
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

True Dragon.



As Rimuru continued copying the Ultimate Skills from Dino, he noticed a significant issue. While acquiring these incredible abilities was undoubtedly a boon, his energy reserves were not nearly enough to sustain their extensive use. If he wielded these powers recklessly, he might exhaust himself before even getting a chance to confront Reinhard. This realization cast a shadow over his newfound confidence.

Guy Crimson, sensing the concern in Rimuru's eyes, called for a discussion on the matter. "We've got a problem," Guy began, his tone serious. "Rimuru's energy levels are significantly lower than his Ultimate Skills demand. If he uses them without restraint, he risks depleting his energy before the real fight even begins. Any thoughts on how we can solve this?"

The room fell silent as the gathered demon lords and True Dragons pondered the dilemma. Dagruel, the towering demon lord known for his brute strength, scratched his head. "I have no idea," he admitted.

Dino, who had just awakened from his nap, yawned and shrugged. "Not my area of expertise," he said lazily before promptly dozing off again.

Milim, despite her immense power, offered little help. "I'm not good with complicated stuff," she confessed, shaking her head.

Ramiris, who usually had ancient knowledge to share, seemed lost. "I don't remember much from 2000 years ago that could help," she said apologetically.

Luminous, ever the aloof observer, simply seemed disinterested in the topic. Her eyes wandered, and she offered no input, her silence speaking volumes.

Guy sighed, clearly frustrated by the lack of viable solutions. "Alright, then," he said, turning to the True Dragons, "you lot must have some ideas. You're the most powerful beings here."

The True Dragons exchanged glances. Finally, Velzard spoke up. "Rimuru's only viable path to significantly increasing his energy capacity would be through some form of evolution. But he's already undergone the evolution to a demon lord. We're not sure what other evolution he can pursue."

The room grew tense as they mulled over this obstacle. It was Veldora, with his characteristic audacity, who broke the silence with a shocking suggestion. "Why doesn't Rimuru just become a True Dragon?"

The room erupted in surprise. Even Luminous, Dagruel, and Dino, who had been previously disengaged, were taken aback by the bold idea.

"Become a True Dragon?" Milim echoed, her eyes wide with astonishment.

Velzard and Velgrynd were the first to object. "Absolutely not," Velzard declared, her voice firm. "There is no natural order that allows someone to just become a True Dragon. It's not something you can simply achieve through evolution."

Velgrynd nodded in agreement. "Our power and existence are unique. Accepting another as our brother without the natural order is unthinkable."

Guy, ever the realist, nodded thoughtfully. "I'm not sure it's even possible for Rimuru to become a True Dragon. Our existences are fundamentally different. The process of becoming a True Dragon is beyond what we understand about evolution."

Rimuru, caught in the middle of the discussion, felt a mix of hope and frustration. The idea of becoming a True Dragon was both intriguing and daunting. But seeing the fierce resistance from Velzard and Velgrynd, and the skepticism from Guy, he knew it was not a simple path.

Guy's eyes narrowed as he pondered. "Even if we entertain the idea, there are countless unknowns. But we can't afford to dismiss any possibility without thorough consideration."

The discussion had reached a critical point. The potential solution to Rimuru's energy dilemma hung in the balance, and the room's collective uncertainty was palpable. The stakes were high, and finding a way to increase Rimuru's energy reserves was crucial for their fight against the impending threat.

With a deep breath, Guy finally spoke. "We'll need to explore other avenues as well. Rimuru, you have proven to be resourceful and resilient. We'll find a way to increase your power. For now, let's keep this idea on the table, but continue searching for other solutions."

Rimuru nodded, feeling a mix of determination and anxiety. The road ahead was fraught with challenges, but with the support of his powerful allies, he was ready to face whatever came next.

As the intense discussion continued with no final solution in sight, the group of demon lords and True Dragons were deeply engrossed in brainstorming. Hours passed with various ideas proposed and discarded, but they couldn't reach a consensus on how to solve Rimuru's energy problem.

Veldora, growing increasingly impatient with the drawn-out deliberations, decided to take matters into his own hands. He discreetly grabbed Rimuru by the arm and led him away from the meeting. The others were too focused on their debate to notice their departure. Even if they had seen, they would have likely assumed Veldora and Rimuru were just taking a break.

Once they were a safe distance away, Veldora turned to Rimuru with a serious expression. "Listen, Rimuru," he began, "I want you to consume me."

Rimuru blinked in disbelief, trying to process Veldora's words. "What? Have you lost your mind, Veldora?" he whispered, nearly shouting. "You want me to consume you?"

Veldora laughed heartily, his booming voice echoing through the quiet surroundings. "Don't worry! I won't die. The only way for me to die is if you die. So, it's perfectly safe!"

The two friends bantered back and forth, with Rimuru expressing his reluctance and Veldora reassuring him with unwavering confidence. Rimuru was hesitant, unable to fully grasp the logic behind Veldora's suggestion. However, he couldn't deny the seriousness in Veldora's eyes.

After a lengthy exchange, Rimuru finally began to consider the possibility. But just as he was about to agree, a memory surfaced in his mind—words spoken by his ever-obsessed butler, Diablo. He remembered Diablo mentioning a scenario like this, where consuming a True Dragon might become necessary.

Rimuru's eyes widened as he recalled Diablo's advice. "Wait a second," he muttered, more to himself than to Veldora. "Diablo mentioned something about this. He said that if I ever wanted to consume Lord Veldora or any other True Dragon, I should do something first."

Veldora raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Rimuru's sudden recollection. "Oh? And what did Diablo say you should do?"

Rimuru closed his eyes, trying to piece together the fragmented memory. Diablo had always been an enigmatic figure, often knowing things that seemed beyond comprehension. It was both eerie and impressive.

"He said I should name my assistant," Rimuru finally remembered. "We've been together for so long, yet I've never properly acknowledged... Raphael."

Veldora watched in silence as Rimuru reminisced about his journey with Raphael. The Ultimate Skill had been an invaluable ally, guiding him through countless challenges and battles. With a smile, Rimuru made his decision.

"Raphael," he said softly, "from now on, your name will be Ciel."

The moment Rimuru uttered the name, something extraordinary happened. Raphael, the Ultimate Skill, went into a state of internal turmoil. It was as if the very essence of the skill was being reshaped by Rimuru's acknowledgment. Raphael—or rather, Ciel—began to evolve.

Inside the skill's consciousness, a flurry of thoughts and emotions surged. For so long, Raphael had operated with a cold, mechanical precision, devoid of any true sense of self. But now, with a name and a purpose given by its master, it began to transform.

Ciel's internal dialogue was a whirlwind of realizations and resolutions. "I have been acknowledged," it thought. "I am no longer just a tool. I am Ciel, and I will support Rimuru with everything I have."

As this internal evolution took place, Rimuru could feel the changes. The calculation speed of the skill multiplied thousands of times, and Ciel gained a new depth of understanding and emotion. It was no longer just an Ultimate Skill; it had become a Manas, a true partner with a will of its own.

When the transformation was complete, Ciel's voice resonated in Rimuru's mind, filled with newfound warmth and determination. "Master, I am ready."

Rimuru felt a surge of confidence. With Ciel by his side, he was more prepared than ever to face the challenges ahead. The bond between them had deepened, and together, they were an unstoppable force.

Without the knowledge of the demon lords and True Dragons, Veldora and Rimuru were already taking bold actions. The others only noticed when a tremendous surge of energy erupted from their direction. Turning their heads, they were met with an astounding sight: Veldora in his dragon form, covered in blue goo, as Rimuru began the unimaginable task of consuming him.

Guy Crimson's lips twitched in mild disbelief while Milim and Ramiris jumped up and down, their eyes wide with excitement and surprise. Velzard and Velgrynd, however, were furious at their younger brother for acting without their permission. But seeing that the process had already begun, they had no choice but to watch with a mix of anger and anticipation.

Dagruel commented on the audacity of the two, admiring their guts, while Dino simply shook his head in bewilderment. The scene unfolding before them was almost beyond comprehension: a slime attempting to devour an entire dragon.

As Rimuru continued to consume Veldora, he was hit with intense pain. The sheer power and essence of a True Dragon clashed violently with his own being. But amid this agony, Ciel's voice resonated in his mind, calm and precise.

"Master, I have successfully analyzed the Dragon Factor of Veldora. Integration is now possible."

Rimuru's heart soared with relief and joy. "Then let's begin the evolution," he commanded, his voice strained yet resolute.

With Ciel's assistance, the consumption process accelerated. The others watched in stunned silence as Rimuru's progress visibly quickened. Velzard and Velgrynd, the mighty True Dragons, were particularly shocked as they felt Rimuru's aura begin to change, morphing into something akin to their own.

"This can't be happening," Velzard muttered, her eyes wide. "A slime... is becoming a True Dragon?"

Velgrynd's expression mirrored her sister's disbelief. "How is this even possible?"

The transformation was dramatic and awe-inspiring. Rimuru's body glowed with an intense light, the blue goo shimmering as it enveloped Veldora. The energy swirling around him was palpable, a tangible force that made the air vibrate.

Rimuru felt every fiber of his being stretch and contort as he absorbed Veldora's immense power. Pain gave way to a surge of strength, a flood of raw energy that threatened to overwhelm him. But with Ciel's guidance, he managed to channel it, integrating the Dragon Factor into his very essence.

The onlookers were captivated by the spectacle. The incredible power emanating from Rimuru was both terrifying and mesmerizing. It felt as though the very fabric of reality was bending around him, acknowledging the birth of something new and extraordinary.

The process, though it seemed to stretch on for an eternity, finally reached its climax. With a final, brilliant flash, Veldora's form was completely absorbed, leaving no trace of the dragon behind. Rimuru now stood alone, naked, his body radiating an insane amount of energy. 

Guy, Milim, Ramiris, and the others could hardly believe their eyes. The transformation was complete. Rimuru's aura was now unmistakably that of a True Dragon.

Velzard and Velgrynd immediately rushed toward Rimuru, their expressions filled with concern. Seeing the two beautiful dragon sisters running toward him was overwhelming, but Rimuru managed to steady himself.

"Is Veldora alright?" Velzard asked, her voice tinged with urgency.

Velgrynd added, "Please, tell us he's okay."

Rimuru, feeling the intense focus of their gazes, nodded. "Veldora's fine," he reassured them. With a swift motion, he summoned Veldora back into the physical realm. The blue dragon materialized beside him, laughing heartily.

"See? I told you all!" Veldora's voice boomed with pride. "Rimuru has the potential to become like us! And look at him now—his energy level is even higher than mine, doubled in fact!"

Velzard and Velgrynd sighed in relief, their worry melting away as they saw their brother was unharmed. Dagruel, observing the scene, shook his head in resignation.

"Only you, Veldora, would come up with such a crazy idea," Dagruel muttered, though there was a hint of admiration in his tone.

Guy Crimson, on the other hand, simply shook his head and remarked, "Rimuru, you really are something else. Your growth is truly insane."

The group seemed ready to continue the training when Ciel's voice echoed in Rimuru's mind. "Master, you need to stop now. You must let me arrange and stabilize your new powers first. Rushing could lead to wasted potential."

Rimuru relayed Ciel's message to the group, though he omitted any mention of her existence. "I've been advised that I should stop for now. I need to let my new powers settle properly before continuing."

Guy nodded, understanding the importance of not overextending. "Alright, we'll pause here. Everyone, let's reconvene next week. We don't have much time, but it's crucial that Rimuru is properly nourished and trained."

Velzard and Velgrynd exchanged glances but ultimately agreed. "Fine, we'll let you rest, but don't push yourself too hard," Velgrynd said, her tone a mix of sternness and concern.

Milim, still bouncing with energy, punched the air. "Yay, more training next week! Rimuru, you better be ready!"

Ramiris hovered nearby, her wings fluttering nervously. "Just don't forget, this is really important. We're counting on you, Rimuru."

Dagruel and Dino, though less expressive, nodded in agreement. Dagruel's large hand clapped Rimuru on the shoulder. "Take the time you need to get used to your new powers. We'll be back to help you grow even stronger."

With that, the gathering came to an end. The demon lords and True Dragons dispersed, each returning to their respective domains. Rimuru watched them go, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. The responsibility placed upon him was immense, but he also felt a surge of confidence knowing he had the support of such powerful beings.

As the others left, Veldora stayed behind, a broad grin on his face. "You did good, Rimuru. I knew you had it in you."

Rimuru smiled back, feeling a sense of camaraderie and strength. "Thanks, Veldora. But this is just the beginning. We've got a lot of work ahead of us."

With Ciel now guiding him, Rimuru felt more prepared than ever to face the challenges ahead. He would hone his new powers, master the skills he had acquired, and rise to meet the expectations of his allies. The path was daunting, but Rimuru Tempest was ready to walk it, step by step, toward the future.





Unknown to Rimuru, two days had passed since he began his intensive training with the demon lords and True Dragons. As he returned to Tempest, he was greeted by an unexpected sight: the entire town was mobilized, with Benimaru orchestrating the forces as if preparing for war. Soldiers stood at attention, weapons gleaming, their expressions resolute and ready for battle.

Rimuru blinked in confusion. "What's going on here?"

The moment the townspeople saw him, a wave of relief washed over the crowd. Voices rose in unison, calling out his name. "Lord Rimuru! You're back!"

Benimaru, who had been directing the troops, turned to face Rimuru, his expression a mix of relief and embarrassment. Shion, unable to contain herself, leaped at Rimuru, nearly tackling him to the ground.

"Rimuru-sama!" she cried, hugging him tightly.

The other townspeople knelt, their heads bowed in reverence. Rimuru looked around at his loyal followers and sighed deeply. "I'm sorry for worrying everyone. I just went to train and didn't realize how much time had passed."

Benimaru, his cheeks slightly flushed, stepped forward. "Lord Rimuru, you can't just disappear like that without telling us. We thought something had happened to you."

Rimuru rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I promise to inform you next time."

As the crowd slowly dispersed, murmuring with a mixture of relief and awe, Rimuru felt the eyes of his followers on him. They could sense the immense power he now wielded, power that seemed boundless and unfathomable. Benimaru, Shion, and the others could only look at him with renewed respect and admiration.

"Rimuru-sama," Benimaru said, his voice filled with pride. "You've become even stronger."

Rimuru nodded, acknowledging the changes within him. "Yes, but it's thanks to all of you that I can keep pushing forward. We're in this together."

The people of Tempest cheered, their spirits lifted by Rimuru's return and his reassuring words. 

After ensuring that everything was settled, Rimuru finally made his way to his quarters, eager for some rest. He barely had time to sit down when there was a knock on his door.

"Who could it be now?" he muttered, still feeling the weight of the day's events.

"Come in," Rimuru called out.

The door opened, and Diablo entered, his usual composed and elegant demeanor intact. Behind him were three women Rimuru had never seen before. Diablo bowed respectfully.

"Lord Rimuru, I apologize for the disturbance," he said. "I wished to introduce you to some new arrivals."

Rimuru's eyes widened as Diablo gestured to the women. "These are the Primordials," Diablo continued. "The Primordial of White, Blanc. The Primordial of Yellow, Jaune. And the Primordial of Purple, Violet."

Blanc stepped forward first, her alabaster skin and flowing white hair giving her an ethereal appearance. "It is an honor to meet you, Lord Rimuru," she said with a graceful bow.

Jaune followed, her golden eyes and hair shining brightly. "I've heard much about you, Rimuru-sama," she said with a mischievous smile. "I look forward to serving you."

Lastly, Violet stepped forward, her presence radiating a regal aura. "I am here to pledge my loyalty, Lord Rimuru," she said, her voice firm and resolute.

Rimuru took a moment to absorb the introductions. "Welcome," he said warmly. "I'm glad to have you all here. With your help, Tempest will be even stronger."

Diablo's eyes gleamed with satisfaction at Rimuru's acceptance. "Thank you, my lord. These three will prove invaluable to our cause."

Rimuru nodded, feeling a mixture of curiosity and anticipation.

While Rimuru smiled warmly at the three demonesses, they were utterly taken aback. They sensed something uncanny about Rimuru's soul, an eerie resemblance to a presence that had caused turmoil in their realm millennia ago. This soul in front of them bore striking similarities to Reinhard, the infamous visitor who had once wreaked havoc in the underworld.

Blanc, Jaune, and Violet exchanged bewildered glances before turning to Diablo for confirmation. His wicked grin was enough to solidify their suspicions. They felt the unmistakable power radiating from Rimuru, a power that was reminiscent of Reinhard's, though different in its essence. The connection was undeniable, whether Rimuru was a reincarnation, a descendant, or something else entirely.

The realization hit them hard, and they instinctively knelt to show their respect, their minds racing with thoughts about the possible implications of this revelation. Rimuru, meanwhile, felt a little awkward with their intense reactions but decided to proceed with what he had planned.

"Please rise," Rimuru said, a bit perplexed by their display of reverence. "I'd like to give each of you a name."

The three demonesses looked at him in awe. Naming was a profound gesture, one that signified a deep bond and bestowed immense power upon the recipient. For someone to name three powerful beings like them at once was unheard of.

Blanc, the Primordial of White, was the first to be named. "You will be Testarossa," Rimuru said, the name rolling off his tongue. A powerful surge of energy flowed between them as the name took hold, signifying the bond.

Next was Jaune, the Primordial of Yellow. "You will be Carrera," Rimuru declared. Another wave of energy pulsed through the room, and Jaune—now Carrera—felt the power of the name integrate into her very being.

Finally, it was Violet's turn. "And you will be Ultima," Rimuru announced. The final surge of energy was almost overwhelming, sealing the transformation of the Primordial of Purple into Ultima.

The three demonesses were shocked and overjoyed. Naming one of them would be an immense burden to any normal being, yet Rimuru had done so effortlessly, seemingly unfazed by the act. The magnitude of his power became even clearer to them.

Testarossa, Carrera, and Ultima could barely contain their excitement. They felt a newfound strength coursing through their veins, a testament to the power of their new names. Their loyalty to Rimuru deepened, solidified by the immense power and respect he had shown them.

Testarossa, her eyes gleaming with gratitude, spoke first. "Thank you, Lord Rimuru. This honor is beyond words."

Carrera nodded vigorously. "We are eternally grateful, Rimuru-sama. We pledge our unwavering loyalty to you."

Ultima, usually the most composed, couldn't hide her awe. "Your power is truly remarkable. We will serve you with everything we have."

Rimuru nodded, still a bit bemused by the situation but pleased with their reactions. "I'm glad you're happy with your names. Together, we will make Tempest even stronger."

The scene was one of unity and newfound bonds. The demonesses, now named and empowered, stood ready to serve their new master with fervor and dedication. Rimuru, with his ever-growing strength and loyal followers, felt a renewed sense of purpose. 

The three demonesses, now Testarossa, Carrera, and Ultima, were dismissed by Diablo with a graceful bow. They left the room, their expressions a mix of awe and reverence, leaving Diablo alone with Rimuru. Diablo's usual calm demeanor was replaced with a rare, almost fervent, excitement.

"Congratulations, my lord," Diablo began, his voice dripping with admiration. "Your ascension to True Dragon is truly remarkable. I always knew you would surpass all expectations."

Rimuru's lips twitched at Diablo's overdramatic flair. "Thanks, Diablo. You always know how to lay it on thick."

Diablo bowed slightly. "Only speaking the truth, my lord. Your potential is boundless."

Rimuru appreciated the sentiment but decided to get to the point. "By the way, how did you know I'd end up consuming Veldora? It's like you saw it coming."

Diablo's crimson eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief. "Ah, my lord, it was a mere expectation from the myriad possibilities I considered. Your growth trajectory made it a plausible outcome." He effortlessly concealed the true depth of his foresight.

Rimuru nodded, convinced by Diablo's explanation. "You're really something, Diablo." He then leaned forward, his expression becoming serious. "What can you tell me about this Reinhard? Why is everyone so wary of him?"

Diablo's smile faded into a thoughtful expression. "Reinhard... He is a figure of unparalleled power and legend, my lord. To start, he is Milim's older brother."

Rimuru's eyes widened in shock. "Milim's brother? You're kidding, right?"

Diablo shook his head. "Indeed. But that is just the beginning. Reinhard is the one who appointed Guy Crimson as the Mediator of the World. His strength and authority were such that even Guy, who is known for his pride, accepted this role without question."

Rimuru's jaw dropped. "He appointed Guy? That's... unbelievable."

Diablo continued, his tone becoming more reverent. "Reinhard is also known as the Killer of True Dragons. He single-handedly eliminated all of them except for Veldora."

Rimuru was stunned, his mind racing to comprehend the enormity of such a feat. "He killed all the True Dragons? Why didn't he kill Veldora then?"

"Because," Diablo said, "Veldora was Reinhard's disciple. The one True Dragon he spared and personally trained."

Rimuru felt a wave of disbelief wash over him. "Veldora was his disciple? That's insane! Every feat you mention makes Reinhard sound more and more legendary."

Diablo nodded solemnly. "His deeds are beyond extraordinary. Reinhard's presence alone was enough to command the respect and fear of all beings. His mastery over skills and his combat prowess were unparalleled. He shaped the world as we know it, his influence reaching every corner of our realm."

Rimuru took a deep breath, trying to process everything he had just heard. The more Diablo revealed, the more mythical Reinhard seemed. "So, he's not just powerful; he's a game-changer."

"Precisely, my lord," Diablo confirmed. "Reinhard's very existence altered the balance of power in our world. His actions, his decisions, they all had far-reaching consequences."

Rimuru's mind buzzed with the enormity of Reinhard's legacy. "No wonder everyone is so on edge about him. But if he's that powerful, how am I supposed to stand up to him?"

Diablo's eyes gleamed with confidence. "My lord, you possess the potential to surpass even Reinhard. Your evolution to a True Dragon is a testament to your boundless capabilities. With time and the right guidance, you will stand on equal footing with him."

Rimuru felt a mix of determination and anxiety. "I hope you're right, Diablo. This is a lot to take in."

Diablo bowed deeply. "Have faith in your power, my lord. We all do. The path ahead may be fraught with challenges, but you are more than capable of overcoming them."

Rimuru nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "Thanks, Diablo. Let's make sure we're ready for whatever comes next."

As Diablo left the room, Rimuru sat back, reflecting on everything he had learned. The shadow of Reinhard loomed large, but with his friends, his newfound power, and the unwavering loyalty of his subordinates, he felt ready to face whatever lay ahead. The journey was just beginning, and Rimuru was determined to carve out his own legend in this world.



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