
Deleted Novel!!!! Check out My other Book 'Super Thief'

Check out my other book 'Super Thief' this book is a failure and would be rewritten soon!

Justin_Gabventure · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Rose... Edward please have mercy on me.

"Look who is angry"

Rose turned with the hope of finding a handsome face but she was greeted with a smug on the face of that familiar bulky man.

She felt like strangling the man on that spot he stood on the ground but she wanted him to strike first and to do that she had to make him get angry...she had to make him strike first by making him angry.

"I don't know that you still walk around with that your big head" Rose smiled before adding. "And besides can you please brush your teeth before talking, your mouth smells just like shit"

There was an uproar as the people in their surrounding. Her first sentence was right because with his muscles comes a big head that seem to be pushing him forward, and also look like it will fall off from his small neck at any moment. Some that did not know him start to steal some glances at him, and the girls around them start to whisper to their self.

"She is right, look his head is really big. I wonder how he turns his head, his neck must be begging for a break from that big head of his"

"You're right dear, I pity his girlfriend. She must be really trying...I wonder how they f*ck"

"Did you say f*ck, his head will fall off if he tries it"

Even the gang he was in couldn't control their laughter when they put his head into consideration.

"Do you mind saying that again" The man said. He managed to give off an expressionless face despite the embarrassment but deep within him, his blood was boiling, his demon is telling him he should go around and burst the head of that girl open, different kind of pictures of him beating her to pulp were floating around his head. What was holding his anger is a thin piece of thread and all it will take is one sentence, for him to go rampage.

It all started a day when he asked to a date but she politely refused him, since then he never let her rest he continued to disturb her. But a day came when he saw her with Edward...in his rage he went and started a fight with both of them only for him to get beaten to a sorry state. His father is the general of the army (SARS). But he did not dare tell any one what happened as it all happened in secluded area and the people there do not know him. If he had told his father or anyone he did be a fool.

"I don't know why you still move around with that your collosal head" Rose said infuriating him further.

"That's it!, she had crossed her line" He muttered to himself before saying "Guys let's beat them up"

He was short tempered and when he gets angry he fails to think properly. He no longer realize that they are still at the University Canteen.

"Not For free! 100$ each and we join" the leader said, he is not a student anyway once it's done they get out.

"Ok" He said quickly considering it, not bothering to even give them a count.

With That they quickly gang up and start heading to the duo, the people in that area realizing what is happening gave the two a space not wanted to get involved.

"Someone call the lower Vice chancellor quickly" The girls in the area started frantically search for their phones. Some quickly getting out of the place, even the canteen department knew there is nothing they can do to big head as he is the son of the general and any mistake might turn out to be really costly.

"No call the Chancellor, only him can handle this! hope he is around"

Edward burst out laughing "So you guys really did team up against the poor us, but I really pity you guys"

"What did you just say!" one of them said.

"You heard him well, how should I put this~ Come, and you're doomed!"

"Well boy I give you ten seconds to leave that girl alone, if not you will be caught up with our plague" Big head said bringing out a club.

"Ooh so you brought that! are you by any chance afraid that I might break your hands if you use them, our last fight must have taken a toll on you!"

If it was before they might have been able to beat Edward but both the last fight and this fight that was about to take place happened when Edward and Rose had already got their memories with it comes their fighting experience and a tiny part of their strength, but that's enough to finish them.

"It seems like I don't need to count any longer thanks for saving me time though" The man said subconsciously nodding his big head as the thought of kidnapping Rose and raping her came to his mind.

'Well I can take her after beaten her up, Next time she will learn to respect her senior'

"What are you waiting for, beat 'em up"

By this time Edward and Rose were already surrounded, and they got attacked from all side...at the last moment when their fist where about to hit them the caught their finger crushing it, breaking their finger bone and dodging other incoming fist, doing it simultaneously and expertly.

"So Weak!"

"So slow!"

"Soft bones!"

"Are you really a man!"

They talk casually taking everything as child's play. Within one minute all of the gang were on the floor, each and every one of them writhing in pain.

It looks do unnatural for a beautiful and frail looking woman to beat up a gym guy.

"Rose, teach him a lesson not to mess up with you again" Edward said.

"I will break your legs as a punishment for chasing after a lady despite her refusal, Next time I might end up killing you!" She said walking to big head.

"Rose... Edward have mercy on me"


Well Guess who said that

Give me POWER!

and they will beat up your enemies for ya!
