
Deity of Destruction

Reinhard Nava, the Golden Beast, also son of the Creator God Veldanava will now live his life with the quest of spreading love to everything. The mc is ultra op, he can stomp anyone in this verse. He can easily destroy peak Rimuru, even the one one in ending of WN. This is also a wishfulfillment fic but I assure you that there are some epic scenes. If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Training Rimuru.



After the grand banquet concluded, the demon lords began to disperse, each to their own domains, carrying the weight of the decisions made and the preparations to come. However, Guy Crimson had other plans. He had called for a more secretive meeting, inviting only select individuals. The attendees included the most influential demon lords: Guy himself, Luminous Valentine, Dagruel, Milim Nava, and the True Dragons. Rimuru, Leon, Frey, and Carrion were notably absent from this gathering.

The True Dragons, including Velzard, Veldora, and Velgrynd, settled into their positions, their powerful auras filling the space with an almost tangible intensity. Guy stood at the head of the table, his presence commanding as always. Beside him, Misery and Rain, his trusted subordinates, watched with keen interest. But there was another figure present, a guest who drew puzzled looks from many of the attendees.

This guest was none other than Diablo, Rimuru's current subordinate. He stood there with a composed demeanor, his sharp eyes scanning the room. Guy had personally invited him, much to the curiosity and concern of the others.

"Guy," Luminous began, her voice carrying a note of confusion, "why is Rimuru's subordinate here? What's the meaning of this?"

Guy raised a hand to silence the murmurs. "I understand your confusion. But Diablo here—formerly known as Noir—is here for a reason. I can back for his power, and his insight could prove invaluable for what we need to discuss."

Milim, leaning back in her chair, looked intrigued. "Well, this should be interesting. What's so important that you needed to gather all of us here, Guy?"

Guy's expression turned serious, the light-hearted demeanor he often displayed replaced by a grim resolve. "The matter we need to discuss concerns Rimuru Tempest. During the banquet, I noticed something about his soul. I believe many of you did as well."

Luminous nodded slowly, her eyes narrowing in thought. "Yes, his soul... it was almost blindingly strong. There was something eerily familiar about it."

Diablo, who had been silent until now, stepped forward. "Rimuru-sama's soul is indeed unique. I have been observing it closely since I became his subordinate. The power it holds is... remarkable."

Dagruel, his massive form towering over the others even as he sat, rumbled thoughtfully. "Are you suggesting that Rimuru's soul is somehow linked to Reinhard?"

Guy nodded. "Exactly. The similarities are too strong to ignore. Rimuru's soul and Reinhard's are almost identical. We need to consider the possibility that there is a deeper connection here."

Velgrynd, one of the True Dragons, spoke up, her voice a melodic contrast to the somber mood. "If what you're saying is true, then this changes everything. We cannot afford to ignore this. Reinhard's return has been prophesied, and if Rimuru is connected to him, we need to understand what that means."

Milim frowned, her usual playful expression replaced by a rare seriousness. "Rimuru is my friend. But if he's somehow linked to brother, we need to know whether he's a threat or an ally. We can't let our personal feelings cloud our judgment."

Diablo's eyes gleamed with a strange light as he spoke. "Rimuru-sama is a benevolent leader. But his potential power is vast. If there is any truth to this connection, it could mean he is destined for something far greater than any of us anticipated."

Luminous sighed, her gaze troubled. "We've seen what happens when immense power is left unchecked. We need to be prepared. But we also need to approach this with caution. Rimuru has done nothing to suggest he is our enemy."

Guy nodded in agreement. "Exactly. This is not a call to action against Rimuru, but rather a discussion on how to proceed. We need to keep a close watch on him and be ready for any eventuality. If he is truly linked to Reinhard, we need to know where he stands and what his true intentions are."

Dagruel, ever the pragmatist, leaned forward. "We should also consider the possibility that Rimuru himself might not be aware of this connection. If that's the case, it's even more important that we approach this carefully."

Velzard, who had been silent until now, finally spoke. "We should gather more information. Perhaps by observing Rimuru more closely, we can discern the truth behind his soul's power and its connection to Reinhard."

Guy looked around the room, meeting the eyes of each demon lord and True Dragon. "Agreed. We will keep a close eye on Rimuru and continue to gather information. For now, let's proceed with caution and prepare for any outcome."

The tension in the room was palpable as Guy turned his piercing gaze toward Diablo. "Diablo," Guy began, his voice steady but carrying an edge of command, "I trust your judgment, bastard . Tell me, have you detected any tampering or external influences on Rimuru's soul?"

Diablo met Guy's gaze unflinchingly. "Negative, Rouge. I have scrutinized every aspect of Rimuru-sama's soul, and I can assure you, there has been no tampering. His soul is pure and unaltered."

The room fell silent, the weight of Diablo's words sinking in. Guy nodded, trusting Diablo's expertise. In terms of mastery over the soul, Diablo was unrivaled, even surpassing Guy himself.

"I trust your judgment, Diablo," Guy said, his tone shifting to a more contemplative one. "But why do you believe Rimuru's potential is so vast? Is that why you chose him as your master?"

Diablo's lips curled into a confident smile. "Indeed. Rimuru-sama possesses a potential that eclipses anyone in this room. His growth is exponential, and his strength is unparalleled. I saw this potential and knew that he would be a master worthy of my loyalty."

The demon lords and True Dragons exchanged glances, some of them bristling at Diablo's words. It was not often that someone suggested they were anything less than supreme. Velzard and Velgrynd, in particular, looked affronted, their pride wounded by the implication that Rimuru could surpass them.

Before any protests could be voiced, Guy raised a hand, silencing the room. "Diablo speaks with conviction, and I have seen enough to consider his words carefully. Rimuru has already accomplished feats that none of us would have thought possible. Perhaps his potential truly is unmatched."

Milim, always one to act on her instincts, leaned forward eagerly. "Then why don't we nurture that potential? If Rimuru can stand by our side during the time of prophecy, we'll be that much stronger. Let's help him grow, guide him to reach his full potential."

Ramiris, fluttering beside Milim, nodded enthusiastically. "I agree! Rimuru has already proven himself to be a valuable ally. If we help him, he could become an even greater asset."

Veldora, ever the supportive friend, crossed his arms and grinned. "I'm all for it. Rimuru has the heart of a dragon! We should do everything we can to help him."

Velzard and Velgrynd exchanged hesitant looks. Their pride as True Dragons made it difficult to accept that anyone could be greater than them. However, they couldn't ignore the evidence before them—Rimuru's rapid rise in power, his ability to gather powerful allies, and his potential to be a crucial player in the impending prophecy.

Guy's voice cut through their hesitation. "Velzard, Velgrynd, I understand your pride. But this is not about who is stronger. It's about survival and ensuring that we are prepared for whatever comes. If nurturing Rimuru can help us achieve that, then it is a path worth taking."

The True Dragons mulled over Guy's words, their expressions conflicted. Finally, Velgrynd sighed, her pride bowing to the practical necessity. "Very well. If Guy believes this is the best course of action, then I will support it."

Velzard, though still hesitant, nodded in agreement. "I will also support this. For now, we focus on strengthening our allies."

Milim clapped her hands together, a broad smile spreading across her face. "Great! Rimuru's gonna be so strong, he'll blow us all away! This is going to be fun!"

The atmosphere in the room shifted from tension to a shared determination. The decision to nurture Rimuru's potential was a significant one, marking a new chapter in their preparations for the prophecy. Guy, satisfied with the outcome, nodded approvingly.

"Very well, it's decided," he said. "We will support Rimuru in his growth, guiding him to stand with us when the time comes. Let us begin our preparations and work together to ensure our survival and dominance."

Diablo's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. He had always believed in Rimuru's potential, and now, with the support of the most powerful beings in the world, his master would only grow stronger. 

The True Dragons, though initially hesitant, had accepted the plan, understanding the gravity of the situation. With their support, the collective power of the demon lords and dragons would be an unstoppable force, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the meeting concluded, the demon lords and True Dragons dispersed, each returning to their own realms with a renewed sense of purpose. The path forward was clear: they would nurture Rimuru's potential, preparing him to stand with them when the time of prophecy arrived.

Guy Crimson watched them go, a thoughtful expression on his face. He had always been a master strategist, and now, he had a new piece on the board—Rimuru Tempest, a being of untapped potential. The future was uncertain, but with Rimuru on their side, they had a fighting chance.

The stakes were high, and the world hung in the balance. But for the first time in a long while, Guy felt a glimmer of hope. Together, they would face the coming storm, and with Rimuru's potential, they just might prevail.






Back in Tempest, Rimuru found himself in an unusual situation. Diablo, his devoted and somewhat obsessive subordinate, had requested a temporary break. This wasn't something Diablo did often, and his reason was equally surprising. 

"My Lord, I need to retrieve something from the Underworld," Diablo had said with an uncharacteristic seriousness. "I intend to hire individuals to work under me, so I can devote all my time to serving you."

Rimuru scratched his head, visibly perplexed. "Hiring people? From the Underworld? What for?"

Diablo's eyes gleamed with an unsettling fervor. "So I can serve you without any distractions, my Lord."

Rimuru's confusion deepened, but he nodded. "Alright, I suppose. Just make sure it doesn't cause any problems."

Diablo bowed deeply, his smile a mix of gratitude and fanaticism. "Of course, my Lord. I will handle everything."

As Diablo turned to leave, Rimuru noticed the conspicuous absence of another key figure. "Wait, where's Veldora? He went to the meeting with you but hasn't returned yet."

Diablo paused, his expression shifting to one of mild concern. "Ah, Veldora-sama decided to stay a bit longer to discuss some matters with the other demon lords. He'll be back soon."

Rimuru's eyebrows knitted together. "Discuss what exactly?"

With a serene yet slightly eerie smile, Diablo explained, "They've decided to nurture you, Rimuru-sama. There's a prophecy about a formidable enemy that threatens to destroy the world in the near future. They believe your potential is our best hope."

Rimuru felt a strange mix of emotions at this revelation. The idea of being nurtured like some prized plant was odd and a bit unsettling. But the stakes were high. If the world was at risk, that meant his friends and the peaceful life they had built in Tempest were in danger.

Before he could process this information fully, the door to his room burst open, and Milim and Ramiris stormed in. Their entrance was so sudden that Rimuru barely had time to react before they each grabbed one of his arms and dragged him out of the room.

"Hey, what's going on?" Rimuru exclaimed, his voice a mix of confusion and frustration. 

Milim giggled, her voice filled with uncontainable excitement. "Come on, Rimuru! We have somewhere important to be!"

Ramiris, looking a bit more awkward and hesitant, muttered, "It's for the sake of the world, Rimuru. Trust us."

Rimuru tried to get more information, but Milim's giggle and Ramiris's vague assurances were all he got as they dashed through the corridors of his palace, eventually taking off into the sky. They flew at breakneck speed toward the Northern Continent, the wind rushing past them so fast that it drowned out any further questions Rimuru might have had.

Upon landing, Rimuru found himself face to face with an intimidating sight. Before him stood the first and second generations of demon lords, a gathering of some of the most powerful and ancient beings in existence. Their presence was overwhelming, each one exuding an aura of immense power and authority.

Rimuru gulped, feeling a bead of sweat trickle down his face. "Uh, what did I do wrong?" he whispered to himself, his eyes darting from one formidable figure to another.

Milim released his arm, standing proudly beside him. "Rimuru, they've all gathered here today to help you."

"Help me with what?" Rimuru asked, his voice barely above a whisper. The sheer pressure of their combined presence was almost suffocating.

Ramiris, still clutching his other arm, tried to offer a reassuring smile. "It's a bit overwhelming, I know. But this is important. You're the key to preventing the catastrophe we're all preparing for."

Guy stepped forward. His voice was deep and resonant, carrying a weight of authority that demanded attention. "Rimuru Tempest, we have been observing you. Your potential is extraordinary, and in the face of the coming threat, we have decided to aid in your growth."

Rimuru's mind raced. This was all too much to take in at once. He looked at Milim, who was beaming with pride, and Ramiris, who nodded encouragingly.

Dagruel spoke next. "We understand this is unexpected, but the survival of our world hinges on the strength we can muster. You, Rimuru, are a pivotal part of this."

Rimuru tried to form coherent thoughts, but the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him. The idea of being nurtured by such powerful beings was daunting. Yet, he couldn't deny the sense of responsibility that was slowly settling in his chest. If the world was in danger, he had to rise to the occasion. His friends, his people, everyone he cared about—they all depended on it.

"Alright," Rimuru finally said, his voice steadying. "If this is what it takes to protect our world, I'm in. But you all better not expect me to bow and scrape."

A low chuckle ran through the gathered demon lords. The fiery-haired one nodded approvingly. "Good. We wouldn't want it any other way."

Milim patted him on the back, her cheerful demeanor a stark contrast to the seriousness of the situation. "Don't worry, Rimuru! We'll make sure you're ready for anything!"

Ramiris gave him a thumbs-up, her small frame brimming with determination. "You've got this, Rimuru. We all believe in you."

Rimuru took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead. "Alright then. Let's get started."

Guy Crimson, fixed his gaze on Rimuru, his crimson eyes intense and probing. "Rimuru Tempest," he began, his voice carrying an authority that demanded attention, "I need to confirm something crucial. Do you possess the Ultimate Skill Gluttony King Beelzebub?"

Rimuru blinked in surprise, his mind racing. How did Guy know about his most powerful skill? His eyes darted around the room, searching for answers, and they landed on Veldora. The dragon was looking away, whistling nonchalantly. It didn't take much for Rimuru to piece it together.

"Veldora!" Rimuru exclaimed, a mixture of exasperation and amusement in his voice.

Veldora shrugged, his lips curling into a sheepish grin. "What? I thought it might be important. It's for your own good, Rimuru."

Milim stepped forward, her expression unusually serious. "It's okay, Rimuru. This is the first time we've all put our pride aside and united for something important. We need to be on the same page."

Rimuru sighed, feeling the weight of their collective expectations. He nodded slowly, turning his attention back to Guy. "Yes, I do have Beelzebub."

Guy's eyes narrowed slightly as he pondered Rimuru's confirmation. "Can you integrate the things you consume with that skill?"

Rimuru nodded again. "Yes, I can."

A smile spread across Guy's face, a rare sight that sent a shiver down Rimuru's spine. Guy turned his gaze to Milim. "Milim, fire off a Drago Nova."

Milim grinned widely, her usual playful demeanor returning. "Got it!" she said, her excitement palpable.

Rimuru's eyes widened in shock. "Wait, what? Right now?"

Without hesitation, Milim gathered her immense power, a swirling mass of energy forming between her hands. Before Rimuru could react, she unleashed the devastating attack straight at him.

"Drago Nova!" Milim shouted, the powerful blast hurtling toward Rimuru with terrifying speed.

Panic surged through Rimuru as the attack closed in, but Raphael, his ever-reliable partner, intervened. «Analyzing attack. Calculations complete. Engaging Gluttony King Beelzebub.»

In an instant, Beelzebub activated, and the ravenous maw of the skill opened wide, consuming the Drago Nova entirely. The immense power was absorbed and neutralized, leaving Rimuru unharmed.

The room fell silent, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. Rimuru let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "That was... intense," he said, his voice trembling slightly.

Guy's smile widened, satisfaction evident in his eyes. "Impressive. Very impressive."

Milim clapped her hands, bouncing on her heels with excitement. "You did great, Rimuru! I knew you could handle it!"

Veldora chuckled, his booming laughter echoing through the room. "See? I told you it was for your own good."

Rimuru shook his head, a mixture of relief and exasperation washing over him. "You guys are really something else."

Guy's expression turned serious once more. "Rimuru, the reason we needed to test you is that your ability to consume and integrate is vital. You have the potential to learn and grow in ways none of us can predict."

Rimuru nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I see. So, what's the plan?"

Before Guy could answer, Ramiris chimed in, her small form floating up to Rimuru's eye level. "The plan is to make you even stronger, Rimuru! We need you to be at your best."

Veldora crossed his arms, a proud look on his face. "And with all of us supporting you, there's no limit to how strong you can become."

Rimuru felt a swell of determination. This was no ordinary gathering; these were some of the most powerful beings in existence, and they were all backing him. "Alright," he said, his voice steady. "Let's do this."

Guy nodded approvingly. "Good. We'll start by honing your skills. With Beelzebub, you can learn from all of us. But more importantly, you need to develop your own unique strategies and powers."

Milim punched the air enthusiastically. "Yeah! This is gonna be awesome!"

Guy Crimson leaned back, observing Rimuru with a calculating gaze. "Milim's magic uses Stardust particles. Can you analyze that energy for your own use?" he asked, a hint of challenge in his voice.

Rimuru nodded, turning inward to Raphael. "Raphael, can we analyze Stardust particles?"

<<Answer: Affirmative. Analysis and calculation of Stardust particles can be completed within moments.>>

With Raphael's confirmation, Rimuru focused his attention on the surrounding air, honing in on the subtle glimmer of Stardust particles. He recalled the way Milim manipulated these particles, her every movement a dance of raw power and precision. Concentrating, Rimuru gathered the Stardust particles into his hand, feeling the strange energy coalesce under his command. With a deep breath, he released it in a concentrated beam. The resulting explosion of energy tore through the landscape, leaving a trail of annihilation in its wake.

The sheer destructive power of the attack drew gasps from the gathered demon lords. Even Guy, known for his stoic demeanor, couldn't suppress a smile. "Impressive. You managed to replicate Milim's technique on your first try. Though not as powerful as hers, it's still remarkable."

Rimuru, slightly dazed by the power he had just unleashed, looked at his hand in awe. "I… I actually did it."

Guy's grin widened. "Now, for the next task." He stood up and activated his Ultimate Skill, Prideful Lord Lucifer. An aura of overwhelming dominance enveloped him as he attempted to copy Rimuru's abilities. Rimuru, sensing the shift, instinctively called upon Raphael.

"Raphael, calculate and devour the skill he's using!"

<<Commencing analysis… Complete. A portion of the skill has been successfully devoured.>>

Before Rimuru could react, Guy's skill had been partially consumed by Beelzebub. Guy's intense expression softened into a knowing smile. "Start analyzing," he instructed.

Rimuru blinked in surprise, still processing what had just transpired. Raphael's calm voice echoed in his mind.

<<Individual Guy Crimson has shared his Ultimate Skill. Analysis in progress… complete.>>

Rimuru's eyes widened as Raphael's findings flooded his consciousness. He had not only absorbed a part of Guy's skill but had fully understood it. The power to copy any Ultimate Skill, once grasped, was now within his reach.

The demon lords and True Dragons watched in stunned silence. Milim's eyes sparkled with excitement, while Veldora looked on with a mixture of pride and amusement. The realization of Rimuru's rapid growth and the implications of his newfound abilities left everyone in awe.

Guy's smile returned, this time tinged with a hint of satisfaction. "Your growth is indeed frightening, Rimuru. In mere moments, you've mastered techniques that took others centuries to perfect."

Rimuru, still reeling from the experience, managed a shaky smile. "I couldn't have done it without Raphael."

Milim bounced on her heels, unable to contain her excitement. "Rimuru, you're amazing! I knew you had it in you!"

Veldora's booming laugh echoed through the chamber. "Of course! With my training and Reinhard's influence, how could he be anything less?"

Guy nodded, his expression growing more serious. "You have proven yourself, Rimuru. But this is just the beginning. We need to hone your skills further."

With Rimuru now in possession of Guy's copied skill, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. The task of acquiring new skills was no longer a perilous endeavor. Now, he could simply observe a skill in action and fully grasp it. This newfound efficiency was a game-changer.

Next up was Dino. With his usual laid-back demeanor, he accepted his turn with a lazy nod. "Alright, let's get this over with," he said, stretching his arms as if waking from a nap. Despite his lethargy, the power he was about to display was anything but weak.

Dino first revealed his Ultimate Skill, Lord of Heaven, Astarte. "This skill can evolve other abilities into whatever path the user desires," he explained casually, as if discussing the weather. Rimuru couldn't help but think, "Overpowered" as he watched.

Dino demonstrated by using Astarte on himself. A radiant glow enveloped him as he focused the skill on his Unique Skill, Sloth. Slowly but surely, it transformed into the Ultimate Skill Slothful Lord Belphegor. Rimuru observed every detail of the process, his eyes glowing as Prideful Lord Lucifer did its work. Within seconds, Rimuru had not only witnessed but also copied both of Dino's Ultimate Skills.

As the glow faded, Dino let out a long yawn. "You're really something, Rimuru. It's almost unfair," he muttered before promptly lying down on the ground, seemingly exhausted from the effort. He closed his eyes and started snoring softly, much to Rimuru's bemusement.

Rimuru stood there, now armed with even more formidable abilities. The sheer potential of his powers was exhilarating but also daunting. He glanced around at the other demon lords, feeling the weight of his new responsibilities. Each skill he acquired brought him closer to being a true equal among these ancient and powerful beings.

Milim bounced over, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "That was amazing, Rimuru! You're really getting the hang of this," she cheered, patting him on the back.

Ramiris, hovering nearby, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, who knew a slime could become so powerful?"

Guy, watching the proceedings with a satisfied grin, finally spoke up. "You're progressing well, Rimuru. We've still got a lot of work to do, but this is a good start."

Rimuru smiled, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "Thank you, everyone. I'll do my best to live up to your expectations."

As Dino continued to nap peacefully on the ground, the rest of the demon lords and True Dragons began discussing the next steps. The atmosphere was tense but hopeful. They were all keenly aware that time was running out, and every bit of preparation counted.



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