the concerned blueblood. He was directed to the house faster than he anticipated. With a dagger to his back and his killer act, he was unstoppable. When he opened the door, he met the boy's parent sitting with him in the mat. He was severely burnt and he had to be covered in banana leaves. "My prince." They said in unison,"How can we help you?" Adetoye wished he could tell them,"step aside. I'm here for that bastard." But he could not. Instead he smiled, "I heard he had an accident in the heat room. I'm only concerned." The boy's parent apparently bought this was they left the boy alone to his mercy. They wanted to cook for him. Fools. He sheath his dagger and sliced the boy's wrist. It was a small cut but wilt Daisy only needed little to seep into his bloodstream. His work was done. Adetoye joyfully ate the food the family dished him and even cracked tales with them. The more he blended. The less he would be suspected. He eventually left the family when he was bored toying with them. Now all he had to focus on was Adeola. He returned to the palace pompous. The legion would be leaving today for their transition so Gbonka was not a threat. Remi, his cousin was dead. Everything was perfect. "Where is it?" He questioned Ebube when he arrived. The smug dwarf gave him the paper he wanted. He opened it and read, "King Adeleke I decree that my one and true heir be my daughter, Adeola. Let it be so."' His father was pathetic. His whole decree was just words. Once they were gone. His chance to the throne was very wide. "If only you could see me now father." He thought. He carried the decree and placed it to his candle and watch the flames eagerly consume it, the last of his Father's stronghold.


Remi woke up to the clanging of metal. He was weak and could not move. The vision was duller now. He was truly on life's thin thread. He could see Adeleke and his mother training. The fight seemed to go on until she slipped and Adeleke caught her. The look in their eyes. Were they in love? Adeleke brought his head down for a kiss but he was stopped by Aremu who pushed him off her. "What's your problem?" He demanded."Ala is not like the rest of them that you use. I love her, back off." Ala, his mother fought tooth and nail to prevent an all-you-can-punch fistfight. When she separated them, they lefft in annoyance. She then walked again to Remi, "Leave." Remi did not understand her. How could he be the one trapping himself in the past. "You have a future, a bright one. Think about something else." She advised him. For a moment, all Remi could think of was Ajoke. She would be worried sick. He needed to wake but he lacked the strength. Ajoke saw the agitated look on Yeye and she knew Remi might not survive. Adeola took her leave, she was exhausted. In her dilemma, Ajoke ran her fingers through her talisman and the answer hit her. The talisman could heal Remi. She ripped it off her neck before it was too late and tied to his neck. There was mild glow on the talisman but that was it. There was no healing or anything. Ajoke knew she had to have faith. She had once heard a tale of a powerful drug. Now, it was time to try it's potency. She leaned and brought her lips to Remi's. Immediately their skin touched, she could have sworn she felt electricity surged through her body. It was like it was only then in the room and every other thing was irrelevant. She noticed the cut healing. Tissue by tissue and Remi finally opened his eyes and there was only one thing he could say, "The legion!" Ajoke was disappionted. She expected him to kiss her back but all she got was a chaste kiss before he ran out like nothing had happened. "What a douche!" She thought out loud. Yeye smiled, "Men will be men." Their troubles dissolved as they laughed. Yeye soon began to pack her tools and Ajoke saw it was a cue to leave. Once alone, yeye began to clean the bloody mess her visitors left when she heard a voice, it was a man's. "Yeye, we meet again." Yeye turned to the speaker and gasped in shock, "No! Not you again."