
Reviews of Deleted23415432




  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



This is honestly one of the best novels I’ve read. Ima just say that this is a must read for anyone who loves the fantasy genre. The blend between a fantasy world and a modern culture is too perfect.

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Writing Quality: This story's prose is phenomenal. Varied sentence structure. Snappy dialogue. Clear and concise all the way through with visual descriptions in the front of all the scenes. Action is never confusing. Stability of Updates: Author says they update monday wednesday and friday. It seems they've dumped a lot of chapters here in a short time, but otherwise it looks like they've kept to that schedule perfectly. Story Development: The promise set at the beginning seems to be that there's going to be a tournament, and soon you throw another character into the mix who are inevitably going to clash. Every chapter feels like progress is being made in the plot and it's only a matter of time before we're going to see this "conflux" that's hinted at in the beginning. Character Design: There are three main characters and they each seem to have unique and succinct personalities. The perspective character does carry some biases against humans from the beginning, but they feel more naturally as a result of his environment, not so much due to full-stop character flaws that won't change. World Background: The author throws a lot of stock fantasy races into a world with a few more unique set pieces. The world itself though feels lived in. There are a lot of interplaying factions and rivalries that seems to have existed before this story began.


Wow, that was pretty good. I can't wait to read more. Quality: Top notch, felt like a professional novel Stability: I only started just now but it doesn't look like you've gone more than 3 days Story Development: I cant say enough good things here. I just relly want to read what happens next Character Design: Great. I can usually tell who is tallking just by what they say World Background: looks like the story is mostly just in one small space(the arena) but theres a whole world being talked in the background. Even mention a war going on currently


Fuck yes I need this in my life! This is my M/W/F addiction and I need it to get through the week. Shit gets seriously intense by the later chapters. Read to chapter 10 and I promise you'll never put this story down until your eyes bleed!


I'm subscribed to the authors patreon and I just love love love this series! Seeeeeeriously check it out!! Its fire. This story will have you on the edge of your seat. Its so clean, so fleshed out and the characters really grow on you.


This is hands down the best story I've read on here. Just very well constructed. Starts a tad slow but when it starts going it is incredibly compelling and none of the chapters require a fast pass to read which is a huge plus!


This story just comes together so wonderfully, I can't say enough good things about it. The world initially feels vaguely tolkenesque but it grows into its own thing in time. Only complaint really is that there's only 3 chapters a week instead of 5!!


Good job. This story had me hooked before I was even done with the first chapter. That is a five star story in my book. What else even needs to be said?


Quality- really good, never saw any mistakes anywhere Stability- longer chapters than most on here and recent uploads. hopefuly it keeps up Story- really good character- I really liked all the characters World- well developed world even though its only in one place


I only at chapter 9 and already I have to see what happens next, I just have to! Great high fantasy and the MC's charge the story forward really quickly. The style fits like a glove, and the world and its inhabitants are created fluidly as the story unfolds. The author clearly intends to keep it fantastical and then some. Entertaining and surprising so far.


Reveal spoiler


I know a good buy when I see one. Just like GME, this story is headed for the moon. (but srsly, it's not just a meme, it's good you should check it out)


Reveal spoiler


Writing Quality: 5/5 Reads really clean. Good action scenes. Good dialogue. Stability of Updates: 5/5 Updates every Monday, Wednesday and Friday without fail, even the same time each day. Story Development: 5/5 Starts with just a simple tournament arc, but political intrigue layers in as time goes by. Character Design: 5/5 Cool little group of friends and the cast slowly adds more characters as the story develops. World Background: 5/5 Lots of different races and nations all with their own motivations. The magic system is really complex. Feels like a Brandon Sanderson-esque system with hard rules.


Love this story. Nothing is perfect, but I really struggle to find anything about Wizard Tournament that I don't like. Add this to your "Must Read" list if you like fantasy!


I have a problem with this story. Nothing else on here measures up. I can't enjoy my old stories as much since finding Wizard Tournament. Would rate 6/5 if I could.


Reveal spoiler


What a criminally underrated story. Doesn't even have a rating over here yet. Really well done chracter development, setting and the plot really moves along. If there has been even a single filler chapter I couldn't tell.


Thank you for novel. This novel a lovely! with a very fluid write and communicate... It gives us a real taste of reading I love it!!! . Thank you so much. I hadn't read such a novel for a long time really!