
Deleted Novel!!!! Check out My other Book 'Super Thief'

Check out my other book 'Super Thief' this book is a failure and would be rewritten soon!

Justin_Gabventure · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Karma Strike! Can You block or Dodge Karma

The force of the strike made his mask to fall off revealing his face.

It was at that time the Justin noticed, that face...why did it look so familiar?, he had seen that face somewhere but where!?.

Fuck!, don't tell me they are both related.

"Seems like you found out, so there is no point if hiding anything anymore!"

"So that's why he has been wearing the mask, is he the father of that guy or what!"

"Is that guy a demon!?"

Just what the heck is happening, have I been attending the same school with a demon without even knowing it" Justin was shocked. Not once in his life had he ever thought of having a close relationship with a demon!.

It was Rose that later confirmed everything, swing him she could not help but exclaim.

"Big Head's Father!"

"..."The general furrowed his brows. 'Big head, that's what they call my son, why the fuck did he not tell me about it'

Does that means the General of UL's Army is a demon, a demon has been leading them this whole time.

All of it sounds crazy, The UL (United Lands) is a country, the world most strongest, most developed, and the world's most wealthiest country according to the worlds GDP, though it made sense that the demon infiltrated that place first, it still sounds crazy.

It was in this country that they school in.

"Since you know it now you will die!," The man said not wanting to waste any more time talking useless things 'even at the cost of my life!, my son must be safe, I wonder who his foster father is'

'Maybe this guy is not the head of the army, then what!?, It seems like the woman was pregnant before getting married, now I understand everything...they both planned it, does it means he told her about him being a demon...if not then why did she agree to go according to the plan...whatever it is the boy is dangerous and is a ticking bomb to everyone close to him, the day he awakenes his demons bloodline hell will let loose of whatever is inside it.' he nodded in understanding. 'I wonder why the woman did not die during or after having the sex, was this guy gentle'

The thing was that this guy fell in love with the human lady had sex with her but he later had to go, She got married and while she was with the demons baby.

'To be able to survive both the, sex, after sex, and birth, the woman must be a 'Draconic' ' Justin gasped, Draconic.

Demon sex are rough and hard core, when they are in deep pleasure they would start biting and sucking each other bloods, the sperm of a male demon is corrosive, and a rampaging kind of sperm and only a demoness haves what it takes to take the sperm. If a demon have sex with a human the human might end up dieing during or after the sex. It also has the same effect as having sex with someone who's Cultivation is many time greater than yours.

Only Draconics and The minotaur race have what it takes to take on this sperm. The vampire race might be able to survive it but they might be bedridden for days.

'I wonder whether she knows that she is a draconic or not, they are still many other Draconics, witches, and vampires out there but they might not know. Some might be confused as to who they really are.'

Draconics is a race that have the dragon bloodline embedded deep inside them right from birth.

They have high resistance to the elements of water, Fire, wind and earth with the weakness of ice.

they also have exceptional affinities to the fire elements. so their mages are mostly of fire type, having a Draconic mage that does not weild fire are rare making them very expensive.

Another race that boasts of this kind of strength are the Minotaur, half human half bull kind of race, this race are hard to come by. As other race view then as a weird type of Hunter race. And also the Vampire.

Justin seems to have forgotten the kind of situation he was in the little discussion between him and the demon general seemed to have payed off.

But he was keeping close watch on that demon his great sword was still brewing in energy and excitment, he poured almost all his Qi into the great sword hoping to finish Justin in one strike.

Right now Justin no longer cares, he was sure that he will escape that thing somehow but how...that he will soon find out.

He had tried all be could do but there was no results, he later relaxed...maybe now was not the time to act, if he can't dodge it, he block it, if it was too strong to block then what!

That's what is confusing him the most, this karma strike is not anything he could block through normal means, as far as he knew it was not a physical strike, it is an arc brimming with energy, the Qi sent to his hand is converted to karma energy.

And Karma has the power to judge, so this is not a simple strike, it attack both the physical body and a person's soul making it very dangerous.

It's only disadvantage is that it takes time to form, and any distraction will make it to dissipate.

The lower ranked demons are stopping Rose from reaching their General.

Soon the thing was complete, to e general immediately striked without a second thought.

A blue arc of energy was sent to Justin's way!.

The general smiled to himself, once this guy is killed he will be gifted many things. And he will also get rid of a potential problem to his secret.

A powerful aura descended the place as the arc made its way to its target, even those that were not targeted could feel the intensity of the strike, the shake their head at the thought of the victim being them.

"There is no way I will go against, the demon general. He is so strong, overpowered and overbearing!"

"This is what happens when you fight against someone many times stronger than you."

"Did they really think that only two of them could go against us, so foolish...if it was me I would have surrendered"

"Do you think this guys have number 6 (common sense) maybe their power got into their head, because they are strong they start to think that they are the strongest!


Author's Note

F*ck You! (Not you please), Who says am not strong.

If your strong enough try to materialize out of this f*cking Novel!.

Joke of the day!!!

Twenty reviews and TWO BONUS CHAPTER!

Hehe! I laugh in china!!!