
Deleted Novel!!!! Check out My other Book 'Super Thief'

Check out my other book 'Super Thief' this book is a failure and would be rewritten soon!

Justin_Gabventure · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Seven King Dragon Bloodline!

Overheal is one of its strongest attacking skill, with it it could kill a person instantly.

Some people says that it is in the top Five most dangerous Dragons in the Universe.

Some people sometimes prefer to meet a red scaled dragon than to meet it.

People might think that it is the weakest of all the king dragon's bloodline but it is actually one of the strongest.

Only those that does not know it's real prowess would think of it as the weakest of the seven.

They would think like that because, Illusion and Healing are not a good attacking skill. But this dragon proves how powerful and dangerous this two skills can be if mastered.

It's Third affinity is nature, the ability to affect nature. It is an affinity that gives one powerful skills and use nature to his or her advantage.

With this ability you can make someone slip while falling, use both wind and water to your advantage by controlling it.

A person with a water affinity would be able to form water from the moisture in the air but a person with nature affinity won't be able to do that. They would be able to create attacks from already formed water.

The same goes to using air.

This affinity gives them great versatility, and an ability to use many elements. Albeit in a different way from a person with that affinity.

They also have the skill of moving trees, Rocks, Sand etc.

They can heal a poisoned person by extracting poison from their body.

So when it comes with Versatility of attacks, then the Healer dragon would be the most versatile of all the seven dragons.

It's this power that a healer dragon holds. It's shining Red eyes seems to look deep into a person soul uncovering his or her secrets.

Then next is the Green scaled dragon king's bloodline.

It has the power of regeneration and can regenerate in such an exaggerated rate. No race it animal has this kind of insane regeneration apart from the vampire and demon race.

The Green scaled dragon are known to be able to grow cut off limbs just within Ten seconds. There would be no scar or anything and it's body would be as good as new!. As if it never did happen in the first place.

It also has an affinity to nature like the healer dragon's bloodline.

The next is the ash coloured dragon king's bloodline. which is formed by ash coloured smokes, it is the king of light and darkness.

It also has a domain, in which he is the master. It's domain would be around him in a circular way. it's radius. The domains ending point is the highest point it's aura can reach.

It could be the size of a city, a town, country, a continent, a planet or even the size of Our solar system that consists of Nine planets.

The ash dragon also has the power of summoning, it can summon a beast many times stronger than it to fight for it. This beast uses the power of summoning to survive harsh conditions, powerful strikes from an enemy etc. That's why most dragons are ash coloured because of all dragons this species of dragons have a very high survival rate, making them the most common dragon to be seen.

They also have power to summon an undead from a dead body. Making an army of Undead.

This undead are shadow warriors that can hide undetected in a shadow. And only come out when their help is needed.

This warriors are undying, that is they can't die. Once a undead is killed it's soul returns to it's owner and reformed it's body again with the Qi of its summoner.

This beast seconds name is called necromancer dragon because of its power over dead creatures.

The yellow Dragon formed by a yellowish smoke with it's menacing white eyes is formed in accordance to the Poison King dragon's bloodline.

This dragon is dangerous and haves affinity to poison. It's scales are poisonous, it's blood is also very poisonous.

It can inflict and extract poison on or from a victim. It has high resistance to poison, and so therefore, poison from galactic scorpion or snakes have no effect on it. It's breath of flame are also known to block the passage of both air and Qi once inhaled byba person.

Any poison inflicted by the Poison King dragon has no cure and only the dragon that inflicted that would be able extract and cute the poison.

Even the healer Dragon won't be able cure the person from the poison.

That is to see how dangerous the Poison King dragon was.


The Brown scaled dragon represented by brown smoke is the kind of solid element.

Rocks, Sands and anything solid responds to its beck and call.

It has a skill in which it can make boulders fall from the sky like rain.

This boulders could crush a Galactic scorpion to sand if it lands on it.

It has another skill called 'boulder chase', here boulder would chase it's enemy till it's enemy is crushed.

It can summon an army of rock golems just like the ash dragon summons Undead.

It can also petrify things. (Make things turn to rock. like a sculpture of their living self.)

It has two types of petrifying.

The first one is a layer of rock covering a person and the person therefore would be unable to move.

The person can be saved it this hard layer of rock is broken quickly before the person gets suffocated.

The second one is completely turning the person to stone both the internal and external organs... everything!.

This one would kill the victim even before the process is finished

The last bit not the least dragon is the black dragon king bloodline.

Also known as king of the void. It is an teleportation master that can travel from galaxy to galaxy within minutes.

Its the second most trickiest dragon to deal with, seconding the healer dragon.

Void is it Weopons and it can insta-kill a person by taken him or her into the void were he or she would been torn to pieces by the void.

Looking straight to the eyes of this dragon is the worst mistake it's enemy could do.

Because the dragon can kill a person just at the thought of it, as far as the person is looking at it's eyes.

Making it a very dangerous dragon. they are hundreds species of dragons but these Seven are the king and strongest of them all.

With each of them having and displaying a unique characteristics.


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