
Delacruz Petshop: I've Adopted a Rich Daddy

Delaina Delacruz, aka DD the scamming five-year-old, is currently being punished for scamming, tax evasion, theft and was arrested by the Guardians of Heavens’ peace. She was on the run for 127 years before being caught. Because she had offended many high-ranking gods, she was given the max sentence available for the crimes she had committed which is governing a world with no cultivation status, and not getting paid for it. Not getting paid was a big punishment in the heavens. Especially because of how much work it was to raise a realm with no foundation of cultivation. Oh well. She had it coming for her. Shrugging, Delaina pocketed the twenty and skipped around the corner where she found an old lady walking. Tugging on the lady’s shirt, she said, “Grandma, can you give some money to Delaina? Some mean boys just came and took all of Delaina’s money and now she has nothing left to buy food with.” With a small pout from the little girl in front of her, the old lady’s heart instantly melted. She had just come from the grocery store and had some cash in her hand that had just been about to be put away. She stuffed the cash into the small child’s hands and rubbed her head slightly. “Stay safe darling, go and buy yourself something warm to eat for breakfast.” Delaina gave the old woman a big smile before running away and waving behind her, “Thanks, grandma!” The old lady was still smiling by the time the next victim had already been spotted. --- Delaina had been on the run from special government forces for the last 4 years. In the end, they had never been able to find her. Turns out she had hidden herself away, using all her time gambling online, cultivating and she even started a pet shop. Wait... A pet shop?! Yup, that's right. Delacruz Petshop: the only place on Earth where you can buy lions that breathe fire, unicorns, and pigs that can fly. One day, Delaina decided that she wants another pet exclusive to her, but all of her options are so boring! Looking around, she sees a man in a suit. He looks to be in his early 20's. Pointing to him, she says, "I think I'll adopt a daddy!" The cover is not mine. Updates twice a week. Make sure to check out my other novels: -- Overlords: When It All Bleeds Into Ash (Ongoing)

Cupcake3 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Scamming Spree

After the uncle had been beaten black and blue, the couple had given her some money so she could eat dinner before going home, then leaving once she gave an excuse that her mom was in the bathroom.

At first the couple had wanted to wait for her mother to come but she had told them that her mom would be mad if she heard what had almost happened.

So, despite their reluctance, they left.

After a few minutes, Delaina left and went to a small cafe, and ordered herself some food.

After eating, she went back to the same hotel and bought herself a room for 3 days.

For those 3 days, Delaina would walk around scamming people. It was on the 4th day that she began to encounter people she had previously scammed. The amount of gullible people who would give her money without a second thought or heartbreaking background story were slimming down.

She had even nearly scammed the same person twice…

And so, it was decided! It was time to move!

With over 30 people scammed every day and about 25 dollars per person, she had 2,984 USD.

Going to the store and buying 2 tiny wallets and a drawstring bag, Delaina packed away the container with clothes. She put all but 13 dollars and some change in one wallet, a black one that looked very ordinary, and a small amount of money on a sparkly fox-shaped wallet.

The fox wallet was in case she had to take money out in front of people, she could seem like a normal child with little money, and wouldn't be a target for suspicion.

Buying a small bike, Delaina's money was directly cut down by 70 dollars.

Riding her bike for roughly an hour and a half, she wasn't tired because of her cultivation of the third realm.

Finding a hotel, Delaina worked her charms and booked herself a five night stay. Leaving her bag in the room, she went on a scamming spree.

1 month later…

Delaina flopped on her bed and giggled slightly, kicking her feet and rolling around.

25421! 25421 USD!! Rich, she was rich!

Quickly going to the store, she bought a laptop and a cute pair of headphones with cat ears. At first, the man at the register looked hesitant to let her buy it, but after she told him that it was a present for her big sister, and it was a secret, he smiled at her and quickly rang her up.

After paying, Delaina ran back to the hotel, directly extending her stay for 3 more days. She worked constantly on the computer, only taking breaks to eat or use the bathroom. She slept for a minimum amount of time and never even bothered to stop and cultivate for a while.

Naturally, as DD, the child thief of the heavens, who dared to scam money from Hera of the Greek Pantheon, knew a few tricks.

Although they had technology similar to this in the Heavens, it was not as outdated. She had merely been getting a grasp on the system. She was one of the best hackers, so that was why she was so hard to find.

Other then scamming money, evading tax and a few minor crimes, she didn't do anything extensive, such as accepting money to cover up a murder, nor did she go on a killing spree simply because she enjoyed it, which was why she was not given too harsh of a punishment.

It was also because she was the size of a child, many people had a hard time giving a death sentence to children.

Right now, what Delaina was doing was creating herself a fake background. An average life, her mother was a white-collar worker and her father had ditched them when he found out she was pregnant.

She made fake passports, ID, and a drivers licence, all registered under the name of Ava Elane Delacruz, the name she had made up for her mom. She put her name as Delaina Rose Delacruz.

Using her mom's ID, she bought herself an apartment. It was a few cities over, in a more well-off city.

She had paid 3,000 dollars for it for a month.

Previously, Delaina worked tirelessly to get at least 30, sometimes up to 50 people to scam money out of per day, the average person would give her either a dollar, twenty dollars, or some would even give her up to 50 dollars. Naturally, after over a month, she made close to 25,000 dollars.

[A/N It sounds like way too much money, I know, but think about it. 30 days x 30 people = 900 people per month. 900 people x 20 dollars per person = 18,000 USD. She had done it a week before this, as well. Plus making money otherways online.]

She had planned to milk this small city a bit more but rumors started to go around that a tiny, white-haired, blue-eyed girl was going around and asking people for money, so she knew it was definitely time to go.

Sliding her laptop and clothes into her bag, she checked out of the hotel and got a taxi. After a few moments of convincing, she got him to drive her to the next city over with the excuse that she was going to visit her father.


"Young Master, this is all we found after a week's worth of investigating." A man said as he turned his laptop around to face somebody in a suit.

"A large spike of an unfamiliar energy source happened right here, in this crater. People seem to say that there was a loud boom at around 6:42 am, but by the time the authorities got here, whatever had made this crater was long gone.

"The bizarre thing, though, is that the center of the large crater seems to have the outline of a 5-year-old body at its center. Some people are guessing that a helicopter had flown by and a kid fell out and landed there, or something. Then they called people to take their bodies away before the cops got there."

The teen in a suit who was listening to the information said, "but that wouldn't explain the sudden occurrence of a new renewable energy source."

"Exactly," the other guy replied.

Looking at the report in front of him closely, he asked "then what do you think it was?"

"Aliens." He said seriously, "I think it was aliens. We found traces of small footprints leading away from the human-sized indent, but not going towards it. That means whatever fell made a big enough impact to create such a large crevice, but it also managed to stay unharmed and escape within a matter of minutes before the police got there."

The boy felt his eye twitch. Although what his assistant said sounded ridiculous, it wasn't like he could come up with a better explanation himself.

"Any blood on-sight? We might be able to use that to trace us back to the creature."

"No, young master, no blood. So either it doesn't have blood or… It was completely uninjured from the fall.

After a moment, he sighed and said, "Then I want you and a few others to go into town. Ask around a bit and see if you can find anything about a weird creature, or an abnormal child. Listen to others' conversation at the bar if you have to."

"Yes, young master."

Meanwhile, the girl in question was already 5 hours away entering her new apartment.