

Moved platforms; new link soon.future link: https://www.royalroad .com/profile/281583

Shankster ¡ Fantasy
Not enough ratings
1 Chs

Final update

The link to my new profile is now available at https://www.royalroad .com/profile/281583

These are likely the last words you'll hear from me on this website, so I'd like to make them meaningful; and what could be more meaningful than the truth?

Firstly, the novel will be released from chapter one. To make things easier, I'll be uploading the first seven chapters, which you have probably already read, in quick succession, after which I will try to stick to the once per week schedule.

Royal Road made me change the book cover because I didn't have proof that the images used were royalty-free, which is somewhat disappointing given the efforts I put into making it, so now, I guess, we will have to deal with a generic shitty cover... Whatever.

Now, I'd also like to briefly mention the author due to whom I was banned for commenting the word "cringe". He is Shen_68, the author of the novel called "Itachi reincarnated into a cultivation word" and a complete dumbass. Frankly, I didn't really want to talk about him; after all, he's just another slacker amongst the thousands on WEbNOveL, but it has come to my attention that he has removed all reasonable reviews below four stars from his trashy novel, which adequately evaluated his work as nothing more than a generic piece of grammatically incorrect sentences (Of course only one of such reviews was written by me on an alt and was in no way influenced by bias). I have, of course, notified him, asking, 'hey, what's going on? If you are going to delete a review, at least give a reason why, clearly, if you agree with it, you should let other people see it as well.' Guess what he did. He deleted that as well, no words were said... What a goddamn clown.

Oof. Now that I finally spoke my mind, I can, at last, rest in peace.

Ladies, gentlemen, my hexadecimal friend, until later!

PS: My book is still awaiting approval; hopefully, they will accept my latest cover, and the novel will be finally out again. 😡