
Deity Apocalypse: The World After The Fall

Note: English is not my main language so please ignore minor grammar mistakes. I am good enough for you to understand everything though so yeah- and yes, feel free to hurt my poor heart if I make a mistake. After the horrifying close of world war III, life on earth comes to an end... or so everyone thought. But then slowly after so many years in the world ravaged by the destruction, the gods saddened by the fate humans were delt, sacrificed it all to reset the world, giving humanity one last chance.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

The End Of Scenario 1?

Alexander grabbed it and slowly drink every single drop of liquid inside it before looking up at Samuel and smiling proudly "Thank you! I feel a lot better!"

"You are a coward." Samuel cut out the crap and went straight to point "If it wasn't for your overpowered raw power you would be useless."

"I-" Alex felt like Samuel's words literally stab him.

Samuel sighs and helped Alex to get up "Now go and kill that thing. After that, I think scenario one should be over."

Alex sighed and starts to walk towards the mother of the earthworm which was moving around like a fish which is taken out of the water.

Alex raised his head and looked up at the giant body of hers which made him sigh "If you were not a worm but something like a pig I would have gotten a lot of pork out of you..."

Alex then get between the path between two pieces of her body which looked like the small path between two big mountains.

"This is so wrong in so many ways..." Alex sighed as he was standing on the puddle of blood made by countless earthworms and mothers of earthworms.

"They are just worms... many worse things will appear in future. You might even have to kill a humanoid figure in the future." Samuel looked at Alex with a calm face.

"Bro... I still dont know how you know about the future..." Alex finally decided to ask it as he jumped at the top of the bottom body of the mother earthworm since it was the calm body.

"Even if I wanted to tell you I can't." Samuel looked up at Alex and shook his head seeing how much time he waste just because of flexing.

"So you dont want to tell me huh?" Alex pressed his hand together with a little space between them. He starts to condense a big violent fireball and using attraction and repulsive forces he shrinks the ball but instead of getting weaker it actually became more powerful because of the compressed force.

Alex then puts a wind element around it and forms a ring around it which he managed to do even though he was using nether energy thanks to the attraction and repulsive force.

But Alex didn't stop just with that. He then made a violent electrical effect appear around the small ball of fire inside the rings of wind.

Since fire and wind were already getting compressed and controlled by attraction and repulsive forces Alex didn't have to apply more of them.

Alex then throws the ball of three elemental energy combined together at the moving body of the mother earthworm "I will this one Tri-Elemental Ball!"

As soon as the ball hit her upper body with *a boom* noise an explosion occurred and her body nearly got completely evaporated.

[You have leveled up]

[Kevin Smith have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[Kevin Smith have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[Kevin Smith have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[Kevin Smith have leveled up]

Countless messages of level up of Alex and Kevin appeared before the eyes of Alexander which made him smile proudly. After that, he jumped down on the ground and walked towards Samuel.

{[Sub- Scenario]}

[A sub scenario is part of the main quest scenario but just its hidden part. You are the first one to get a sub scenario in this world. Two achievements will be unlocked after you defeat the angry mother ground worm.

Difficulty: A+

Quest Task:

Kill The Angry Grade IV Demon (1/1)

Quest Reward:

Two Achievement Unlocked

The Great Slayer (Title)

4 Million Worth Of Grade III Demons (Not Exp But Related To Main Quest)

Quest Penalty: None (But Running Away From Mother Ground Worm Is Useless)

Time Limit: None]

[You have completed the sub-scenario!]

{[Achievement Unlocked]}

[Congratulations! You have unlocked an achievement by encountering the hidden sub-scenario of 1st scenario! You are the first one to ever do it!

Difficulty To Obtain: ?? (Need Extreme Bad And Good Luck At The Same Time)


Am I Lucky Or Unlucky? (Title)]


[You have unlocked this title by getting to the point where no one knows whether you are loved by luck or hated by luck.

Name: Am I Lucky Or Unlucky?

Difficulty To Obtain: ?? (Need Extreme Bad And Good Luck At The Same Time)


Hidden Stat: Survivability +10,000%

Special Treatment From The System]

{[Achievement Unlocked]}

[Congratulations! You have unlocked an achievement by killing the 1st Scenario's sub-scenario's boss! You are the first person ever to do it!

Difficulty To Obtain: S


+500,000 points

+100 Undisturbed Stats Point

+10 Stats Each (Hidden And Base)]


[You have gained this title by defeating the sub-scenario's hidden boss of the 1st scenario! you are now known as the great slayer!

Name: The Great Slayer!

Difficulty To Obtain: S


+10,000% Stats When Fighting Against A Crawling Type Demon

100% Chance To Get Attacked By A Crawling Type Demon

100% Hatred From A Crawling Type Demon]

[(Kill 5,000,000 Grade III Demons (4,876,207/5,000,000)]

"What-" Alex minded overloaded due to so many system windows which appeared before his eyes and started to give him so much information in one go.

Suddenly Alex was hidden on the head by Samuel which made Alex look at him surprised "What was this for?"

"Bro, you are so reckless and idiot... how much nether point you got right now?"

Alex rubs his head even though it did not hurt much before looking at the hidden status window "one hundred two out of nearly eighteen thousand..."

"Idiot." Samuel sighed "Anyways... it's time for us to go back to my kingdom. I dont have much time before I faint."

"Why would you faint...?" Alex asked curiously "And bro first I will go and look out of Kevin. He needs me right now."

"I will faint due to the pain soon-" Samuel sighs and rubs his tired eyes "Just carry me to any kingdom after that."

"Alright?" Alex wasn't sure what Samuel meant but he just agreed to it like everything else.

Now... imma ask since scenario 1 will be over by tomorrow what shall I do? shall I start scenario 2 or should I pause and call this volume 1?

I will rewrite everything in the pause of a few weeks and also work on another novel. If I dont get any comments about this I will just do what I have in my mind.

Until then... cya!

TheHeavenlySleepercreators' thoughts