
Delun Only Obsession

His voice vibrated on her skin while she tried her best to escape his grasp " why do you reject my touch Christina" he growl, anger evident in his voice " why do you run from me?" " I love another " Christina turn around and mumble the words with fear " I do not desire your touch " delun knew fully well how sincere she is, how truthful her words were and that's what anger him the most. She belonged to him, she was born for him" he will die " delun growl " the man that stand before me in your heart will die" slowly he notice fear register in those blue eyes of hers, not for herself but the man she desire. " No milord" she shake her head " all these isn't love but obsession, an Obsession I wish not for "her gaze meet mine " you do not know what it means to love "

Noel_Innocent · Fantasy
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8 Chs


" Milord, he refuse speaking " Leonard voice caught my attention the moment I step into the dungeon, my eyes remain on the little ghoul that has choose to remain quiet.

" You're loyal aren't you " standing outside his cage I place my hands behind my body and frown, his hands and legs are nailed to the wall " do you perhaps think they will recuse you?"

" I rather die than to link any information concerning the king of danba to you, I assure you that this war won't be favourable to you, one bit " his words brought laughter to me, I couldn't contain them anymore.

" Defeat me?" Chucking I look at Leonard" this animal thinks his father will win the war"my gaze move back to stare at the ignorant son " the king of danba will beg me for forgiveness"

" Father will do no such "

" You underestimate the love of a father Lucan" mumbling I nod my head " I will leave you to Leonard, torturing you myself will give me great pleasure but then I do not wish to dirty my hands this night "

" What do you suggest we do with his body milord?"

" I want him alive " that's all the order Leonard need, he knows fully well he can do to him how he please and then later bring him back to life.

" As you wish milord "

" Follow me Leonard" stepping out of the dungeon I stare at the moon " do you perhaps know how to woo a lady " silence follow after my question, it wasn't what I was expecting but when I turn and look at Leonard, I could read it from his expression.


" Milord"

" Do not look at your king like he has lost his mind "

" Is lady Christina giving you tough time "

" Indeed " looking at the sky I nod " it's the first time I feel like I need to be kind to a woman " I frown at my words " I will cherish her Leonard"

" You are indeed in love " Leonard mumble and I remain quiet, waiting for his response to my question" I believe you need to get flowers and take her on dates"

" Dates?"

" More like dinner, drinks, maybe a play "

" Do men act that childish "

" I believe no matter how old a woman get, she always has this childish taste in them "

I nod " you are certain this will make her fall into my trap "

" It's a trustworthy bait milord "

" This will be a long night then " moving back to my chambers, it took roughly thirty minutes to get back to the main palace but that was Christina fault.

I have just realized that I can't stop thinking about her and thinking about her slows my feet, how she blush, how she fear me, the way her eyes glitter with so much fear intrigue me and make me hungry.

Hungry for the taste of her blood, will it be as sweet as she look or bittersweet like those eyes of hers or will she scream?. I knew I was losing my mind when I lay on my bed and still dream about her, am not the kind to dream, I never dream unless nightmares that comes regularly.

But this night I slept like a normal being would, yes I slept peaceful and for the first time when I woke up, I wish for night to arrive again.

By eight I move to the dining room to meet Linda and rose, already dressed up, waiting for my arrival but Christina wasn't there.....moving to my seat, Leonard pull it out and I sit down.

" Good morning milord" they both bow their head while greeting and at that moment Christina rush in the dining hall, her breathing uneven.

"Forgive me milord, I woke up late" she bow her head " it won't happen again"

" Pay no heed to her milord " Linda mumble " she is good at ruining and disappointing people"

" Hmmm" lifting up my glass of wine I sip it before speaking " come little white, sit next to me " she lift her head up at that, her eyes widen before she shake my head.

" How can this low human dare sit next to you milord "

Rose part her lips to speak " milord she is no...." Before she could complete her sentence, I look at her, my gaze turned to glare, how can she dare to speak in my presence without permission" forgive me " she bow her head and I look at Christina.

" I hate repeating myself Christina" growling I watch her tremble " I just told you to sit next to me or would you prefer your hands being cut off for being late " no matter how hard I try to act as a kind person, women always has this attitude that provoke me.

She slowly sit next to me while the maid drop our breakfast, open them, serve us before leaving " tell me Linda, you mention the fact of you being able to cook "

She smiled " yes milord "

" And I will assume you will love to be my wife " her eyes beam up at my words.

" Of course my Lord " I notice how relief Christina look thinking I have a thing for Linda " I mean I could even prepare a meal for you "

" I will appreciate that" I look at Leonard" show her and rose to the kitchen "

" Rose?" Linda looked confused and I nod

" Teach her how to cook "

" Milord, I should join them " Christina asked but I simply shake my head, her sisters shoot glares her way but I pretend I didn't see it.

" As you wish milord " Leonard reply then take them along side him to the kitchen, the moment the dinning door close I stare at Christina who is seated quiet.

" You love your sisters?" She look at me before answering.

" No milord "

" Will their death sadden you "

" No milord "

Relaxing my back on the chair I mumble" You do not mind if I kill them then "

" No...." She stop talking then look at me, like I said something unbelievable" I do mind milord, I might not love them but I do not wish to be the cause of their death "

" What makes you think, you're the cause?" Furrowing my brows at her, she remain quiet " do you think I will kill them because they locked you outside your camber "

" Forgive me for my clueless comment, if you would just let me go to the kitchen then am sure, I won't confuse your words "

" Are you telling me what to do little white?" Our eyes meet again and she quickly shake her head.

" No milord "

Silence fall between us and I did nothing to break it nor did my eyes move from her face, her on the other hand look so suffocated, her lips parted, gasping for air. She straightforward her hand, grab a glass of water, place it at her lips then drink.

I watch her swallowing each drop, lewd thoughts float in my mind as my throat suddenly become dry.

I frown at the glass cup " am thirsty" she look at me before standing up, pour some water in the cup then move towards my direction, place the cup right in front of me " Christina"

" Milord "

" Have you heard of the word kiss before?" Her eyes could sell her away, it's written there that she knows more than that, have someone touch her before, perhaps kiss her before.

The need to kill whoever that is, is undying.

" Yes milord"

" Have you ever thought of it?"

" That's a very private question milord " she literally shut me down, you could tell from her body language that she hate the fact, that she is alone with me, right now.

" Hmmm"

Standing to my feet, I try to read her reaction to that, she will be thinking all sorts of things now, probably thinking I will try to grab her and..... I stop thinking the moment she stagger backwards" Little white?" I half groan when she fall to the floor unconscious.