
Review Detail of IndustrialDildo in Deleted23415432

Review detail


Writing Quality: This story's prose is phenomenal. Varied sentence structure. Snappy dialogue. Clear and concise all the way through with visual descriptions in the front of all the scenes. Action is never confusing. Stability of Updates: Author says they update monday wednesday and friday. It seems they've dumped a lot of chapters here in a short time, but otherwise it looks like they've kept to that schedule perfectly. Story Development: The promise set at the beginning seems to be that there's going to be a tournament, and soon you throw another character into the mix who are inevitably going to clash. Every chapter feels like progress is being made in the plot and it's only a matter of time before we're going to see this "conflux" that's hinted at in the beginning. Character Design: There are three main characters and they each seem to have unique and succinct personalities. The perspective character does carry some biases against humans from the beginning, but they feel more naturally as a result of his environment, not so much due to full-stop character flaws that won't change. World Background: The author throws a lot of stock fantasy races into a world with a few more unique set pieces. The world itself though feels lived in. There are a lot of interplaying factions and rivalries that seems to have existed before this story began.




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