
Delun Only Obsession

His voice vibrated on her skin while she tried her best to escape his grasp " why do you reject my touch Christina" he growl, anger evident in his voice " why do you run from me?" " I love another " Christina turn around and mumble the words with fear " I do not desire your touch " delun knew fully well how sincere she is, how truthful her words were and that's what anger him the most. She belonged to him, she was born for him" he will die " delun growl " the man that stand before me in your heart will die" slowly he notice fear register in those blue eyes of hers, not for herself but the man she desire. " No milord" she shake her head " all these isn't love but obsession, an Obsession I wish not for "her gaze meet mine " you do not know what it means to love "

Noel_Innocent · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Waking up, I blink my eyes thrice before noticing my surrounding, am placed on a bed, a man standing close to a table fill with herbs, while he repeatedly keep hitting a cup, or probably making a medicine of some some sort.

The room is really small, bed close to the window, walls painted white and when you look at the wall, something appear to be a door " you're awake " the strange man mumble without even turning to around, how did he know " your breathing seem to have calmed down "

Sitting up I look at him " where am I?"

" You lost consciousness so Lord delun brought you here "

" Which means this is the physician ward?"

" Indeed " he turn around and I stare at two pair of red eyes, his wavy hair brown in colour, is every one in the kingdom this tall, although unlike others his body is thin, not muscular, just thin... Fixing his glasses properly, he pull out a chair and sit down " you fainted due to stress" he straight forward his hand and I collect the cup " drink it, it relieves stress "

" You make herbs "

" I do "

Staring at him, he didn't even try averting his gaze " you need to drink that milady " nodding to his words, I drink up the bitter medicine and make an unpleasant expression in return.

" What's your name?" I asked.

" It's Lancelot milady " he mumble" you should lay down and rest milady" I watch how his teeth move and I frown, his canines are awfully too long for a human.

" How can I rest when the lord scares me "robbing my neck I look at Lancelot who is not one bit interested in my words, he remain seated while reading a book " this place looks great "

" It sure does milady "

" I will love to keep coming"

" Don't tell me milady loves falling sick " laughing at his words I shake my head.

" Not at all, I mean I have always wish to be a physician and you can show me around but sadly, I have only two days left to spend here "

" Why is that " he drop his book, giving me his full attention.

"Lord delun isn't going to pick me to be his wife" before he make any sad face, I shake my head " is not like I want him to pick me or anything, he scares me alot and I just want to go home " I find myself talking more to this stranger than I wished to.

" Understandable milady but I doubt Lord delun will let a kind lady like yourself leave his kingdom" smiling at his words, I watch him stand to his feet " excuse me milady " nodding, he left the room and I relax, closing my eyes and inhaling deeply, Lord delun word about a kiss came back to me and I swallow deeply.

Was he planning to kiss me? Kiss a woman he haven't wed? No. No. No, not right, the sound of the chair made me open my eyes, I stare at Linda who is furious " Linda?"

" You have a lot of tricks Christina" she stand to her feet and move close to me " fainting to gain his attention, how low can you get?"

" I didn't mean to...." I didn't expect the slap, it took me totally by surprise, no she haven't hit me before, it's the first time which means she is angry " Linda" using my left hand to touch my cheek I look at her " you hit me "

" And I will do more of that if you don't stay off my way" she storm out of the ward and I bite my lower lip to reduce my anger, why do they keep confusing my actions, thinking I want to remain in this isolated palace " why on earth will I wish to end up with this hideous Lord, Lord delun...what kind of name is that anyway, de...." I couldn't complete my sentence when I look at the door to notice Lord delun standing right there with a smile on his face.

" Milord " I sit up probably, about standing up but he wave his hand stopping me " milord, how long have you been standing there?"

" Is it a crime for me to stand in my own palace"

" No milord" I mumble while he pull out the chair and sit down, three buttons of his long sleeves were undone, his hair properly combed as always.

" Is there something I shouldn't have heard "

" Maybe " averting my gaze I lay down on the bed, turning to the other side " I suddenly feel so weak, I should rest "

" Christina" he growl " sit up " hearing the command and anger in his voice, I did as he said immediately, my heart beating fast, did he hear all that? Is he upset?

Turning my face to his direction, I suddenly stop due to how close he is, his hand move to my jaw as he move my head slightly to the left " who hit you?"

" Milord "

" Who has the audacity to touch what's mine!" The table literally Shaked at his growl, he looked so angry that I myself is scared " is it Linda?"

" No milord" shaking my head I quickly mumble " i fell"

He furrow his brows at that " you fell and the only place that got hurt is your left cheek "

" Yes milord " hoping he will buy the story, I stare at him, we are practically an inch apart from each other, he slowly rob my red cheek.

" Does it hurt?" I shake my head, he look so angry and same time his hands are gentle " have you rob any ointment?"

" No milord " I watch him withdraw, move close to the table, is he a physician, do he have any idea of what he is doing, the sound of the little cupboard opening made me to frown.

He brought out a little container of a green weird looking thing" milord, I should do that " I try taking the container off his hands but the glare he gave me, made me drop my hand.

" let me " he slowly open it before gently applying it on my cheek, in a normal situation I will say thank you but I didn't ask for his help, to be frank....his help is literally the last thing I need.

I hiss at the pain and he move closer before using his mouth to blow some air to my cheek " it must hurt " when it was all done, he return the ointment then made me lay down " you need rest and time for the ache to reduce "

" You're bothering yourself milord " I mumble " I can take care of myself "

" Little white " his voice came out as a warning " as long as you're with me, I will take care of you, taking care of you will be handled by me" he frown" do you understand "

" I disagree milord " speaking back I look at him, not breaking the eye contact" I have the right to decide who will take care of my needs "

" Why?" He frown, his voice getting deeper than usual, does that mean he is angry, I notice how he keep tapping his feet on the floor " does that mean you already have someone else in mind?"

" That's a private question milord "avoiding that question I look down" I will appreciate it if you stop paying attention to my business"

He stand to his feet " I believe we are done here " looking up to meet his gaze, all I could see is anger but why? I do know is not because of the red mark on my face....even when his eyes is saying something else, his lips smiled " I certainly do not care what you want, you are mine to take care of and I will do as I please " he left after saying those words.

My heart sink at that, was Edward right? I won't be returning home anytime soon, I won't be able to see Edward anymore.

Should I make a run for it?

" You shouldn't" hearing Lancelot voice, I look at the entrance door, he smile " you were voicing your thought out "

" Oh "

" You love another?" Lancelot mumble and then shake his head " what a tricky fate you have milady "

" What do you mean "

" Once Lord delun sees something he wants he will never let it go " Lancelot mumble while taking some herbs" he won't care about your little feeling for some man "

It was then I realized am doomed and they is probably no way out.